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Everything posted by Wipomatic

  1. Oh god I want that to happen so much
  2. Hahaha oh god. This means Europe's not going to get it til 2015 probably
  3. I'm pretty certain Luigi will be playable. If they took him out, there would be massive uproar.
  4. I got a free game but you're getting Brawl in February and I probably won't get it until August so don't moan.
  5. I dug out all of my old games and registered them all and got enough Wii points to get Paper Mario so I'm pretty happy
  6. They never announced a release date for Europe, in fact they still haven't, they just say after June. Knowing how much Nintendo cares about Europe, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't come until next christmas.
  7. lol americans don't know what northern lights are
  8. Haha oh wow. I really don't think they were planning on moving the release date.
  9. His new game is pretty awesome. There's an amazing bonus game if you complete a certain mission with a certain outfit
  10. OH GOD THAT'S AWESOME I was replaying 5 days a stranger a couple of days ago thinking it would be awesome to have another game with Trilby in it. And as I'm very easily scared I'm kind of glad it isn't another horror game.
  11. It came out two days ago in "the americas"
  12. lolwut 78910
  13. Ever played the first Zelda on the NES? Ever used the flute to transport between dungeons? Yeah
  14. You are several types of awesome.
  15. Apparently you swim in water now instead of just treating it exactly the same way as air.
  16. That's totally different.
  17. I'm betting the ten thousand grains I've just donated might feed them for a bit
  18. This is pretty cool. Test your vocabulary skills while donating rice to starving people. http://www.freerice.com/index.php
  19. How the fuck is that wasting a character slot?
  20. "This is an infringement of copyright law that in financial terms causes immeasurable lost to record companies" Awww, poor record companies.
  21. I see what you did thar
  22. Wow, everyone on the smashboards are crying over this.
  23. Anyone got a picture or a video or some explanation on what he does?
  24. Wow, there are more levels in those videos than there were in the whole of Melee. I've got high hopes for adventure mode this time
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