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Status Updates posted by ftninja

  1. Lol, nice. I close at work tonight I'll try go hop on before I pass out.

  2. Dude. Open up multiplayer on Fantasy Life!

  3. *tentatively prods you with a stick*

  4. Are you sure you got the right person? Lol.

  5. where'd you get your 'lover's vengence' achievement sig?

  6. sup inflex how's it

  7. Zyko. I'm very glad your Windwaker mix was posted. I love you for mixing Wind Waker. Thank you. Thank you so, so much.


  8. Yes. You must be my friend.

  9. Wasn't me, dad, it was Roy!

  10. i find it hilarious that you've added your pestering of me for pics of daisy to that "Odd Thread" in Offtopic. That tickled me to death to read, no lie.

  11. doing alright, doing alright. seen better days, but i've also seen worse.

  12. meh it's been pretty bland, so far. Same shit, different year, pretty much.

  13. so. innie, or outie?

  14. i love you and miss you. *is lonely*

  15. Hi! Here's hoping your 2010 started out well!

  16. So I hear you like Irish chicks...

  17. Delicious *and* nutritious, describe his remixes.

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