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Posts posted by djpretzel

    1. I really love & am motivated by all the (earnest) answers provided so far.
    2. Most of the same reasons apply for me as well; I'll add that, because I'm the admin & owner and what not, I of course know what's in my heart & mind with regard to the site - I know that I intend to keep improving it, will never abandon it outright, and will work to ensure all approved & posted mixes are available on it, forever. That sense of not only permanence - insofar as anything mortal can be permanent - but also continued improvement of the overall context, motivates me quite a bit. I don't necessarily expect it to motivate others, since they can't see inside my head and know for certain what my intentions are, but hopefully 11+ years of perseverance, presence, and incremental improvements are persuasive.

  1. For the two projects in question that were started without knowledge of existing projects, it's not really a huge downer - both FF6 and Banjo can easily support two albums, in my opinion, if that's the ultimate direction those projects want to take.

    Directors that want to run private projects, hand-pick artists, set standards, set tone, set the art direction, restrict genre, or assert any number of other aspects of control should be free to do so. I think those freedoms BELONG at the project director level, as they are the individuals who are committing themselves to doing the coordination work and making the album happen in the first place. Ideologically, you could discus the merits of public vs. private approaches, and perhaps you strongly favor one over the other, and that's fine, but as long as you agree that it should be up to the director & respect his/her decision and their ability to make it, I think we're all good. When you start complaining about elitism, the implication is that we should outlaw private projects or otherwise interfere with how directors want to run things, and to me that's more elitist & presumptuous than what you're trying to "fix".


    1. It's not about who makes the FIRST album for a given game on OCR
    2. It's not about who makes the BEST album for a given game (highly subjective)
    3. It's simply about making a great album that honors the game and its music

    If you disagree with the first or second points, I'd personally question your motivations & fitness to direct a project; the third point is all that matters.

  2. Brief announcement: We've had private album projects in the past, and for the last few months we've had two, and there's an issue that comes up where someone else in the community unknowingly starts their OWN project of the same game.

    To be 110% clear, we don't officially prohibit this, but we'd also prefer to not post two albums from the same game back-to-back, so it CAN affect release cycles.

    We've recently decided (duh) that it's not fair to the community to have these private projects be COMPLETELY private - at the very least, we're going to announce the names of games being worked on, so would-be directors can decide for themselves whether to start their own projects from the same games. Again, to be clear, these are private albums being run by directors who prefer to do things that way, which IS an option that we respect & allow, so we're not going to release any additional information about these projects OTHER than the game name, and we ask that everyone respect the wishes of the director(s) who choose to run their projects this way. By the same token, though, we decided that keeping the actual names of the games private was problematic & not transparent.

    The names of the games will be maintained at the thread @ http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25764

    The two current private projects already in process are Final Fantasy 6 & Banjo Kazooie.

    There is a third private project that we were going to announce the game for, but it's going to become public in about a week, so the director is waiting to make that announcement.

    Questions, just let us know, and we apologize for any confusion that has resulted from keeping these or other projects' games private in the past.

  3. Looking at this from another angle, VGM itself has been known, on occasion, to steal from mainstream music ;-) So perhaps this is just payback, or things coming full circle. I'm not JUST talking about Doom, there are plenty of other examples; of course, there's a difference, in my mind at least, between compositional "borrowing" and actual sampling, but the endpoint is that all music steals from other music, in a sense.

    In a way, I'm almost happy that it often goes uncredited, because I'm not 110% sure I want Chrono Trigger to be forever associated with Wiz Khalilfa, in the public's view. I guess that's a whole different conversation, though...

  4. Now, couldn't this be seriously compacted into more direct information as:

    "There is a tempo change at 1:36 that I didn't like. The voice additions were nice, a different change of pace. The duet between voices works well. Overall, unique stuff".

    Was that so hard? Look how much crap I cut out of there, and STILL had the appropriate musical information.

    You've lost a lot of meaning in your "compacting." It's completely unhelpful - and bad writing - to say "I didn't like the tempo change" without explaining WHY. If you don't like my writeups, don't read them, skip to the user comments.

    If you want a soundbite culture where nothing is considered at length, contemplation is labeled "crap" and summarized inaccurately, and everything is compressed into literary "McNuggets" for your expedited & convenient digestion - you've come to the right century, but the wrong website.

  5. To be fair, most people have been saying 'jazzy' which I'd say means 'jazz-influenced' more than 'of the jazz genre'. Perhaps this is merely an extension of your rage at The OneUps frequently being called a jazz band (a complaint which I would conversely deem entirely justified)?

    Well, I called it "jazz/dnb" in my writeup, but let's approach this from a different angle - I've seen Mustin get upset over The OneUps being called a jazz band on Twitter, etc., but if you don't give people a better alternative, they're going to persist, and I don't remember any suggestions, nor am I hearing any now. This is the problem with genres - they sometimes require the "least worst" selection, because nothing else intuitively presents itself as being more accurate.

  6. Serious! ...Let's just all take it easy on labelling something as Jazz just because it has 7 or 9 chords and/or a saxophone. Just listen to the audio examples I gave. It's pretty clear what is Jazz music. The influence of Jazz music can be found in all styles of music, but I think "Jazz" as a label/genre is much more narrow.

    Hmmmm... I actually think it'd be preferable if we instead all took it easy on negating the genre classifications of others, rather than expressing 110% certitude that any given piece of music A is expressly not genre B or C, because it lacks characteristics D & E. That all seems a bit rote, especially when some of the greatest jazz musicians of all time have embraced a definition of the genre that is expansive & inclusive rather than limiting & categorical.

    But we can agree to disagree - it's a great mix either way.

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