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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. So, I had a remix bypass the panel and get accepted in April 2012, and I was curious about when it was going to come out. I could really use the million dollars it's going to make me.

    Also - and this is a legitimate question and not intended to be snark - what is the process you guys go through that gives you such a huge backlog of remixes to post? To an outsider it might seem like step one would be: post remix on website, but I know there's more to it than that. Again, not trying to sound impatient; this is genuine curiosity about the work that goes into posting.

    By and large it's chronological, but there are exceptions made with a small window of time variance (mixes 1-2 months apart) to facilitate variety. Specifically:

    • When posting mixes from published albums, we like to pair them up with something NOT from an album
    • We try to avoid posting multiple mixes from the same game/artist back to back
    • Occasionally (we've cut back on this) we post "special event" mixes for holidays. game anniversaries, etc.

    Other than that, we go chrono, we're gonna kick it in to overdrive to catch up in Q1 2013, and your mix should be posted this year.

  2. I’m shocked at the site owner himself responding to my comments in such an unprofessional way. I am not some sort of example of what a poster should not be; I should be looked upon as an example of valid criticism and my posts should be taken more seriously than the standard glowing praise from those who couldn’t tell an augmented chord from a diminished chord.

    I stand by my comments; nothing about your "I wish I could like this, but I'm not deaf" statement warranted anything other than outright dismissal. With a single comment you managed to offend at least two demographics. You've doubled down, which some people might find admirable I suppose, but your intolerance towards entire genres of music - yes, music - and your expectation that your comments should somehow carry more weight, and your comments about "correcting" your students' "terrible taste" further seal the deal.

    This is either an elaborate attempt to troll, or a very frightening prospect for whichever students you manage to influence.

    I'm all for opening minds to classical music, but it's not a zero-sum game - it doesn't have to come at the expense of any other genres, and when you insist that it does, you lessen music itself in the hearts & minds of anyone impressionable enough to believe you.

    Please think that over a bit, for everyone's sake.

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