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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Seems there are some kinks to work out with the update, but an interesting update nontheless.
  2. Here is an image posted on the Steam forum, that shows the change to Goldrush:
  3. Just tried to join the server and received this error: Host_Error: Server is enforcing file consistency for particles/water.pcf The map is Goldrush Did a search, but only returned results from Russian websites. Oh, I see why, it's most likely due to Steams update today. No worries. My apologies.
  4. Fantastic news. I wonder how that will work though, is it just ammo pickups or can you also recharge it by picking up fallen weapons? It would be more interesting if you could only recharge your cloak by picking up the metal/ammo from destroyed enemy Engie buildings, that would make it more of an incentive to successfully destroy buildings. That would also allow for more reasoning as to what it is that is recharging the cloak, you could say it's batteries or fuel from the Engie buildings (Would also explain why the Spy seems so much more flammable than everyone else).
  5. What happens is users are removed after a certain time of inactivity, I think.
  6. Just need to map the keys to joypad and I'm good to go. Surprisingly better then I thought it would be and is a nice treat if you don't have a PS3 or 360 to play Mirrors Edge on.
  7. Many thanks
  8. It is a good map for Snipers, Soldiers and Spies.
  9. It's quite a nice map Zephyr! Has nice little touches that give it personality and the spawn side-by-side with transparent walls is cool. The only problem I had was in the middle of the map it would give a drop in frame rate, but it's not a big deal. Nice work!
  10. Nice that you've included the frog into the map as well! XD
  11. Dr. Boskonovitch! The only thing that has changed more then Yoshimitsu's appearance is his story. He was first not from Earth and leader of the Manji clan, then was a regular human, then was an alien again and then some sort of bug/skeleton creature thing from Mt. Fuji and I do not know anymore. Give me the days of Tekken 2 back please.
  12. Holy Shalashaska of Zanzibar, that was beautiful!
  13. Thank you for making this thread! I had been waiting for this to be released and then had completely forgotten! Quite a nice replication of Silent Hill 2. Very nice! The music and sound effects really complete the atmosphere the original had. My only complaint would be the scrolling fog effect really slows things down, but that is not important.
  14. That's horrible news Bonzai. I hope your computer problem is one that can be remedied quickly, easily and cheaply. It seems the fervor has died down a bit. Hopefully OCR will be filled with players soon!
  15. Do notice, I said part, good Sir. It was part of his personality, one of the first things you came to notice about him. Those you listed, also greatly encompass who Frog is and what makes him so likable.
  16. His manner of speech was part of what made him such a likable character. That is unfortunate news.
  17. No, no no no no no they will RUIN Yoshimitsu. I was so down trodden when I saw he had a role in the anime for all of 2 seconds, I simply don't want to see how they will destroy him in a live action movie. I will probably still watch it though
  18. Well, time to move to Sweden. Seriously though, everything I hear about Sweden is positive. Is the quality of life there really that good?
  19. Yeah, he seems pretty humble about it, which is a good thing. Also, the Macy's parade was on already? Geez!
  20. Music to frag by, that was wonderful! The accompanying pictures only make it sweeter.
  21. Yes yes, please do! Many lovely detailed pictures, from all angles!
  22. It was nice to see some familiar faces (well figuratively speaking) tonight. It was an enjoyable game.
  23. Just remember, wedding cake. The sweet, sweet wedding cake.
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