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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Flex graced that review with a response, but for the record, I'm not sure it deserved one. At least not point-for-point, which suggests that an analysis of any weight was being put forth.

    We are absolutely not interested in catering, kowtowing, or compromising for people who:

    • Are rude & belligerent ("I'd like to enjoy it, but I'm not deaf"),
    • Are closed-minded & dismissive (OMFG DUBSTEP ISN'T MUSIC - you *really* wanna be on the restrictive side of an argument about what is or is not music?), and...
    • Apparently have odd hangups about drug usage & "stoners" and insist on reading between the lines far too much and thinking that their values are the only TRUE values that should be represented (aka intolerant)

    As site owner, I prefer to think that we're making music for the whole world to enjoy, and that VGM speaks a universal language, and that we should at all times have the tastes & interests of EVERYONE in mind, but frankly... there are some small exceptions.

    Can you legitimately dislike this album for all sorts of reasons? I'm sure one could; I certainly don't, I've made that clear, but I allow it within my sphere of understanding that taste is subjective. This is not an epiphany of any great magnitude.

    However, this type of individual is not who we're aiming to please, and I might go even further and assert that I'm proud to DISPLEASE such an audience, which apparently we have.

    I shudder to think that these qualities are held by any sort of educator.

  2. There's a lot of stuff out there on the web, but culling the good from the bad is part of what I think you're getting at... I'm thinking that the addition of blogs to the site will help address that at some point, but also that upgrading the forums and allowing youtube & soundcloud embeds will also help.

    The main problem is one of curation; we need someone willing to put in a lot of hours & time towards building something out, and proposing a logical structure for the presentation of such information, with usable navigation. We can think outside the box on this a bit, because I think part of the problem might just be with presentation - forums can seem a bit unstructured, whereas a dedicated page that including onsite and offsite references might facilitate a layout that was more intuitive.

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