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Everything posted by Wipomatic

  1. Looking at this thread makes me sad
  2. I want to play Brawl
  3. If the freeloader isn't blocked by Nintendo or anything stupid happens, I should be playing Brawl within a week or so. If it doesn't work, prepare to hear my screams of rage across the world.
  4. But we get Mario Kart about a week earlier than you, but don't even have a release date for Brawl.
  5. No idea, I sent Nintendo of Europe an email asking them politely about Brawl's release date but they didn't even bother to send me a stock reply back, so that shows how much they care.
  6. Poor baby, a whole two weeks away? However will you manage?
  7. The shop theme is in Brawl.
  8. But I want to argue some more.
  9. That's an oxymoron if ever I heard one.
  10. Is it just me or does Brawl have a load more glitches than Melee ever had?
  11. Bawww, I don't like interesting things, I only want flat boring crap because I can't handle anything random.
  12. Haha, I love that video, I saw it a couple of months ago and now whenever I'm playing as Captain Falcon on Temple I make sure to run from my enemies at that point in the song so I can do that every time.
  13. It's an RPG, but instead of fighting monsters as a warrior or a mage or whatever, you "pwn" forums as a troll, emo or cam whore.
  14. This is pretty fun. I'm a level 6 Troll! http://www.forumwarz.com/
  15. Yes it has been, it even says so in the update. "I believe some will find this technique to be slightly less important than it was in the previous game."
  16. You realise it's been in every Smash Bros game?
  17. I would rather have them not speak at all than do what they did with Sonic games and make him a gibbering idiot who is annoying to listen to.
  18. Agreed, I love the roster.
  19. Why Nintendo, why?
  20. What the fuck? They have a release date for that rubbish but not for Brawl?
  22. But would that work with online and not brick my Wii?
  23. I'm starting to get worried about Brawl EVER being released in Europe. That stuff recently where the spokesman said "no European date has ever been announced for Smash Bros" doesn't really bode well.
  24. Full SSBB Angel Island remix released: http://ss.sonicstadium.org/download/angelisland.mp3
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