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Everything posted by ftninja

  1. :3 thank you for speaking for more than yourself.
  2. People have birthdays around here? Jk, happy birthday Garian!!!! Also: cake. Also: in before Darkesword.
  3. I thought it was fucking hilarious.
  4. YES. A classic, criminally underrated game. I approve!
  5. Wait just one goddamned minute. Has anyone gone to this website? From his front page: Everything is set up and ready to go, but there’s one problem: streaming software. The software I am using works great and will be able to stream with justin.tv, but I need to buy the pro version in order to really do anything with it and I am flat broke. I can come up with the money myself (it costs $40), but if you guys could help in any way you can that would be AWESOME! If you donate towards the software money I need I will list your name in the upcoming Sponsors page. So, donate using the Chip-In widget on the right and sponsor the first SKGMedia Game-Athon! So. You want us to donate money to you so you don't have to spend your own on your streaming software? Gtfo, man. You should have had all this figured out BEFORE and had it set up BEFORE. If you want to sponsor a charity, this is *not* how you do it.
  6. Hey Doc Georgie, I've got a bloody brilliant idea. How about NOT putting your kid out there in a shitty, harsh industry? Or waiting until she grows up? Or...something? JUST ME, THOUGH, LOLZ.
  7. Kids who want something will find a way to get it, I agree. Why do you think there's fake ID's? But I digress. It's just another reason why politicians want to paint gamers as crazed, gun loving maniacs just waiting to snap and go postal. They need a bad guy, somebody to control. Sigh.
  8. Um, no offense, but why would we, a gamer community, just watch a video of somebody playing a game? And it's not even a Let's Play or a Walkthrough? Sorry, but I'm not gonna throw money at somebody who's doing something I'd rather be doing myself. For...free...
  9. Like, Portal and Portal 2? I was surprised to see the rating on the trailers I saw. Doesn't that game's storyline turn out kind of dark and gruesome? Or at least implied? I don't know, I've not played it through, just heard spoilers.
  10. Brandon, why are you wearing a wig?
  11. aww come on, Cereal...she just wants boots and boys...
  12. i whip mah hurrr back n' forth! I whip mah hurrr back n' forth! I whip mah hurrr back n' forth!
  13. I'm confused. What charity are we donating to? Does the money go toward charity or prizes?
  14. Ass Whomp. I scream "AAAAAW" as i do it. Edit: Ya'll made me realize I didn't have this game on my wii. Shame on me. Thank you.
  15. This You win the internet. :3
  16. I logged in this morning and was so happy there were new mixposts. And then I did the chibi caramel dansen cuz THIS SONG FINALLY MADE IT TO OCR! So good! Anybody who hasn't seen the video, it's brilliant!
  17. a decent...what? Booger? Victini? Fart? . Be more clear plz. Also, i'd give out my friend code if my wifi worked.
  18. So what happens to the people who watched the youtube video but didn't download anything? Would they gloss over that IP address because it wasn't repeated anywhere else (or even in California, for that matter), or would they be subpoenaing EVERYONE who didn't go to GeoHot's site or downloaded the hack too? What the shit, Sony?
  19. where'd you get your 'lover's vengence' achievement sig?

  20. Because I have a crippling case of retard. That's why.
  21. snerk. Good one, Damned.
  22. How was Minish Cap hard for you, if i may ask?
  23. I only have ever played the Wii version, and honestly, it's the first Wii game i played. Before i actually did research on it, I was not aware Gamecube had its version first. In the Wii's defense, because of the controls and my own clumsiness, yes, this version is difficult compared to a gamecube controller. Does that mean that mashing buttons and sitting down for your boss battles (like every version before the wii released) is ultimately superior? I'm confused. I thought the argument was to have *more* difficult/challenging gameplay. Now you're saying it should be *less* so?
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