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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Oh, reading that txt file I see why he asked me to leave now. I was totally clueless and left the game heh
  2. Hello! I wasn't sure as to what to say beforehand as I wasn't even sure if I would be considered a regular or not. I had thought maybe OCR only would be for those in the OCR clan. If it is not a trouble, I'd be grateful. Crowbar_Man is a regular as well, however he doesn't post on the forums and so I will speak up on his behalf.
  3. I would have to disagree, the most recent was just yesterday when Pavlvs Magnvs said my Sandvich looked tasty. I thought the Medic Uber chain was a blast and it would have been awesome to have countered that and destroy the momentum they had going. The challenge is the fun, but everyone plays the game differently and enjoys it in their own way. As I said before, I wouldn't want any of the OCR regulars to leave. It's a blast playing with everyone and it's that mixture that makes it so enjoyable and I wouldn't want to see any of what makes it so great be taken out. By the by, I am still laughing over the SpaghettiO's guy.
  4. I wouldn't want to see ZUZ banned or anything. Every so often they add a bit of fun and liven up the game with their antics. I think the OCR server would be a bit empty without them. That being said though, they should stop when people get upset about it, at least, it's the sportsman-like thing to do. I wouldn't want anyone else to leave because of their behavior. The ZUZ are pretty skilled at what they do and in the end it helps everyone else get better. Well my post was worthless, but I wouldn't want to see anyone go, so hopefully a civil solution can be agreed upon.
  5. That fills my heart with happiness. Reset. was really good. Watching him play Scout, he danced around so skillfully. He jumped over a Heavy and onto his head and shot him to death.
  6. I nearly had a heart-attack when I saw that. So wonderful.
  7. Did I flee? I should most certainly hope not. Heavy is a blast to play, especially when pushing a cart.
  8. Oh, I totally messed that up. Your most played class is Demoman, not Medic. What you said works too, yes, THAT WAS MY JOKE HA HA
  9. Congratulations expectant mother! Soon you will hear the pitter patter of little Medics feet.
  10. Thanks! Hopefully you like it, because if you don't then it will reflect poorly on everyone who said it was a good map and then you will bare a grudge against those FOR ALL ETERNITY.
  11. If you are curious of a game running on your computer, you can try this site: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest It will give you a general answer of if a game will run on your computer or not, now it is not the final word as sometimes it tells you you can't run a game and yet you can. Conversely, I do believe that if you go to purchase a game on Steam, it will tell you if your computer can not run the game.
  12. I would say so, I was getting consistent 20-30 FPS on that map. Nice and smooth. There hasn't been a full server on that map yet though, but so far so good and that makes me love the map even more.
  13. Yeah, Downtown is a really awesome map and it's close to what Valve themselves create. You have areas where the Snipers can perch, but you also have counter areas where the opposing teams' Snipers can pick them off as well. You have openings in the ceilings to allow picking off those who wish to capture your point. The fourth floors have nice dark areas with which to hide in and YOU CAN SHOOT OUT THE GLASS WINDOWS. The theme of the level is really nice too, seemingly out in the middle of no where. Not only that, but it's simplicity makes it easy on the computer.
  14. Nice that you want someone else to enjoy it, however, the game won't go bad. You can keep it and then somewhere along the line when you DO have a better computer, you can enjoy it in all it's glory.
  15. Slight deviation from the topic, I remember hearing about a Pokemon online game, where it was essentially like the hand held series, but online. Wonder how that went. I'm surprised there isn't an online Pokemon card battle, suppose that wouldn't be as good since part of the charm of card battles is collecting the cards.
  16. It would be Legend of Zelda and Blaster Master. During the separation of my family, some things sort of got lost. That one song from Blaster Master will forever remain in my head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Ebsa_Pc9U Track #2 in this video. A boy and his frog
  17. I tend to follow my patient even into death. It's not losing, it's DEDICATION! Pyro - For when you're tired of being stabbed in the back. Spy BBQ
  18. It would probably be a good idea to first get an estimate from your local collectors shops. You can keep those estimates then try online auction sites or set up your own shop. Remember pictures are worth a thousand words, make your cards look good and take appealing photos. You can try this site to get a general idea http://www.sierrascollectibles.com/pokemon-prices.htm I have an attic full of the Burger King Pokemon toys, glancing on Ebay, they don't seem to be popular. The gold plated cards that you would display in the Poke balls were pretty darn cool.
  19. What would be the appropriate thing to say here Heywaitaminute that reminds me of something... It's also funny when a Scout circles around a Heavy, bonking him with his bat.
  20. They say that a relationship where the woman wears the pants are the ones that are actually very good, healthy relationships. Not sure how true that is though.
  21. haha So the price lured you in too huh? From what I have read, it's a fun and unique game. I'm going to give it a go once I make enough room on my HDD. For anyone interested, here's some information about it: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/932682.asp?q=the%20ship
  22. No need for apologies. I appreciate the help and information. The monitor is plugged into the jack on the graphics card, my driver is dated from Jan-Feb of this year, I am unable to update it to ATI's latest because, from what I have read, ATI does not support the AGP version of my card. The Sapphire website, also does not offer downloads for this card. I get this error when I try to install the updated drivers: "Setup did not find a driver compatible with your current hardware or operating system. Setup will now exit." About the name: Someone asked me via voice chat yesterday and I get so nervous when men talk to me directly that I'm not even sure if I answered him correctly and then Crowbar_Man stated I sounded angry, so I felt very bad. Wasted opportunity to inform, but you've given me a second chance! My name is taken from a line in "House of the Dead 2". I played it on the Dreamcast back then and the voice acting was so horrible and so emotionless that it was funny. In one scene in the most emotionless voice, the character says, "We're meeting G over there". A memorable line right next to this one: Since TF2 is a Valve game, it was fun to try and toss a Half Life reference into the name, so instead of "G" it was "Gman".If you're not familiar, here is a video of voice clips from HotD2:
  23. I'll give that a shot today, see what comes of it!
  24. Here is a screen shot I took one day while spectating, you can see the FPS in the upper right-hand corner. On occasion it will temporary go up to the 20's and if I look at a wall or the sky I can get 40 fps. If the server has under 6 people in it, I can get around 20 fps, but anything above 6 people and the framerate plumets. I've done defrags, scan disks, made ample room on my HDD's, scanned for viruses and closed all unnecessary programs. I am also using a config file that is supposed to remove things such as blood, gibs, fancy lighting, eyeballs, teeth, ejected bullet casings, limited the number of decals, ect, though for some reason some of the configs don't work. Game settings are everything turned to low, except textures, which are set to high (I like looking at peoples sprays) with a resolution of 1024x768. Thank you for all the feedback thus far. It was much appreciated.
  25. Here are the specs of my computer. I just assume it's CPU that is the bottleneck CPU: Pentium 4 2ghz RAM: 1 gig Graphics: Sapphire Radeon HD 3650 It's been a good computer all these years.
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