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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Thanks, guys. We're just a lot more comfortable pimping stuff that's either free, or $$$ AND licensed through Harry Fox, etc.

    IMO, the only surefire way to handle covering costs of album printing is to sell at the ACTUAL cost per album, and not above, meaning prices more like $2-4, or to do a kickstarter, cut if off, and ONLY make that many copies, divided evenly among contributors.

  2. I don't know why you'd necessarily want to host rips, rather than link to 2612 or SNESmusic, etc. - or us, for that matter.

    Because the source material is impossible to commercially obtain in the same format as the chiptune/mod/rip, and because these formats are more valuable to artists looking to transcribe, arrange, or remix VGM, we view them as rather necessary to our mission statement. That being said:

    • We're an actual LLC
    • We specifically try to stay within the umbrella of Fair Use in everything that we do
    • We have a clear DMCA takedown policy should the need arise.

    If you're in a different situation, I'd think twice, and just link to OCR (or 2612, or SNESmusic, etc.)...

  3. I think it would be unethical both on the grounds of not owning the license to the source material and also profiting off of artists' remixes

    Larry knows more about this than I do, but with regards to it being unethical due to profiting off of artists' remixes, as our content policy (http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy) indicates, it's not that we don't (or can't) show ads on the site, or employ other means of advertising surrounding mixes, it's that any money generated goes directly back into funding, improving, & promoting the site. "Not-for-profit" doesn't mean that profit isn't generated at all, but rather that it - quite circularly - goes directly back into the organization. We're a sole proprietorship LLC, at the moment, but I have quite separate bank accounts to specifically manage OCR, FYI. So both of your points are moot since they both more or less cover what we're already doing with Google ads right here on ocremix.org - regarding licenses, we claim Fair Use, and all revenue goes directly back to the site. If anyone has more questions about this, I can certainly provide answers - we try to be relatively transparent.

    With specific regard to YouTube, my understanding was that they review your content for originality of material, and since they're fan arrangements, that might hurt us from qualifying.

  4. Holy shit, that jump in dynamics after the intro caught me by surprise... I'd tend to categorize that as a mixing mistake, but in this case I feel like it fits with the narrative. This mix IS highly narrative, very frenetic, and at times the drums be givin' me an "old cranky man headache," but I love the enthusiasm, and there's a good sense of when enough is enough, at which points it transitions or dials back a bit. It's certainly unique, and while I feel like at points the enthusiasm gets in the way of the track being more "professional" & polished, it's basically a fun roller-coaster ride, and I can dig that.

    I'd like another judge to chime in, so while I'd probably approve this, I'm not actually going to vote, as I think this should play itself out...

  5. There are some awesome textures here and really great attention to detail in the different synths, which makes the heartbeat kick pulse + cymbals drumline - that does sorta stay on autopilot - feel a little neglected. I think OA/DA are right on the drums; the arrangement is also a little slow to develop, and while I like the idea of keeping it relatively laid back (to evoke the feeling of exploration that the source captured so well), I think the BPM could be increased by 2-5 to give the mix a little more direction. At the moment it feels almost too deliberate, which - combined with drums that basically do the same thing - is an issue. I love the source, and I think this mix has tons of potential to be an amazing arrangement of it, but I too would like to hear more work on having the drums be a little more dynamic/interesting, either through variation or layering, and again I think a slight tempo bump would also help.

    NO, Resubmit.

  6. - Had the panel approved this themselves, I wouldn't have overridden them, and I would have been fine posting it.

    - It seems offhand like this is getting more scrutiny/criticism BECAUSE it's dubstep, and that another genre (like dance, for example), wouldn't have solicited the same sorts of comments - my two cents.

    - I enjoyed the mix; I agree it's not a prime example of everything dubstep can be when dressed up to perfection, but I thought it was fun nonetheless.

    - We more or less agree that this mix should not have bypassed the panel and that it should have gotten some feedback from the judges.

  7. dodge-boobs.jpg

    OC ReMix Presents Super Dodge Ball: Around the World!

    October 10th, 2011

    Contact: press@ocremix.org

    FAIRFAX, VA--Happy Columbus Day! OverClocked ReMix today released its 28th arrangement album, Super Dodge Ball: Around the World. This album, co-directed by Kyle Crouse (KyleJCrb) and Alan Bish (Murmeli Walan), features a variety of musical styles from a diverse lineup of musicians, paying homage to the classic 8-bit dodgeball game for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

    "With 19 arrangements from 25 artists, we pay tribute to Kazuo Sawa's amazing Super Dodge Ball soundtrack with an eclectic mix of ethnic, metal, nerdcore hip-hop, new age, hardcore trance, and orchestral music. I am very proud to have assisted Walan in putting together an album that I feel is very consistent and fun to listen to. I hope everyone enjoys checking out Around the World!," said Kyle.

    The album was produced to help promote the music of Super Dodge Ball, was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Technos or Million Co., Ltd.; all original compositions and characters are copyright their respective owners.

    Alan Bish added: "The original concept of Around the World was to showcase and tribute the music of Kazuo Sawa by reimagining his Super Dodge Ball soundtrack in an ethnic style. Over seven years after the concept's creation, Around the World has been released! ...This album would have never been completed without the help of co-director KyleJCrb, who stepped in in 2009 and recruited an amazing group of talented musicians from all corners of the Internet. It's my hope that everyone who listens will enjoy Around the World!"

    About OverClocked ReMix

    Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.


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