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Everything posted by ftninja

  1. I don't think anybody cares. Your entire argument seems to be based around "it's not OOT" and "the graphics suck, and i'm the only one who matters". Nintendo wants to make money by trying something different. Don't like it? Don't buy it and quit bitchin'. Bark up another tree. Also, the level of difficulty in Legend of Zelda as a series seems to be varied from person to person. To the people who thought Twilight Princess was easy - teach me, sensei. Your wii skills must be perfect, and you instantly know where shit is, and where to go. I spent a total of 6 days in the Water Temple. WITH A GUIDE. 3 of those days were spent on the boss itself. Which, had anyone told me i could fucking Z-target the eye WHILE swimming, it would have taken me the total of 15 minutes it did to get out of there. Oh wait. Ya'll are talking about the GAMECUBE version. Where all you do is sit on your ass and mash buttons. Yeah, i can see how that would be too damn easy. My bad.
  2. What is it with people who need dark, realistic art just to play a damn GAME? Also, bright, fun colors =/= easy or for kids. Take, for example, Kirby's Epic Yarn. I'll admit that i fell into that trap at the beginning. "Oh it's so cute! It's so fun...but it's for kids!" No. That got squashed VERY quickly. Kirby's Epic Yarn challenges you. Kids, especially kids who have NO clue what the fuck to do, would have massive problems. Seriously, can you find all of the music cds, the apartment furniture *and* all the gems in each stage? AND keep the baddies from hitting you/taking your gems? And the boss stages, those have gem tallies too. It's NOT THAT EASY. Going back to The Legend of Zelda as a series, this is a game I'm sure they're experimenting with, much like Wind Waker. I remember there being a SHIT SLINGING FEST because of the art style in that game. But in hindsight it's one of their best games. Change is good, guys, and i know we as gamers despise change, but with the new technology possibilities coming out, I'd say this is the best route to take. I'm one of those people who say 3D is a fad that will go away one day, and to me, the art style of Skyward Sword says "Maybe we should try something other than shoving those kind of graphics down people's throats.' There's nothing wrong with Monet. Hell they might even try the Picasso style for all I know. We'd probably bitch about that too. In all honesty, I'm going to wait and see. There's some things i'm not quite sure about for SS (the whip) and there's some things i've noticed that i'm downright scared of the possibilities (why is there a healthbar for the shield?). I will say this though - after Twilight Princess being so dark and 'realistic' (for a LOZ video game), I'm excited for a change of pace.
  3. You kidding me? I have a hard enough time finding heart PIECES, much less heart CONTAINERS.
  4. Oh, so you're just pissed off because uncle dearest keeps getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter by a 17 year old kid? Understandable. Also, it's Ganondorf, human form. Ganon is his god-entity. /end nerd
  5. ...what? Illia spinning upside down was adorable? Betrayal isn't gritty? Being pulled into darkness and your soul physically appearing as a wolf is cute? What the fuck were you playing? Cuz it wasn't Twilight Princess... I don't know. I haven't played the entire series. Majora's Mask made me about piss myself by the time i got to the Happy Mask Salesman. I couldn't continue. I'll probably play that last. I consider myself as a LOZ fangirl. I don't mind that the story is pretty much the same, every game. Yes, I get irritated that I have to be shown the same cutscene over and over again (treasure chests) or told how to use a simple item (Navi). But...it's kind of expected. It's Legend of Zelda. If I didn't get a fanfare when getting the compass, it would feel like I'm not wearing my earrings, or I left the house without my shoes. That's just how I feel about it. And if I must be so honest, Legend of Zelda has never been playing the same game as everyone else. While other games are leaning more towards gore and glory (western gaming as a whole), LoZ has its own agenda. It has its own audience to please and, my name is now Frank, they know very well that the majority of the audience is composed of women, girls, fans with their genitals on the inside. LoZ knows exactly what to do and where, and Twilight Princess wasn't a game meant to scare as it was meant to entice- and that is exactly what it did. Dark enough to keep you watching, light enough to let you sleep when you finally crashed at four in the morning.
  6. My first reaction is "the hell is a Pico?" My second reaction is "We're taking dares from Sega? Srs?" Good luck to anyone who takes this on. From what I've seen, it's a cool concept with really lameass games, but remixes could be entertaining. MY HERO! Lol
  7. sup inflex how's it

  8. Uh....it's already there dude.
  9. A better 3D Kefka? Hmmmm!
  10. This completely destroys every fucking reason why I downloaded this monster onto my PSP.
  11. memory cards have been sold.
  12. Lmao. I was gonna say, "whoa, what?" Seriously, what didn't you like about Chrono Trigger? I mean come on, that game's got about as many options as DQIX. Ok, so not *that* much, but still, multiple endings? Come on! Also, if you're looking into Disgaea, there's another game that company made in the same style, called Phantom Brave. I love it. I haven't been able to get a hold of Disgaea, but it references that series.
  13. Yo i know i'm late on this, but this is an awesome thread. Looking at the cast list, iChuckle. ...watch me get stuck with Drew Barrymore or some other actress who can't act...
  14. Ok, i listened to what was up on youtube. The vocals that weren't part of the original melody - did you rip those from Bleach soundtrack? Cuz I recognize! I RECOGNIZE! But seriously, great mix! Very different sound compared to what I've heard already.
  15. Oh god. This'll bring back memories. The first VGM I ever really paid attention to was from Kirby's Adventure (NES). Green Greens: And I'd heard the song before I even played the game, so I didn't know where it came from. But when I got a hold of Duck Tales, I made a yaiz face. Moon Stage:
  16. while you were looking up 'ignorant', you should have also looked up 'condescension'. taken from dictionary.com: con·de·scen·sion /ˌkɒndəˈsɛnʃən/ Show Spelled[kon-duh-sen-shuhn] –noun 1. an act or instance of condescending. 2. behavior that is patronizing or condescending. 3. voluntary assumption of equality with a person regarded as inferior. I might need to fix my sarcasm detector, but from what I understand, you took my ignorance as inferiority. So, I became defensive and belligerent.
  17. You're still kind of a douche. But thanks for clearing shit up for me.
  18. High priority meaning? I mean come on. If you're bitching or SHOULD BE bitching about somebody 'stealing your money' you'd think NOTHING would be fair use. Please understand, I'm not trying to argue, just understand.
  19. *slowly licks Shariq's boots* I love you....it's so good...
  20. Um. Pardon me because I could be wrong. But SilvaGunner always stated what game the song was from, what company made it, who the composer was, and that he didn't create the song. I thought that's what Youtube had it's panties in a bunch for most of the time.
  21. Zyko. I'm very glad your Windwaker mix was posted. I love you for mixing Wind Waker. Thank you. Thank you so, so much.


  22. Great. Now i'm going to have to demand my first and second from the boyfriend. Totally buying this shit when it comes out. Totally.
  23. Can't be me, i don't fuck anybody. :3
  24. Something smells like fish. Or cooter. I can't tell which. If this is sincerity, good on you. I just have a bad sense of smell i guess.
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