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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Everyone has been lured by the sirens song of Left 4 Dead, curses! Lovely, apt password. As for the payment problem, that seems to be a pretty prevalent issue. Only thing you can do is try and try again. By the by, what browser do you use when you try to purchase things via Steam?
  2. I really wish Chrono Break would come to be. Chrono Cross left more questions then answers. A very enjoyable game but, so many questions. If any of you have not tried it, look up "Radical Dreamers". It was a Satellaview game, so you'd have to search for a translated rom. Even more questions arise.
  3. Ah, that sounds logical. I even tried to look that up haha
  4. haha Hard to even tell what it is. One way looks like a broken leg, the other, some weird pistol with a potato on the end.
  5. 4pm? I'm not sure what the L means though.
  6. Not to whine, but there is someone on right now by the name of ADD FOR CHEAT up to shenanigans with a buffer overflow which is just kicking everyone off the server. Ah, nevermind that, I think Bahamut took care of it. That was interesting.
  7. Left 4 Dead is a fun game, but it doesn't fill the niche that TF2 does.
  8. That was such great fun last night. Thank you, thank you to whomever the wonderful person was who added Egypt! I actually liked grassandcave more then I originally though I would, but it's true it needs some tweaking. Studio was really quite nice, what with the bushes to hide in and all and the pagoda which was barraged with many a Scout who were promptly met with a rocket.
  9. The CG was never a strong point in the series, so my expectations for CG quality in the movie were minimal at best. I think that's why you don't hear many a gripe, most truly weren't expecting Square quality CG here.
  10. His name was "Name Error", if memory serves and I believe he was waiting for someone to ask him for the updated map. I think maybe he became upset that no one asked him. I can't be certain though, since those are just my thoughts.
  11. Here's a video of people playing on it. I just had to post this, I am so so sorry hahah
  12. I quite like Cranetop, has a nice atmosphere to it. Don't really care much for grassandcave as it seems pretty dull. I think people might become tired/bored of that quickly. If people here are interested, is there any chance we could try the Egypt CP map? http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/54003 Well, maybe that one isn't so good, seems it's too easy to capture the points and it hasn't been updated since it was released, fess.
  13. I never noticed that! Yes yes, I want those so badly! Maybe the 10th is the announcer? Wonder if there is any meaning to that, wouldn't be the first time Valve has teased us with something only to make it a reality later (Pyro's Flare Gun and Sandvich to name some off the top of my head).
  14. There's two people on now! I was on just a bit ago, but combined choppy framerate and lag made me leave and play Left 4 Dead. OCR server was pretty full for a while, but you can tell everyone's preoccupied with Left 4 Dead.
  15. I've finished the single player mode and while I enjoyed it it's obvious that online is where you want to go. Sniping zombies was lots of fun.
  16. I'm downloading it as I type this.
  17. Hmm, will Gametrailers do? http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/288171.html Part 2 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/288202.html
  18. http://media.dvd.ign.com/media/142/14269199/vids_1.html Resident Evil: Degeneration is a full-length CG movie. It is to be released on December 17th on DVD and Blu-ray. Alyson Court continues the role of Claire, so if you've played RE2 or RE: CV, her voice will be a familiar one and hey, Steven J Blum is in it too. The animation is a little stiff and CG looks a bit dull at times, but it was entertaining. Enjoy!
  19. On that subject, is everything alright with Dr. Tiddlywink? He seemed rather angry yesterday and didn't use voice chat, that and he removed everyone from his friends list. Hmm that's a nice picture, though I imagined her a little bit younger. Nice touch how she's both RED and BLU.
  20. Agreed. It's nice to have a lower number sometimes. You have to try harder when there's less team mates to back you up.
  21. I was just about to join and saw it wasn't there. Just before that Steam said TF2 was unavailable.
  22. hahah Okay, I cast my vote for you as well.
  23. I think that in your perspective you may feel people don't care, but that is far from the truth. I was and still am very grateful for the OCR server. I've been to other servers, but none that had the same atmosphere as the OCR server. You have maturity mixed with a nice touch of goofiness. It is thoroughly enjoyable and I don't even want to think of the day when that ends. As I see it, Atmuh's server is a sort of place to go to "let your hair down". Do what you will without worry of your stats. Once you've had your fun, you switch over for a more serious game on OCR.
  24. I really enjoyed Ubuntu and I still like it, but I am SO tired of fiddling with it. It is very temperamental, mainly GNOME. It will work fine for a few days, then one day I start up and I'm having graphic driver issues. I scroll up and down a page and it's terribly laggy/choppy. So, that means I will have to reinstall the driver, which will take me all day as installing ATI drivers is problematic on Ubuntu. For games, I would just switch back to Windows, as WINE felt rather buggy and cumbersome to me and to play newer games you'd need a good computer anyways.
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