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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Many games have moved me and made me think. Silent Hill 2 is a good example, the story line is one that doesn't judge any of the characters, there is no such thing as a good or evil person, just people who react to their given environment and situation, it simply shows how each one of them deals with a particular situation. Such a thing has helped me to feel more sympathetic and understanding of others.
  2. A word of caution: if you are clearing data on a HDD make sure it's not the one with your master boot record. In my anxiousness to return the defective HDD, I failed to think ahead. Good job idiot. Anyways, sorry to post another video, but this one is really nicely done! Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_yTuufeM-Y&feature=channel_page
  3. You play Clarinet too? It would have been wonderful to hear that!
  4. Not sure if you are familiar, but there is this man that left his job and takes videos of himself just dancing in various places around the world. There is a group who makes a machinima TF2 series and they made an imitation video using TF2 characters.
  5. Nice spunky music for the equally spunky Scout. The 3rd person perspective is nice as you don't see that a lot in TF2 game play videos. It gives a nice show in the flow of movement around the map.
  6. CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack, http://www.cccp-project.net/ if you are unfamiliar) and Media Player Classic Homecinema. I really wanted to go about and just download codecs seperately based on what I needed, but AVICodec couldn't even detect the codec that I needed so I just relented and installed CCCP.
  7. Brushfire, you can do machinima using Source SDK, which is a free download since you already have TF2. Garry's mod is great though and it's only 10$, so it's completely worth it.
  8. Disabling pure on a server with HLstatsX? Craziness! The update sounds wonderful, all except for custom crosshair. It is just personal opinion, but I've come to really love how TF2 is rather homogeneous in comparison to other FPS's.
  9. Who is the maker of your HDD? Have you tried going to their site and looking for diagnostic tools?
  10. If you haven't played it, you should really do yourself a favour and play Star Ocean for the SNES. There are sites that have a translated available. The game is quite buggy though, as is most everything tri-Ace does, but that is part of their charm. The first game was my absolute favourite. I used to adore Star Ocean 2, but then I played Star Ocean and I completely devoured it. It was so fun creating items and exploring every nook and cranny of the world, I did all the extra things you could do in that game, just because it was so enjoyable. Star Ocean 2 pales in it's comparison. Star Ocean 2 is a great game, but it has always suffered due to the mixture of 2D and 3D. The 2d sprites themselves are rather poor looking and stick out in the 3D world. I understand the time period, but it would have been so much better had they focused on either entire 3D or entire 2D and not a so-so mixture of each side. Star Ocean 3 didn't ever seem to move pas the "meh" feeling for me. It was enjoyable and I completed it, but it didn't hook me and make me want to explore. I enjoyed the story and the characters were intruiging, but the item creation was HORRIBLE. Unfortunately, I don't have a PSP so I can't comment on the Star Oceans released for that. Though, I do recall I had some misgivings about their Star Ocean remake and the opinion the art looked somewhat generic. It seems they also just used resources from the PSX Star Ocean 2. That's understandable... BUT STILL!
  11. Just did a bit of searching and found some answers. Now I do not know these people, so I can't verify they are what they claim to be, but it's a start.
  12. Most information seems to point towards a faulty cable: http://www.howtomendit.com/answers.php?id=74259 http://www.ocforums.com/archive/index.php/t-237377.html Or video card http://ask-leo.com/the_images_on_my_screen_seem_to_shimmer_or_flicker_and_give_me_a_headache_is_there_anything_i_can_do.html Hope that was helpful. Always try the simplest and easy solutions before you move on to the harder, dirtier stuff!
  13. You just needed the appropriate music to bring out your true self!
  14. I can't believe I haven't ever noticed that. Oh, cripes.
  15. I can't comment on price, since I can't remember how much a single roll of Bounty paper towels are, but you should see the one page for milk. There were some well-crafted reviews there. Here's the milk one: http://www.amazon.com/Tuscan-Whole-Milk-Gallon-128/dp/B00032G1S0/ref=tag_dpp_lp_edpp_ttl_in By J. Fitzsimmons (Milwaukee, Wi) - See all my reviews Has anyone else tried pouring this stuff over dry cereal? A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
  16. Am I daft or was there also an update yesterday? When I went to run TF2, it started the updater and the first map I played on was Steel and I noticed that I could see many tiny Scouts feet under the BLU Battlements gate that leads to B and opens after setup. So it seems they've added a small gap under the gate from which you can see your opponents. There were no update notes, though, I guess it would help if I went over to the Steam forum.
  17. heh, I was using a voice altering program to make myself sound like a squirrel. Since you said the effects originally wouldn't work in-game, I guess you aren't using MorphVOX then?
  18. Nice patch, Brushfire. The only suggestion I would make, that hasn't been said, is that maybe the letters would be more noticeable if they were filled in, rather then just an outline. Thank you for the thought, however I have a new computer now, so frame rate isn't a problem anymore. Too bad you can't use those though, I would love to see them in action.
  19. Pie will be served only after all punch is consumed. Also, free jumpsuits will be provided.
  20. Tomorrow, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II will be open for beta testing, provided you have DoW: Soulstorm or have pre-ordered DoW II. Don't have Soulstorm and/or don't want to pre-order DoW II? The sly buggers planned for this and until Jan 28th you can buy DoW: Soulstorm for $7.50. If you don't feel like doing any of that, you can just wait, because the beta will be available to all on Jan 27th. Have fun!
  21. Yes, there is a program called, "Easy Graphic Converter". http://www.etrusoft.com/graphic-converter/ I use this program and it's very nice. It's fast and has a simple, clean interface. You can change the quality settings too. The file and website are both safe.
  22. Thank you very much Brushfire, it is sincerely appreciated!
  23. I suppose I was a bit confused. Are these going to be mailed out? Would you like shipping to be paid? I wouldn't want it to be out of your pocket.
  24. The patches sound cool, if it's not a trouble, could someone be gracious enough to post a photograph of one once they receive?
  25. Don't take it to heart. From what Atmuh said, Idorts is down and so the refugees went to Fightatron to get their mic-spam fix.
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