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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Personally I think the arrangement itself is pretty good, stylistically it's all there. Nice 'n' Metroid-esque ambience with the Mario tuneh bit. And yeah, then ending is pretty good... It just feels a lil', weak maybe? I dunno.

    You'll hate me but:

    As for the drums lacking "sizzle and shine,"

    They do. They're just missing something. It feels like a MIDI kit, Metroid kits are usually a lil'... wierder. But don't take anything I say too hard, I'm not an expert in any sense and it's just my opinion!

    Personally I kinda like it. It sets out to be what you promise.

    Oh, and as for the name... Hrmmm... Dunno. Make it clever. I like clever song titles. (That didn't help in the slightest, sorry)

  2. Hell yes.

    The latest link to this mix is not working... Got another one?

    Arrrgh! Okay, changing host. New link here!


    Should work...

    i dont think there are enough pokemon remixes...

    all i want is an ultra hard core/punk rock remix of the red/blue trainer battle...

    this one wasnt what i would have expected, but it was pretty well done! not the style i would have used for this particular song, but i love the creativity in doing it this way.

    Hrmm... I might do the R/B battle theme, I just need better guitar samples (mah Tetris ones sucked) ^^ Agreed, not enough Pokémon mixes. C'mon, the music is awesome (yet painfully simple)! And thanks very much!

  3. So I guess my question is: since there is no way I can reset that shit, if I buy a new Wii (*rolls eyes*) would that come with an older firmware that still does allow me to play Freeloader games, or am I pretty much screwed at this point?


    Try this, works for me ^^

    (You'll have to install the homebrew channel first which, apparently, voids your warranty. It's not risky at all, Nintendo don't like it.)

  4. I can't download it for some reason....

    and I've been waiting for a Violet City remix for sometime.


    Arrrgh! Noes! Damn Mediafire! If anyone knows of a hosting site that is at least partially reliable please let me know!

    As for joining the Missingno Tracks, we stopped taking submissions and remixers a while ago. There was this cycle of people signing up, not doing anything, and then quitting without telling anyone.

    I knew that, or so it seemed... It was just when someone suggested it I thought "oh, they probably know more than me about all this stuff, I guess it's open again"

    I'd suggest maybe tooling around with a different instrument for the main theme, as it's kind of hard on the ears. I see what you were going for, but it doesn't work for me.

    Ah... Well I've changed the instrument in the update but I don't think it's any softer, just different... Hrmm... Ah well, let's see how this flies.

    But don't get discouraged! If you were on my project, I'd give this a "NO, resubmit soon, please!"

    Heh, thanks anyway, should give me something to work with. And yeah! More PP to the series!

    Well I've done a few minor tweaks again and reuploaded. Damn it. I'm so not into Mediafire right now:


    (Oh and JeromeBaritone, thx, you rawk ^^)

  5. Okay, this may seem a lil' quick for an update but I've pretty much finished the arrangement now.

    I've thrown in some more references and tidyed up a lil' in places. Any criticism is very welcome- be as harsh as y'like (constructive would be nice), I wanna get this as good as I can! n__n


    (Thanks TDATL, kinda forgot to put the source, glad you like it ^^)

    jayc4life: Yeah, it is a lil' busy, I kinda liked it, if I get really negative response I'll cut it down. As for the MissingNo# Tracks, nope, I haven't. I think I might, let's see how this gets on first...

    (EDIT: It's not just Olivine, just remembered, Violet city too. Damn.)

    (EDIT AGAIN: Tweaked a lil' more- the name is a reference to the city description)

  6. Okay, right, admittedly, the last Pokémon mix I did sucked hard. Personally, I think this one is alot better. ^^

    The two Pokémon tracks OCR currently have are great, however they're just not the kinda songs I wanted from a Pokémon game. So after waiting a while for someone to remix another track I decided I'd just do one myself and see how it got on.

    I tried to slip in as many Pokémon references as I could (the gym, pokémon center and healing jingle are in there somewhere) along with the main Olivine track.

  7. This is a triumph,

    I'm making a note here, huge sucess.

    Lame joke, I know, but it's hard to over-state my satisfaction.

    I'll stop now....

    Goddammit!! I literally posted that a second after you!!! Stealin' mah lulz!!!

  8. The arpeggiated synth is awesome, and the lead guitar sequencing is a LOT better, I like the legato bends on that.

    There was a huge experience curve with making this song and I really think alot of the shoddy guitar work was just from being a complete nub. I'll go back and rework all that now. Actually, thanks very much, I never thought about all that.

    The drums don't sound brilliant either, but ok. Theres a lot of reverb on that snare.

    Yeah, again, learning curve. I think I'll gut the song out, and rework it over. Yeah, really not gunna submit it now. I guess I'd just got a lil' fed up of it for a bit, I like it again now so should be 'kay ^^

    The guitar... it is too thin. If you can up the mids and lows in the EQ I think it might help a bit. It's really a bigger problem when it is naked rather than when it has the accompaniment, but fixing it will help the entire song.

    Yeah, it just sounds really messy with the lower freq. up on the lead- however I know exactly what you mean (yeah, lots 'n' lots more realistic)

    Interesting choice of drums.

    Urm... Yah. I'll, urm, work on it.

    This song is quite short; it leaves me wanting more. According to your comment, though, it doesn't look like you want to add length to this song :).

    Don't exactly feel like it... I'm a lil' outta ideas (and very busy) however if I come across something incredible I'll easily extend it. Thanks very much! ^^

  9. And THAT's what we didn't complain about, lol.

    Errgh. I can't believe I did that... Freakin' typical...

    0:47-0:54 just makes me happy. It's awesome. The guitar at 1:35 is too sharp.

    0:47-0:54 is a personal favorite too. Especially the gamEboy intro sound ^^ And yeah, I've dampened 1:35. Thanks for reminding me!

    It would be teh smex but seriously, I doubt it's of a "yes" standard.

    Somewhere between 2:20 and 2:25 was this effect that underpinned the guitar sampling.

    I was seriously impressed with that effect, and I was gonna suggest adding another thirty seconds of that effect with whatever guitar you could pull up.

    If this is still something you could do, I would appreciate immensely!

    Wha?! I did!? Oh noes, I really hope I didn't get rid of it! Another 30 seconds? I would do another 80 years of it if you could tell me what exactly you mean. The siren noise? Or was it a guitar effect?

  10. So...for the first few seconds I was like "wtf is up with these samples?"

    I know... Annoyingly enough it's the one damn thing that's holding this song back. I'd rather not the "song's alright, crap samples, shame" syndrome. I'll try one last time with the guitars I think. It's kinda bugging me.

    Did this whole thread go buy and no one said anything about that guitar sample?

    It didn't, they did... Alot... Heh...

    'Cause this is h0tness.

    Yay! ^^

    EDIT- DAMMIT! It's been all this time and I've spelt "Gameboy" wrong in the thread title!?

  11. Okay, this is what I mean. (thanks zircon)


    Basically the Harpsichord at the start is the right volume however the guitars 'n' stuff after should be twice as loud. They're not. Infact all sounds drop. This is probably the best example conjunctively but it does this randomly throughout the entire rendering.

    Thanks very much ^^

  12. Basically I'm trying to render an FL project (obviously) into MP3 format. Off it goes and renders nice 'n' normal however on playback (not in FL now, any external media player) the volume is irregular. Bits are loud and quiet for no reason.

    I've tried everything pretty much, if anyone knows anything please help!! (I need to render this for school real soon like. Deadline closing in!! o__o)

  13. Okay, didn't realise my account screwed up. Ah well, fixed now. Yeah here it is again-


    I haven't worked on this in a while and listening to it again I think I might. So yeah, please criticise the hell outta it- it'll help more than trying to be nice ^^ It's veeeery ambient listening to it over and a lil' boring. I'm working on that now but anything y'think I've missed or should put in lemme know.

    Oh and it just fades out, it's not finished. (Before people tell me it's too short, I know)

    (Oh and in response to The Damned: I doubt you'll like it but heck, sure, why not? :D)

  14. Yes! Someone finally did this song! I love Chaos Angel, I was gunna mix it ¬___¬ - you beat me to it! I agree with Tarnish actually, 1:25 is pretty sweet. I didn't like the beginning much, it dragged on a bit without changing much- the strings sound a bit harsh in my opinion when they come in first time. But yeah, I like the style too, and the modulation bits you put in here and there.

    I'm looking forward to the update ^^

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