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Everything posted by Evil_Cronos

  1. I don't really care for the stall and restart of the song around the minute and a half mark, it's just too long a gap. I don't think that this is the right approach to this song. The original source is a haunting a depressing piece and in many aspects you remain rather faithful to the original, which isn't a bad thing in of itself. But because you try to remain faithful and still expand into the jungle-like beat, the song seems torn as it is going in two opposite directions. being less faithful to the source would have improved this mix in my opinion.
  2. The beginning feels empty. What you have for the opening is ok but there also needs to be another sound to fill the void, the whole track is rather quiet and there is not very much going on. I understand that there will be lyrics and the song would definitely benefit in a similar way from lyrics as it would from complicating the sound, but I think the best way is to add a little something and then add the lyrics. With reference to the guitar, you mentioned that you're not very happy with the lead and the solo. I think that the guitar needs a heavier feel in many sections of the song. However, you could also try only deepening the guitars during what will eventually be a chorus. Either way there is potential and this piece is a great start, keep everyone posted with any advancements that you make. Good luck.
  3. This is a great start. The rain compliments the song rather well but you need to complicate the remix and create a deeper ambient feel. Some parts of the song feel somewhat empty because of the nature of the song; you need to fill these sections and create a background, percussion perhaps.
  4. I never know where AmIEvil is going to go next. With styles ranging from the haunting FFVI remix Death on the Snowfield, to an acid mix from Zelda 3, the random remixer does everything. This song begins with a beat that reminds me of somewhere in the slums of FFVII and leads into a well balanced mix. The sudden slowdowns are not my favorite effect but they add to the mix nicely. At 1:20 the mix picks up, but the track ends soon after. The mix needs to be a little longer. AmIEvil should have explored the latter part of the mix a little more. Altogether a great job and a good remix.
  5. The mix begins rather slow and leads into a deeper sound compared to the source. It's interesting and well done, but not very memorable. The music-box ending is the highlight of the mix and is very good. Perhaps the track should have began and ended with this music-box style, which would have done a good job of framing the song. Overall pretty good, not my favorites but still a good job.
  6. A very nice, quite, chill mix that has a relaxing feeling that differs from actually playing the game. One of my favorite F-Zero mixes. I just love the chill, almost jazz-like mix. Love the intro because of the memories it brings back. the whole song develops nicely from there and maintains the enjoyable, laid back feel. Great Mix.
  7. This mix is a rather quick rendition with seemingly little to offer. But for some reason I really like this song. I don't really have a good reason, I just like it.
  8. The beginning of the mix sounds like a remix of one of the prehistoric themes from Chrono Trigger. Then the source shows up slowly and repetitively until the rock style takes the stage. Overall the rock rendition doesn't really suit the town in the game but the song itself is well done and enjoyable.
  9. The first half: The song is good because it is so close to the original. The remix is weak because it is so close to the original. The second half: Others have said that the samples are bad, but I like the change up from being too close to the source. Interesting but not as epic as the source.
  10. The industrial effects take over as the beat of this mix. But there is no where near enough melody in this song. The industrial effects are alright and there is a good deal of altering their sound, but not enough melody for me. Not my favorite mix but I still enjoy it every now and then.
  11. The animal sound effects in the beginning are great. The track has the same quality of tone present in Protricity's DKII mix, Forest Birdcussion. There seems to be little actually happening in the way of actual music but the feel of the slow percussion and the animal effects gives the mix a great feel, very enjoyable.
  12. A good rendering of a very good theme. I have to say that I like the begining better than the battle theme. Towards the end of the mix, before the fanfare, I find that the edge and definition of the instruments become unclear, which complements the mix quite well. One of my favorite FFI remixes, great job.
  13. The music-box style intro is alright but it doesn't fit very well with the tone of the song in general. At about 1:10 the song picks up and becomes quite good, although I would have liked a more prominent guitar. Around 1:31 the guitar seems to fade a little and song seems to be dragging on, however, the change at 1:40 is great and I think that what follows is the design of a great mix all on its own. Overall I think there are just too many ideas and half started interpretations of the source. The mix is good but more focus would have been better.
  14. The beginning gives off an epic and ambient feel, which flows decently well into the guitar section that follows. The middle of the track loses some of the haunting feel that was developed early on, which I think diminishes from the song as a whole. The ending is very nice; a great ending to go with the style of the beginning. I would have preferred that the intro and ending be a part of an epic instrumental piece, but that's just me. Overall a great song, as with most of Ailsean's work.
  15. I'm more of a fan of ambiant and melodic sounds than industrial. I feel that the background of the beat becomes far too repetitive towards the end of the song. The song is also too short to explore into anything original. I think some parts need to be extended, perhaps slowed down, and there needs to be some sections that are closer to the source material. Overall not the best work I've hear from the remixer, as I like most of the other remixes.
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