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Everything posted by hewhoisiam
Quick update: http://www.mediafire.com/?yidmw5jwljg Good thing I checked the file before I posted this XD The one I first had has nothing but the drums and bass on it. Needs schmoe melody! Changed the bass, added a bass echo. May be a bit on the busy side. It really stands out more Changed swells, quieted places. Still playing with this and trying to decide if I want to change the swell part in places rather then remove it entirely. Humanized drums. Changed levels/balance issues somewhat. Changed second synth, though I may look for something else also. Added a break near the beginning. (I don't like it as is, got to see what I want to do with it, but I do want some sort of break there. I do like that instrument though...) Still want to do something more original to this. It's a pretty straight port now. The fade out ending is lazy imo:tomatoface: Especially mine, which is like, drop to 0 after a build up and fade out. (that's where the original repeats)
Sleep for now, expect and update for tomorrow (which is today now, but today today, tomorrow today.) erhm. You know what I mean? Thanks again. -H
Metroid Prime Ribz 3: Corruption Gendreyda battle
hewhoisiam replied to HoboKa's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
1:52 A drum transition just feels out of place here, or at least the toms. As it is now, other then your intro transition, there aren't a lot of heavy tom type fills in the song. The origional (if I'm not mistaken) uses that really low transition sound with percussive hits; but I don't think that would sound good here either. Maybe just a toned down transition. Near the end there is a more background synth playing that seems to be off. Like intentionally played in the wrong key. I have to admit that I'm not the best at recognizing wrong notes. I just learned about pitch shifting wheel style in half steps, that can really change a sound. Maybe you can put it back in whatever key, or just shift a few of the notes to still maintain that otherworldly minor slightly 'off' sound, but make the majority of it sound right. As is, it seems to stand out too much with that sound that feels like wrong notes. From the first version, to this version: The piano part has changed to another synth and the echo that I was complaing about it gone. But I'm noticing now (and I wouldn't have thougha bout it earlier if not for hearing the changes) That piano really cut through where the new sound is much more subtle. I liked the piano's ability to cut through the sound, just the echo got in the way. I was thinking more along the lines that you could preserve the cutting through ability and and tone down just the echo. (faster decaying echo or w/e. I'm only so fluent in what can be done with the programs heh) Don't get me wrong, what you have sounds better IMO, I'm just pointing out the difference as I see it. ^.^; The chords have been shortened, which helps the flow methinks. I really like that new bell part at the end. Other then the above statement about the notes, I like the idea of having the different instruments coming together in the end. Now, I know you said it's not done, but have you given some thought to what kind of ending you want? (in general. Like the drums from the first version or this latest sort of abrupt spread and dispurse end) -hope this helps He -
We were hijacking Hoboka's thread @ 1:01 lead: Yeah, this works here, but I'm not in love with it. I'm actually looking at another soft synth working on building a sound I like. Is slow werk. @ drums: If I get to call one of my strengths, it's being a drummer really helps with making the beats and knowing what I want. The beats for this song total time took me maybe 10 minutes. XD I wish I knew enough to make the rest of the process go so smooth. Thanks! @ EQ: I had to run eq and go 'no, I don't like that' Like 4 times. It's a learning process, but I'd hoped it was close.
PROJECT ON HOLD Oddly enough, I wasn't going to post this up. But it was suggested in another topic that I go ahead and post the WIP here. Plus not to derail the fine HoboKa thread, it'd be good to start my own. Newest: http://www.mediafire.com/?jmynymzthyy Old Versions: http://www.mediafire.com/?4nnhyzyxytz http://www.mediafire.com/?5mcryohmnjm http://www.mediafire.com/?yznchnzfz3a http://www.mediafire.com/?tx5tz40vgdx http://www.mediafire.com/?yidmw5jwljg http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yjztgnwyke2 Source: I tried to have a little bit more direction in this then the last thing I did. I'm still very new to the software and learning what's what can be a handfull. So, I run into things going 'I know what I want, how do I get it?' I'm also new to the mixing/mastering bit, so any suggstions there would be helpful. (google is great for this as well. <3 google) My first thought with this was to get a theme that would work really well with a fast half time feel drum beat. As I went thorough the leads, I hit the z3ta acid base 04 that I liked a lot, and used it for a very echo type of lead. Since the lead was very echo-tastic, I made just about everything I could have that sort of echo, which I kinda like. In playing with the mixing, I did panning for the low synth left to center, right to center, along with the volume controls. If I can get the hang of it, I'd like to play with surround panning as well. I used z3ta again on the real throaty bass chords. One of the neat things with the origional, is that it's technically in a 4/4 time, but it uses a lot of triplets, so the step sequencer that I'm using for this is all in 12 steps a beat to do 16th and 16th triplets, which I change up here and there, esp in the decending bit where the entire drum 'feel' is a swung triplet feel. So, Where is this at the moment? AKA: the hewhoisiam checklist: I'd like to at least give the song something more original in the way of interpretation Drawing a blank on what I really want to do though. I did want to add something like you'd typically hear in DnB transitions and builds. I'll be working on at least knowing how to do these, even if they don't work here While I like the bass sound of the bass playing the chords, it's very simple right now, I may see if I can do something to make it more interesting. Either tying it in with the beat, or some writing of my own. I thought about looking into a slice editor for the beat, mostly to change the pitches as the song progresses, and just to play with in the mean time. I have just discovered the wheel pitch shifting, but it's only to shift max 1 step per note, and doesn't work with the step sequencer. I like the decending bit at 1:22, and selfishly want it to be longer, I'll have to play with that. I actually would like the whole thing to be longer. I encoded this with foobar 2000 using the lame interface because razorlame decided to hate me, can someone tell me if it's an okay submission format? (This will not be submitted, but I need to know if I need to make changes to the format) AND in other news, I really should change my sig now that I've beaten deadspace.
Metroid Prime Ribz 3: Corruption Gendreyda battle
hewhoisiam replied to HoboKa's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
XD, so as to not de-rail this thread, I'll start a WIP thread for the track I linked, with a little bit of explanation as to what is what. HoboKa - Get you a fine free MediaFire account to share your werk in the mean time With the bandwidth exceeded on this one, we can't download this one what meks me sad. I dun wanna wait 6 days to download it... -
Metroid Prime Ribz 3: Corruption Gendreyda battle
hewhoisiam replied to HoboKa's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I am told you have exceeded your monthly bandwidth allowance. -
Metroid Prime Ribz 3: Corruption Gendreyda battle
hewhoisiam replied to HoboKa's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I've been sticking to this, and looking at judge comments. Mostly playing with cakewalk at this point and so on. You know, I never did find where that comment was supposed to go. Might have been in one of the comment sections I aborted. -
Metroid Prime Ribz 3: Corruption Gendreyda battle
hewhoisiam replied to HoboKa's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
In reference to the ending: Erm, you had 3 sentences to describe the song in the first post; how was I supposed to know it's a skeleton? (I'm new and lazy, I don't know people yet, and I'm still learning my software) are you sure you listenned to the lead properly? Nope8-O I pop in here to point out the things that I hear. The lacking in original content bit could be cleared up if I'd added a bit more to it. "Mix seems to be lacking in original content somewhat" Actually, I'll edit that post and take that out. I wouldn't be surprised if that was supposed to go on someone else's and I got my open windows mixed up. I'm leaning towards this, because that comment makes no sense. Total Posts: 1,517 (1.64 posts per day) I'm trying to figure out the bit where I tell the guy with 1,500 posts what I (>50) think the Judges want? Which might mean that I told some other poor bastard that his source was hard to use because of the nature of the origional song. Now, as much as I like talking, putting thoughts about sounds into words is not easy. I like to justify what I'm saying. 'I'm bored with these chords, when does the end get here?' doesn't help much. Niether does 'dude, this is gr8, submit dis!' Let me try that again: Something about the coherence when you get the the sustained chords I don't like. When you lose that echo-lead that I like, the chords feel empty for too long, you do have something holding the melody, but it's weak in comparison to that first synth. There's alwalys the high bell part, or some sort of short note playing in the origional to keep it going, but it alwalys seems to have equal weight. I notice the origional has that low thing at transitions that I think is kinda cool that may work in yours. Or something else stronger. As alwalys, all my comments, are my opinions. AND I TALK A LOT I'm here trying to poke holes in something I usually like (I'm listening to day of despair - chaos angel remix3 now, unsubmitted other than here for review) That alone is hard enough for me, and I usually stand by 90% of what I say. Hell, this is miles beyond what I can do, here's the last thing I did: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjztgnwyke2 which is IMO not even up to the level of being peer reviewed here. So I have this fun time of not being able to do this stuff and going: HI, I'M NEW! HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO A) C), BUT ALSO THINK *stuff* If it helps someone, great. If not, disreguard it; at least I'm not just lurking here:-P Now, I have to go hunt down the post where the comment was supposed to go and fix that I will attend to the issues that I see fit to change. Keep on reviewin' Hell yes! Don't do what I say jus cause I say it. I never expect people to change everything I comment on, I just address all the maybes I can think of. If it were certainties I were addressing, I'd have less posts with less words. I talk too much anyway. <end of text wall here> -H -
Dom is a drummer. Does clinics and stuff. I haven't seen him in prolly... 7 years? So, thanks for the heads up.
As far as orchestral samples go, I'm using Cakewalk, and I was amazed how much better bad samples sounded with a few effects on them. Then again, I don't really have the best ear for that sort of thing So far, I like this mui much. The drums seem a bit out of place in the slow intro, I'd use the stick across snare sound and light 16th notes on the hi-hat (do like where the open hat is though), then move up to full on snare at 1:32 Maybe some of that low end piano in the intro as well. I'm not sure *there is no scratching head smiley, so assume I sit here and ponder what that may sound like whilst not being sure* Kick drum is a touch light for my taste. You've reached that 'well, what now?' Place where most of my stuff is at. In the words of Dom Famularo 'good artists borrow, great artists steal' See what other people are doing that's similar or that you like and find out how to steal it. If all else fails, put this up on a dusty shelf somewhere and when you do hear that thing, that piece/riff/chord/beat that makes you go 'wow, and I know where that would sound great' you can take this out again and use it. To quote someone 'It's a process. Everything is a process.' And I don't think I'm ever going to fully understand this software. I'm going by slow 50/50. 50% trial 50% error. Someday I'll be able to do what I want with it. It's a process. That's all for now -H
Erm. I had stuff to say, but just about everyone has said it already? So I skipped to V10. It's my preference that unless your drastically changing the interpretation of the piece (like when you use original content) notes in the melody shouldn't be changed much, if any. At least not in pitch, sometimes it's neat to cut a note off or lengthen one for a transition or somefingg. I very much like the breaks that come between the original stuff and the frogs theme stuff. Sometimes because of the delay/effect on the instrument, the intricacies of the triplet pattern get too dirty/messy for my taste. 2:26-28 I always feel like that triplet thing is the highlight of the song. It may just be me, but the whole thing seems too loud. I have it on a playlist on Winamp and I keep going 'this one, that one' and it's louder than all the other things on that playlist... But I may just be crazy, but even the Amon Amarth on my list seems quiet by comparison. That's all for now -H
Metroid Prime Ribz 3: Corruption Gendreyda battle
hewhoisiam replied to HoboKa's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8YUKzyE9ig I had to look up the original, the whole time going 'Iknowthisone!Iknowthisone!ohohoh!' Anyways, lets see here, if I remember how to do this. The Good I like the very short metal sounding 'hits' in the intro used with the open hi-hat. The break at 1:24 I like, really pulling out those chords. (some day, I'll know everything I want about chrods, sounds like a minor something or other) I'm glad to see some of those PAINFULLY HIGH notes from the origional toned down a bit. Not sure what the origional composer was thinking 'Sir, boss fight not hard enough, make the music hurt too!' The Bad On drum intros and builds, I loves my dynamics. I would say the toms at 26 seconds could use a little bit of dynamic contrast. Varry your hi-hat a little bit to make it sound more human maybe? A 16th note here and there and/or velocity changes + stacking. The drums near the end get a bit repeditive. Needs at least an occasional cymbol or open hat to keep things fresher. Piano comes in at 51 seconds. While the echo is sometimes nice, there are also times when it gets in the way and ends up sounding like akward double hits. eg. 1:01 The drum solo ending that you've got screams 'BUILD UP TO THIS' but as is, it's just kinda thrown on the end. The Other This piece may rely too much on sustained chords over the top of the drums, especally near the end, where I find myself just getting bored. This is a problem with the origional as well, but I'm distracted by the whole jumping shooting thing in the game. <Removed, see huge text wall of death for explanation> A tad on the short side at 2:25. Some songs this works better for, some it doesn't. I could definatley see this being longer. That's all for now. -H -
Chrono Trigger WIP Progressive Metal
hewhoisiam replied to Xtormrage's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Add some dynamics at the beginning in the snare part maybe. Just the snare as is gets a bit old. Also, I can't really hear your kick. The guitar you have is a little weak and could use some retooling. Some of the group parts where you have a drum/bass/guitar solo hitting all the same accents gets muddy. I'd say something needs to stand out more in there. I like the intro and flow of the song so far. I assume this is just a temporary ending and that there will be more length to the final product. (do want!) Hope this helps -He -
phijayy - Day of Despair (Sonic Advance 3/Chaos Angel Remix)
hewhoisiam replied to PhiJayy's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
After listening to the source a bit, and then yours several times, I'm having a hard time coming up with things to criticize... 1:50-2:02 This transition feels unnatural. (something about how everything suddenly pops back into focus, so to speak) May be fixed by a more gradual coming back? Not too sure here. 2:09 speed up: Sounds good, but to me that fast bass drum gets a little bit too busy. Matter of opinion though. 3:48 maybe some dynamics to help this bit along the build to the change at 4:14? It's fine as is too. Just a thought. 5:03 Transition again. I'd say it's repetitive, and it is. But for whatever reason it doesn't bother me, doesn't get old or make me bored. I guess iz ok. I'm not a fan of the open hi-hat sound you've chosen. (Actually, the more I listen, the less I like it) It just grates to me and sounds very bland. Layer it with another flavor of hat or 2 to give it some feeling and tone it down some. (I'm not very familiar with FL) At the end, rather than just the one key echo, It might be cool to do the pattern at the beginning and fade it out? Just a thought. That's all I got, hope this helps -he -
Love what you have so far. Are you planning to use any of those low resonating sounds from the original? They have that very throaty static sound which might be good somewhere in there. I very much like the mellow out feel of this from the original, and to me, a counter with those low sounds would complement it nicely. Just my opinions. Great work
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3QRoUTAUco SSBB version. I tried to borrow mostly from this one, as far as transcribing that break.
Halo 3 - Never Forget/Finish the Fight
hewhoisiam replied to Sole Signal's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I can't come up with anything major that I think this would need, other than to say more. I mean, everything sounds perfect. So, the following will be opinions of how I hear the song lengthened in my head. I'm finding that it's the hardest thing to do to take something and go 'I want to expand that, but i don't know how' So, What I'm going to say here I'm really only half sure of. 23 seconds in: The piano descends (the patern is 1&2&3&4&) It only does this 3 times. I could really see this expanded. Pick it up at the end to an octave higher than the original and descend again with a few variations or somefing. This will also lengthen the bit after it where you repeat this idea. 51 seconds in: I toy with the idea of doubling or tripling the length here, and putting a piano part with it that will lead to the low 1&2&3&4&. 1:07 Dark, low piano. Mii likes this very much. The piano that I've seen so far (on the higher end) only gets a few hits here. If you were going to expand it, you could play with adding that in (it's 4 measures of the slow 1&2&3&4&, then the higher hits) Leave that as is as an intro, then expand on it. Those higher hits in the origional have a fun melody part if I'm not mistaken. Hope you can make something from my nonsensical ramblings. -He -
Chrono Trigger - Ruins of Dome 16 ReMix
hewhoisiam replied to Robotaki's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I like the sounds you've got so far. It's just that nothing is really jumping out at me. The source is so short and sort of mellow that I'm not really sure where you'd get it from. That driving shuffle feel is all bass and pads in the original. You'd have to improvise like a guitar solo over the top of it? Bleh, if My Chrono Trigger weren't so hazy, I'd try to remember a piece that would compliment it and you can steal the melody from and use. Maybe the main theme? Good so far, sorry I can't be more help -
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=ce473a662fb0a1a2d2db6fb9a8902bda Well, it's a start. I started out with a Dreamland 2 idea. Then branched into Super Star and SSBB. Problem is, I don't like the way this is working. It doesn't flow or go anywhere. It doesn't really build. It's just kinda crap as far as having direction. I did add a guitar part to change things. SO, I'm trying to decide if I can salvage it or if I should scrap it. This is something like the 4th rendition of it because I'm still learning to use the software. It's slightly mixed in regards to panning and eq. But I'm not sure what I want to do now. Er. lemme summarize: This is crap, how do I fix it? EDIT: I uploaded the wrong damn MP3! I'm scrapping this anyway though so I'm not bumping this topic or re uploading. Just a note to anyone who stumbles upon it later.
Super Mario RPG - Forest Remix
hewhoisiam replied to awesomeman500's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
MP3 this, rather then newgrounds. I haven't been around for a while, so let me see if I remember how this works... The Good I like the very simple intro, even if it does run a little long for my taste. Organ and long sounds + bells give a nice feel to this song. The Bad It sounds a lot like the source. (problems I'm having with what I'm doing now >.>) Drums are very same-ie, not much variation and the hi-hat is stale. Kick is very quiet. Too much repetition that is too close to source. Suggestions This seems to me to want that majestic church bells/organ sort of sound, but right now, it's too simple for its own good. 16th note hi-hats doesn't fit into that genre well imo. (think trans Siberian orchestra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY1otyfwu1o ) The nature of your bass sounds makes them seem to drag. If you stick with 16th notes, pulse the bass to at least quarter notes. Both is not working out so well methinks. As far as the song flowing, it does okay, but it never breaks away from the original too much. For this to mix and sound good, take the parts you like from the song and expand on them, or change them to make them unique. There's a lot of good ideas here, a good place to start. Kick up the temp and fix the drums and you can have a nice fast fun thing werkn. Expand on that low organ church bell sound and you can have a slower powerful track. Good stuff. Hope this helps -He -
XD Yes, I have my regular 'official' audio synced up in cakewalk with a midi file, and I listen to a measure, transcribe it, listen transcribe. Listen again, and it's all wrong, hit head on wall, avoid work, avoid work, look at wall, contemplate wall, 'feel' wall, try again, wall again, head again. Sometime today the cords I need to hook up this emu 0404 to a proper output will come and I'll be able to actually hear the tones. (that's what I'm blaming and I'm sticking to it) Anyways, looking forward to this, FF remixes alwalys seem to have a certain nostalgia for me -He
Little of column A, little of column B. I want it for my own mix that I'm doing SSBB dedede theme, but I want it to be right also. So that I can change it and make it wrong, but it will have had been right. I'm sure there's some sort of magic formula for these things. I just play the track and listen, then write with mouse, then change. Over and over and over and over. And it's still wrong QQ. What did you think of the half time feel/sound?
Okay, what I mean by half time feel (as best I can describe) The main evil theme is slow, which to me sets the mood of what the song should be since it's the first thing you hear. Now, people are pointing out that the other pieces are too slow by comparison. My idea of a half time feel is to the main evil theme in notes that are twice as long as the time would suggest. (if you were going to use a quarter note, you use a half etc) Because of that, your intro is twice as many measures and half the speed. Then when you come into a part like birth of a god, it's twice as fast. The problem with the slow is not so much in the 16th notes from birth of a god that are doing that neat little pattern, but the drums are slow, the guitar is slow, etc etc etc. By writing the first part in half time, you have a good base to put them where they need to be, since the main evil theme doesn't so much need a driving beat, but the other songs do. Right now, when you get into birth of a god, you use 16th notes to artificially speed up the tempo. (but not where it's most important) By speeding up the entire song, the intro sounds faster than you want it to. Let me make an example really quick. In short: Double the tempo you have now. Re-write the beginning to be twice as long. This is a splice of midis that I have laying around. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ztzzdjat1ny/example.mid INOTHERNEWS! MY HEAD HURTS! (there has got to be a better way to get a midi from an audio file other than transcribing it!) I'm transcribing SSBB dedede's theme now, and my head hurts and I'm pretty sure I still have wrong notes in there... Let me know if anyone has a better solution. I know part of the problems is the speakers I have are crap. I'm looking into proper headphones....
FF7 battle DNB mix (I need harsh critic)
hewhoisiam replied to Auxiliaryinput's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I'm listening to the newest version of the track. I must say much improved One of the things I like a DnB track to do (and this is just me again) is drop out a lot of the sounds other than the DnB. Your melody goes through the eintire song more or less. Consider exploring/expanding on sections of the melody that you like, or adding in some sort of break. Vagrance is going to hate me for this... but Pendulum does a good job with stopping melody and filling some time with just DnB. Something similar could help with some of that repeditive feel. I wouldn't actually call it repedative, as much as linear. I'm very famaliar with the origional and this has great variation, but follows the same structure of events without expanding or cutting/re aranging any of the events. Hope this helps, this thing is really coming along:sleepdepriv: