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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Thank you, I will let him know that the next time he comes online. I recently installed a new graphics card, Sapphire Radeon HD 3650, this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102726 My computer is 7 years old though, so I am saving up to build a new one. It must be because you are skilled and managed to adapt to your computers limitations.
  2. My issue with cave is it kills my framerate. I normally get around 5-10 fps on all other maps in battle but Cave, I can just forget about playing competitively. Also, Crowbar_Man asked a question in-game yesterday, but didn't receive an answer (I don't think). He was wondering why there were no OC remixes in the in-game !radio thing.
  3. You didn't need to say it, I read your mind. It must have been your mind that was wrong, not me.
  4. Took a break from TF2 on Saturday and started playing Mother 3, it is really really good. The music is absolutely fantastic. An RPG duo of a man and his dog, how could things be any more awesome?
  5. Haha, Imagine a Sentry Gun resting on the shoulders of an Ubered Medic. A mobile, invulnerable automated turret. Are you certain that is a graphics card error Xerol? I have a graphical glitch where the missile cart turns colors like a disco ball. Just assumed these to be glitches in the game. Might want to check out this thread: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=708995&highlight=resupply
  6. Maybe it would be better to remove the schedule. You can post the schedule here, that way the people who visit OCR and it's forum frequently will know, but others that don't will use the server at any time, keeping it well-populated. If they see a certain time period that states when the server will be active, they will avoid it, thinking that it's only open at a certain time.
  7. Gentleman Medic with Ubersaw ablaze, slicing each other in a lovely chaotic dance. Truly superb. Thank you kindly
  8. In my closet I store the: Game Boy, Super Game Boy, SNES, N64, PSX, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn In my room I have hooked up: Playstation 2, Gamecube, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo DS I gave my Dad his Atari 2600 back and gave him my NES and Gamegear so my siblings could play it. Wish I hadn't of given him the NES now, you always regret giving any game/console away. Think carefully before you ever do it!!
  9. FFIV is fun, but it doesn't seem to have as high of a production value as the FFIII remake. I just can't quite come to accept Cecil's voice in either English or Japanese either. Regardless, it's lots of fun. It was a blast last night, server wasn't full at any time, but the combination of the personalities on made for a fun game.
  10. Scandalous! I kept checking the server last night, but it was constantly dead. The Gamefaqs server was alright until two people joined and slayed everyone repeatedly. A Spy back stabbed my foot, MY FOOT. If the OCR server is dead tonight, I'm going to have to eat dead kittens.
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