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Everything posted by Wipomatic

  1. I'd download it, if I didn't already own the discs.
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone happen to know what the chords to K.K. Cruisin' are? I was trying to work them out on the piano and I just can't get it to sound right. Here's a link to the song on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk74ApOw1ZQ
  3. Can't stop laughing at this.
  4. Ruh roh http://wiihacks.blogspot.com/2008/07/gamecube-and-classic-controllers-banned.html
  5. I finally fill my the entire fossil part of the museum and now I'll have to do it again. ;_;
  6. So it's basically Secret Rings but with king Arthur instead of Arabian nights? Well Secret Rings was certainly a lot better than Shadow and Sonic 2006 but I'm still more hopeful about Unleashed.
  7. Because it's working.
  8. Ah, delicious nostalgia.
  9. While the doki doki panic version of SMB2 isn't technically Mario, it did introduce at least a couple of iconic Mario enemies, namely Bob-ombs and Shy guys. That must be worth something.
  10. That's all they've been doing in the video's comment section.
  11. Yeah, considering you could copy all of Melee's data from memory cards and move it around, Brawl is a step back in that respect.
  12. What?! I love that tune.
  13. Nintendo haet Europe. ;_;
  14. Cruel Brawl makes me cry.
  15. Pinball Dreams on the Amiga is and always will be the greatest pinball game of all time.
  16. I wanted a 3D platformer and they've given me lego racers. Great.
  17. Not if you live in europe and don't import
  18. The only thing that really annoyed me was the abrupt transitions between each bit without any attempt to lead from one to the other, it was more like lots of little songs rather than one big one. That said, I liked all the bits with the opera rap, Casio keyboard drumbeat and tuba because it reminded me of Earthbound. edit: Having listened to the most wanted song as well, I fear for the future of mankind if that's the music that people like most.
  19. This is why Sonic Team thinks they can keep giving us shit.
  20. I-I guess I won't be in any more games then...
  21. Halo 3 invented bad games
  22. Has anyone from Europe got a freeloader and Brawl yet? I'm still hesitant over it.
  23. Haha, it's nice to be reminded of the Disney Master System games that I used to play with my dad when I was but a lad.
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