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Everything posted by Wipomatic

  1. For Sonic especially, I really want to see whether they just recolour him, give him hats or something, or maybe reskin him as Shadow or whatever.
  2. The announcer was different from SSB to Melee. I'm sure we'll get used to the change
  3. Well, being in the UK means this will probably push it's release here to 2009 or something. Wooo
  4. Maybe they'll release Brawl in Europe first! Yeah, I know they won't.
  5. Does anyone know how to download the clips off the site? I'd like to be able to watch this without having to load it each time.
  6. I seriously doubt we'll see any more Sonic characters beyond assist trophies. Remember, Sakurai said after Snake we'll be looking at 1 or 2 more third party characters. If there is another third party character it's most likely going to be Bomberman or Megaman or someone along those lines.
  7. Or maybe it'll be a choice on the already revealed Wario Ware stage?
  8. It's 8am GMT if that helps.
  9. I would enjoy the game a lot more if the money you paid to people to talk was cumulative instead of having to pay more and more each time. Pinkle tells you to try and keep expenses down, but trying to pay less money to get all the info just means you have to pay again and again to get it all. It's really annoying.
  10. Haha, what the fuck, I was wondering what you were talking about other videos because I could only see one, and then I checked the US site instead of the UK site. I sure love how even on the internet, they try and fuck Europe over.
  11. You do realise it's not one long thing? "It’s storyline isn’t overwrought – it’s hastened along by a bunch of quick movies."
  12. His hat has ALWAYS said Nintendo on it.
  13. Gah, I can't start my day right without a Smash Bros update. I hope it appears soon.
  14. I did the same actually. I stood a little way behind her for a while and listened. Even when she tried to kill me, I kinda felt bad.
  15. Ahhh, blue. I have fond memories of the blue.
  16. Holy SHIT that's good. The only thing I can fault it on is that it uses the jump noise from Sonic CD instead of the ones from Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles but that's just a personal niggle.
  17. Well, I liked it.
  18. I love how all the girls in the video look bored shitless.
  19. Don't use that item then, no one's forcing you to.
  20. Does anyone know if the screen dimensions for the DS and the Lite are the same? I've managed to buff out nearly all the scratches on my touch screen now, but I'm feeling a lot more cautious about playing EBA until I know my screen is safe.
  21. Well fuck. I bought some DS lite Styluses from Game and after five minutes of playing with them on Elite Beat Agents my screen is fucking scratched.
  22. I try to, but I get excited on Jumpin' Jack Flash and kinda forget.
  23. Yeah, I know it's too big but I'll just keep it on a string somewhere or something. I'd rather that than fucking my finger up.
  24. I've been playing a lot of Elite Beat Agents recently and the original DS stylus is killing my finger. I've been thinking of getting some DS lite styluses. Is there anything stopping me using a DS lite stylus on an original DS? They're not made of different stuff or anything?
  25. I can't tell if DK is horrified or pleased. O__o
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