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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. The album is NOT cancelled.

    Arek has taken an action without consulting staff OR any of the artists on this album. He has released your music without your consent, and if he does not remove the content he made available immediately, he will be banned from this community permanently.

    Releasing someone else's music is a delicate process based on trust, and while album directors have a great deal of power, they don't get to decide when and where to release music that they didn't make, without consulting the artists who made it.

    We will work towards resolving this matter today.

  2. Great track but Jesse's right on the money regarding the timing on those rhythm guitars - this is too good a mix not to see if Michael can address the problem. The high frequencies on the violins I can live with, personally, but the disjointed rhythms - most noticeable at 0'30" - really compromise what is otherwise a mix I'd love to see featured on the site.

  3. Lovin' that intro - could have built a whole arrangement around that!

    Agreed with Larry - after the intro, things go into a piano arrangement of the source that, while technically fine, is basically a straight cover. With solo piano (or any solo performance) I think you need to do a little bit more to "make it yours" - that creativity and personalization in the intro needs to be present throughout, not quarantined. I don't normally vote, and while I'd love to hear a resubmission that explores the slower, more interpretive intro a bit more and adds more personalization to the faster bits, for now it's a


  4. Just to play devil's advocate for a second... isn't this more or less how Steam works, and don't people more or less love Steam?

    I know I do... perhaps I don't hold the same expectations for a PC-based service that I do for a console, but that line has been blurring more and more...

  5. Watched the first two episodes w/ Anna yesterday and this morning... we're digging it. The fourth wall exposition works ONLY because it's Spacey, who's reprising the Southern accent he rocked in Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil. As with Fallout 3, I almost feel obliged to stick with it JUST because it's DC and I live 30 minutes away from & am familiar with a lot of the sights & sounds. That alone wouldn't be enough, but the show seems to have a lot of depth; I'm interested in seeing where they take his wife's (Princess Buttercup!) NPO subplot, and how it links into everything else, for instance.

    As far as "mature" themes go, the hype seemed to suggest a lot of risque stuff that even HBO or Showtime (!!) might not be cool with, but so far it seems more like an AMC show that happens to have some F-bombs and boobies. Not really a problem for me, just seemed kinda silly to focus on that angle with the PR, based on what I've seen thus far.

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