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Everything posted by ftninja

  1. I agree. The whole game is so remixable. I especially find myself looking for (good) remixes of the end-game battle between Yoshi and Baby Bowser. I'm sure metal heads everywhere could find some way to pump up that jam!
  2. Yeah...that's pretty damn cheesy.
  3. Oh my god, I laughed my ass off listening to this. This totally reminded me of those Saturday morning cartoons that were so horribly done it was fun. Let me explain. I think you're a very talented artist. You have a lot going for you here, I think. This is awesome. The beat you have is good, and the lyrics are sweet (what I could hear of them). I found myself distracted however. I would suggest edging the volume on the melody itself lower so you can actually hear your lyrics. I can't focus on the techno beat of the song and your lyrics at the same time. Your voice and the pitch you had it at melded with the song too much. If you were going for a humerous jab at Gannon, I love you. I completely, utterly love you. If not, then fix your vocals, and some of the lyrics. There's just no way I can keep a straight face with the voice you chose to use and the oh so comically evil sigh you have at the end of your words. Like I said, scale back the volume of the melody just a tad, and people will be able to hear your vocals more clearly.
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