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Everything posted by Wipomatic

  1. I wouldn't worry about the machine gun, it's pretty weak compared to basically anything else, it's generally easier to punch the guys or grab a swingable weapon.
  2. I just did, that's what's annoying.
  3. ARG, I was halfway through stage 7 and it crashed on me. That's mighty annoying.
  4. I've been playing for nearly a week and so far I think it's pretty good, I think I'll get 3 months of time and see how it goes.
  5. You've convinced me, I'm downloading now.
  6. Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?
  7. It's an old, obscure Megadrive/Genesis game that had amazingly awesome music. Any remix would be nice, but the town or training ground themes would be great.
  8. OMG SONIC'S GONNA BE IN THAT'S AWESOME!11!!!1!!!!!1!11!!!!shift+one!1!! If you look at them in a certain way they kind of look like Pikmin. I should start a petition to keep sonic out of Brawl D:< No.
  9. They probably don't want to show too much off in the trailer. I hope that's what they're doing, otherwise it might get a bit samey.
  10. Well, anything new at this point is welcome. It's been a long time since we've had anything new. And also, Sonic is awesome, so he should be in.
  11. NO His primary attack is a freakin' jump. And I don't want to get spammed by idiots who just mash the homing attack button. Ugh. Yep, because I'm sure if they add him, they won't adjust his moves at all, just make it so he can home attack constantly. It's not like they have two games worth of knowing how balance the characters.
  12. There's a suspicous lack of Sonic on that list.
  13. Are the green ones third party and the blue ones Nintendo?
  14. I think that the different styles of graphics would look cool. Because Windwaker Link would look wrong not cel shaded.
  15. This just made me die a little bit on the inside. I hope he has absolutely zero chance of making it into the game. I will elaborate upon request but not until then. Request for elaboration submitted.
  16. Use Yoshi, and attack the sandbag by tapping the jump button and then using his down A flutter kick a few times, that should give it enough damage to go far enough.
  17. I think a Sunshine Mario would be better than the Doc, as there's more chance for variety with moves and style of play. Also three Links would be nice, Majora's mask one with masks for the B moves, Windwaker one with the grappling hook and Deku leaf and things and the TP one as seen in the video.
  18. What the hell? Meta Ridley is the devil himself! I tried about 6 times to kill the bastard with no luck(and each fight taking about an agonizing hour of pain and evil). I'm not offended, just amazed you found him so easy. The really annoying thing was both our healths went down at about the same rate, one time, his health was so low one hit would kill him, but so was mine. I had just charged the plasma beam but he lept at me, I tried to jump but he killed me. I still hear Samus' screams at night.
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