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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. I think you've got OCR and you've got VGMdb and both of these sites are great existing communities which this type of functionality could and should be built on top of, rather than creating a whole new website.

    Since you asked.

    You've also already got http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page out there, FYI.

    I appreciate the enthusiasm but you've got no idea how many people come along with ideas like this, post, get feedback, and then never carry them through, or do so in a fashion that really doesn't play out in a way that makes sense. "It takes a village" DOES apply to concepts like what you're discussing, and I think if you've got some concrete ideas you should lay them out as a proposal for integration here or at VGMdb and perhaps something tangible & real can come of it. No one here is going to tell you this is a BAD concept, but I might be the ONLY one here who will give you a pragmatic answer that focuses on actually getting something accomplished. Just my two cents!

  2. Dave mentions Wagner in his writeup, and there's something in perhaps the most iconic Wagner prelude (Tristan and Isolde) that is notably absent here after reading the writeup.

    Insightful analysis! I wasn't intending to express an exact match in terms of complexity, and your point about resolution is accurate - part of what I love about Wagner - but I still feel a general atmospheric kinship, probably due to the pacing more than anything else. I think this piece could definitely have been MORE Wagnerian, and I probably would have appreciated all the more for that, but I also felt like some of the judge comments were asking not for the tonal complexity you mention but for more lively & Classical part-writing.

  3. I don't hear what's so terribly wrong with it... this thread stinks of groupthink.

    Hey man, don't do that. 3-4 people are entitled to share an opinion on the Internet without it being "groupthink". If they hardly ever posted here, had a long-standing bias against Jake, knew/liked each other, and only showed up to chime in on this thread and badmouth this OST, that'd be groupthink. This is just disagreement. Legit groupthink has imo more often occurred (on this site, at least) with people criticizing mixes I've strongly praised than anything else.

    Anyways, I like it, but I like http://virt.bandcamp.com/album/mighty-milky-way-mighty-flip-champs-ost better - that opening theme is a classic.

  4. Just started as the chick... I miss Siren's phasewalk, this whole levitate-in-place business is weak, especially when you've got a gun w/ long reload and have to swap out. Any opinions on Zero?

    PC here... BUT, tried playing w/ keyboard and mouse and it just wasn't happening for me. Switched to 360 gamepad, MUCH better. Sacrilege, perhaps, softcore, perhaps, but more fun. Also it auto-detected settings for my gtx680 as 1280x720 letterboxed, which I thought was... pessimistic.

    Other than that, great so far - if it ain't broke, why fix it? Love the universe, love the voice acting.

  5. Just a note to all - regardless of some of the clear missteps & issues being discussed, let's make good faith assumptions that William has, at the very least, put a lot of time & energy into what he's been working on.

    Ideally, if there's this much conceptual overlap, it would be one website and not two... I don't know if that can happen now, or even if it should, but there *might* be a way to sort things out to everyone's mutual satisfaction. If bridges are truly burnt, then I guess both parties need to decide whether to proceed in earnest with their individual plans. If William indeed would prefer to cancel his plans based on redundancy with SNESology plans, then whatever information necessary to make that decision easier for him would probably benefit both sides. If that information isn't ready yet, it boils down to a question of patience. Patience is indeed a virtue, but having a rough timeline couldn't hurt if it will dissuade duplicate efforts...

  6. Thanks for the explanation and admission of fault regarding the domain names.

    What matters the most is that the domains are back with Ari/Sam, where they should be.

    Regarding sabotage, I don't think Ari's post accomplished that, nor do I truly think that any delay regarding the domains caused by your own actions have sabotaged them.

    If there's one thing I know a little about, it's that the success of sites like this have very little to do with the INITIAL enthusiasm surrounding them. It's easy to start a website, make a splash, promote like crazy, and get at least a few people on board. That's actually the fun part, but it's not the part that matters as much long term. Persistence, integrity, hard work, and an unrelenting focus not on stats or money but on *concept*... in my opinion those are things that build a successful long-term community-driven website.

    VGM is a niche, and just as fan arrangements are a niche within that niche, so too is original composition using SNES or other console soundsets/technology. You can get a good deal of hype based on the concept being fresh to some people - for awhile - but the long-term viability comes from fervent belief, a constant influx of talent and support, and boundary exploration. None of these characteristics will be sabotaged by website release dates or domain names or finger-pointing; they rest solely on the shoulders of site administrators & owners.

  7. I think Ari's just trying to avoid forum-drama and thread-crashing.

    William, can you explain your intentions with regard to the Snesology domains? I see no reason why they should belong to anyone other than Shnabubula, or whomever he wants to own them, in this case Ari... Also if you want to dispute or clarify any of Ari's statements, that is your right. Preemptively squatting someone's domains when you know they're planning on going live, and not informing them, does not reflect positively, if that's what happened...

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