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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. I concur with Larry; the arrangement is not so conservative as to be a sole deciding factor in rejection.


    THAT was too conservative, and a good call. This... yeah, it's not going way out there, but there's minor adaptation for the instrument throughout (inevitable but shouldn't be completely ignored), the bridging patterns used to connect each source, which work better than I would have thought, the performance flourishes - again, just an attribute of emotional, competent guitar playing, but still affect/count towards the arrangement, and then some choice passages and notes that are more traditionally just plain old modifications to the source.

    I'm not comfortable with this being below the bar on arrangement; I think it's near it, but above it. I'm not directly telling anyone to change their votes - there could be other factors - but if your sole deciding factor was conservative arrangement, I personally would like you to reassess as I think our threshold needs to be more tolerant.

  2. Feels great, almost done w/ world 8, making it one of the few games I might beat this year... gonna agree w/ Rama though, levels feel a bit... slight. I guess that works for a handheld game, but I think some sort of additional bonus levels or (free, dammit) DLC levels are needed to widen the scope/length a bit more? And I'd still really like to see the SMG concept done on the 3DS with a Super Mario Galaxy 3DS title...

  3. I appreciate the analysis, I really do, but I sorta question the conclusion that album mixes get more promotion. Entire albums get more promotion, sure, and mixposts from albums are in a sense "doubly" promoted, but consider the following:

    • Mixes posted in a flood actually get less individual attention than they would posted individually
    • Unlike regular mixposts, they don't usually get individual tweets/facebook posts
    • If they're not posted as part of a debut flood, but later on, our tendency is double-post and feature (in social media) the regular mixpost and not the album cut

    I feel like those factors mitigate the double-promotion to a certain extent. Also, we need to be fair to the artists who work on albums - I think it's a given that any mix made for an album needs to remain eligible for submission or direct flood posting, otherwise there'd actually be a disincentive of sorts. With that in mind, I feel like we're doing a decent job of handling the promotional considerations.

    From an information visualization perspective:

    • An indicator that a mix is from an album is available on the mix page itself
    • In V6 the main remix list will have an album icon indicating it was released/featured as part of an album - including non-official albums
    • I haven't thought about the featured lists, i.e. the homepage & artist pages... colorization alone to me wouldn't convey much of anything, i.e. wouldn't be intuitive. An album icon might, but I need to see if there's a good place to put it.

    I'm also pondering ways of featuring "related" mixes on mix detail pages, below writeup & before comments... might end up being random, might end up being other mixes from the same game, or by the same remixer, or some combination of those, or randomized between those, I don't know yet, but it should help to better promote OLDER mixes, which I think needs to be done.

    In addition to that, it was planned for 2011 but we ran out of time, I still really want to do an incentivized (i.e. PRIZES) competition to mix unmixed games, the winners of which would be posted out of cycle, to reward spreading the love a bit more & covering some less popular but still awesome game soundtracks.

    Lots to consider!

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