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Everything posted by FM

  1. yo I hope it goes without saying that if you want to use any of my zelda oot project for your zelda oot project you are welcome to

  2. Sorry if this one gets asked all the time, I've only read a few pages back: I was wondering why the site doesn't double (or triple!) the judge panel so as to get through the queue faster. You could even enlist a handful of talented writers to do remix write ups to keep that whole thing moving as well... with the number of good submissions and the size of the backlog it seems a shame not to have something new posted every day.
  3. Boss battle!! 5/25/12 - Big Boss Vs. General Strike (Boss Battle ( ))
  4. New Zelda tune isn't quite ready yet, but as an appetizer have these three Final Fantasy VI mixes from the recently completed contest! #1 - Alexander's Courage (Blackjack Airship them) URL: http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/alexanders-courage Named of course after the composer of the original Star Trek theme Alexander Courage. The reason why should be obvious for anyone familiar with the theme! #2 - Tectonic Levitation (Floating Continent) URL: http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/tectonic-levitation This one is LOUD. and distorted and kinda out of joint. To simulate the feeling of being on an unstable place... yeah. #3 - The Face of Imperialism (The Ghestal Empire) URL: http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/the-face-of-imperialism A pretty straightforward orchestral cover.
  5. I didn't listen to this on headphones so the stereo field is kinda weird..... I'll leave it to the thread to decide if you guys want to, is this a bug or a feature? Should I go back and fix the panning or leave it as is?
  6. bari sax I'm guessing? best instrument in the known world
  7. TIme for nobody's favorite track! 5/23/12 - Fear 'n Trembling (Battle )That's right, the vanilla battle music! Something to get your heart racing and your palms sweaty! maybe.. This is the weirdest one so far no doubt, and I also had a lot of fun with it....
  8. apologies!! I realized I uploaded the wrong version, so I struck the link. Correct version is now up!
  9. Treat Yourself (Zora's Domain ( )Welcome back! It's been a while but the break is over! enjoy!
  10. It's been a while, I've broken some promises but I'm recharged and stoked. Tomorrow: Zora's Domain! And resuming the MWF schedule. I'm excited. hope you are too! see you then.
  11. Very interesting, thank you. How do you feel about the dialogue/sound design in his reel? Even though it's obviously a demonstration of a certain skill to be able to work around the dialogue and sound, I feel like the B-rate acting (and sometimes editing and directing) inevitably reflects on the reel, at least unconsciously. Like, "This seems like a movie pretending to be a bigger budget movie, so therefore the music must be similar." At least, it was all I could think of during the more cringe-worthy scenes. I dunno, thoughts? I'm not planning on much dialogue if any in my video reel, but I feel like that might be going a bit far.. (Also I'm already working on a video reel...this exercise is for the eventual tight audio-only reel, but I'll certainly post the video reel when I feel comfortable) [by the way, since this is in the MC&P forum, this thread doesn't need to just be about me. Anyone looking for advice or feedback can post their film reels or demos.]
  12. I think anyone who sticks with this stuff long enough grows to appreciate "harsh" feedback so long as it's on point and constructive. Cheers! (Any word on Ned's reel? I'd like to see it if possible...)
  13. DUDE, you probably don't remember me at all but you absolutely crucified a Zelda mix of mine on VGMix like 9 years ago (and introduced me to the concept of parallel 5ths to boot). I was "Standing Man" then. I can't believe you're still around (I wasn't, for ages, but I came back to make MORE ZELDA MIXES!!!)! Hope things are well. You're right about the length and the lack of visuals, but, and maybe I didn't make it clear in my description, this isn't something I'm planning on sending to directors. Essentially the goal of this exercise was to see what excerpts from cues people here find interesting for a future 5ish min reel variety demo (while it's true that montage reels are kinda shitty, sometimes the job I might be applying to is so vague that showing a lot of range exceeds being able to develop (and though I disagree with your comment about 'everything else being magic tricks' for being overly harsh, I do understand the point and the fact that inevitably directors will want to see that) You're also dead right about the compression, I'm not sure what I was thinking there. Well, I was thinking that it was a 19 minute reel with a ton of different styles that I didn't want to go in and adjust by hand for feedback on forums, but that's actually idiotic and lazy and I didn't want to admit it! Thanks for still giving wonderful feedback nearly a fuckin decade later! Such a trip.. (Also, your example reel got deleted )
  14. Hey folks I'm on and off running this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37897 trying to make my way through the entire Zelda OoT soundtrack for nostalgic reasons and as payback for the lovely VG arrangements I loved from like McVaffe and DJP when I was 12. Post a sample of your singing here or email me at mikezaz@gmail.com if you are interested. If you're an arranger as well, we can collaborate on the arrangement itself, since I am flexible. However, I would like to handle the final production on my own. If you know someone who might be interested send them my way or send me their way.
  15. This is basically a longish reel full of excerpts music I've made more or less in the past three years that might have any relevance at all to film. I'm trying to turn it into something tighter that might be more enticing to directors, since something this unwieldy is obviously a bit much to go through. I've always been meaning to put together a really fancy frilly film composer website with all kinds of tracks and video samples and all that, but even this first step proved to be strangely challenging. Any feedback would be great including stuff like: comments on the individual excerpts, comments about how well you see the excerpts working as film music, feedback on the production quality, or just general advice about starting a career in film music. Thanks!
  16. [This post is to make sure the thread doesn't get archived] Back very soon! Maybe a week? Maybe less. Hope to see yall there
  17. Hey guys, not dead, just taking a break. I wanted to get through this thing in one go but it was driving me a bit nuts, so I've moved onto some other things for a while. The good news is that maybe 50% of the remaining tracks are in a kind of half finished limbo state. So once I start cracking them out again expect them to REALLY start coming. And then I'm serious about doing Majora's Mask too. It's a lovely OST.
  18. One more thing: Assuming I finish this thing, and assuming I'm still into it, I'm thinking about tackling another Zelda game next. The options are either Majora's Mask or Link's Awakening - what would you guys like to see (hear, I guess..)?
  19. I CAN'T WAIT TO BOMB SOME DODONGOS! 1/13/11 [retcon] - Quarry in the Quarry (Dodongo's Cavern) ( ) 1/16/11 - First Past the Post ( / )Ok Goron City didn't work out for today, but that just means you have it to look forward to on Wednesday!
  20. Ack I'm sorry guys, I got sick and that combined with moving to a new place threw me for a loop. I've got a lot of stuff burning up in the pipeline though so when I update I'll fill in the gaps I missed this past week. Expect Goron City/Dodongo's Cavern/Mini Boss/Dino Boss on Monday.
  21. Thanks! I have a few of their fancy libraries and these guys are pretty great.
  22. Thanks for the positive feedback everyone :) Updates resume tomorrow! hype
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