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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. An inarguable icon; I have this feeling we'll be studying the effects he had on the software/computer/IT industry 30 years from now, easily... I don't agree with a lot of business policies, or implicit value, of Apple products, but they have definitely changed the world.

  2. I remember making a couple comments on Jill's wall post yesterday about trying the Ujam thing too. Today the comments are gone and the entire site of OCR is voting for Jill. Thanks for keeping it fair, not just for me, but for every single person entering this competition.

    I certainly didn't delete those comments; we're not accountable for that. As for competitions like this being fair at all, this might be a newsflash, but they aren't. I might not have used a forum mailout for this purpose - that was Larry's call, and I've said before that I want to explicitly approve all forum mailouts, and he did not get my approval, which is our issue to work out internally, but try not to assume bad faith. Also, it bears mentioning that Jill is actually site staff. We try to help all OCR artists, staff or not, but it can make a difference in some situations.

  3. Maybe I didn't look hard enough... but what's going on with shirts? In general, am I the only one keen on buying more or is there a decent amount of interest here? I see that the hoodies are in stock and the shirts are not. What was the story there again?

    I'm not pimping OCR with my wardrobe anymore because both of my shirts became unwearable. I had two. TWO. Now I have none.

    Why won't you take my money OCR!?

    We messed up, more or less... we DID do a restock earlier this year, and we ARE good on hoodies, I just need to get them over to eStarland. On shirts, we ordered quite a few, but we sold a TON at Otakon & PAX, which was great, but left us with (literally) zero black mediums, and single digit quantities of some other sizes. So for shirts, we need to do ANOTHER restock order, focusing specifically on black mediums, which seem to be our most popular size.

    Truly sorry for the inconvenience; for hoodies, the issue should be solved in a week or two, for shirts, more like a month.

  4. Maybe I'm setting a bad example in terms of encouraging people to branch out, but I considered not mixing FF or CT and then decided, well... they're fantastic soundtracks. They deserve the attention. I would never mix a theme the same way as an existing mix of the same theme, but I don't avoid those games altogether. I can see some merit in doing so, though, if only because it would mean more mixes for UNMIXED games with great soundtracks, of which there are (tragically) tons.

    I tend to steer away from series that I can't relate to or have absolutely zero experience with - POKEMANZ is probably something I'll never mix. Not because I don't dig the music - Missingno proved there's tons of great stuff - but because it's an entire franchise that I just kinda "missed" and now don't have the time to get into.

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