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Everything posted by Psychol0gist

  1. Gonna nit pick a fair bit so bear with me. At the 3-min mark, the piano and the sax seem to mash in just a tad too much so there's a sort of presence clash. Needs to tone down one or the other by about a quarter of what presence it has now. Too liberal with your soloist approach. The spirit is there but there are times to return to the source with minor improvs to it more often than not. A suggestion could be a small but transit break/pause to let them absorb it for a moment then continue once more. Otherwise, taking in all of the piece becomes... a tedious task. Something to take note on is the Zelda OCRemix called "SOS". That's the kind of rhythm to be portrayed that this piece needs. Otherwise, it is a really interesting piece with it. Does need its tweaks but if you can support it then it should go with flying colours even with the long duration on the song.
  2. Nice touch-ups compared to the the last WIP but I do have a little nit-pick with the piece overall losing a little bit of... presence with the cleaner approach. It's great overall, don't get me wrong, but it has just gone a little soft with the current percussion setup. Vocals pulled out really well with this. Who knew that you'd go with the ending section? Otherwise, a nice improvement from WIP4. Keep on going. *thumbs up*
  3. Mix sounds... revamped at best but nothing I would think as unique. Sticks a little too much to the source for my tastes. Needs a longer play time to pull it out and more input with your remixing techniques. There's fairly little to offer on the platter but I'll consider it an entree to the main course.
  4. An interesting concept using the main loop of the backing of your remix. The ending just took me by surprise but sounded like it could be done with better instrument samples than just a "MIDI" sounding medium instead. If you can rework this to use realistically sounding instruments than just MIDI then it would come together nicely.
  5. Can't wait for it then. Everyone interested is eager to see what you spun up on them mixing tables.
  6. Any updates with this piece, AkumajoBelmont?
  7. Hmmm. The instrumental break is an interesting one at that. Have no idea what the guitars will be like when it's placed in though. There's a big question mark. A bit of harmony in it but as it is there's just a little bone to be pick with the duration of the break. Could drop it down and when you do add back in the chorus for it, make sure it differs in delivery so as to add in a bit of a clamatic but smooth end. Just to point out that you do have a restriction on submissions, so if you can't take in all of our points, try cut the fat. Hope this helps ya out.
  8. Nice changes to the piece in general. Sounds more unique now that it has it's own 'spirit' to it. Need to listen to it a bit more before I can come up with some critique for it,
  9. As long as it doesn't overpower the entire piece. Best to somehow complement it. Can't really help ya on how that would sound but that would be how it be tackled in a WIP-sense. Hmmm might add in a surprise with the back-up singer in the last chorus/section?
  10. Very nice touch with take-in of the "acapella" yet still holding a beat in there. Guitars? If you do put it in, don't let it overpower this song because right now you got a sort of balance placed in. There's enough leftover for a bridge in which to accompany the guitars (if placed) but it will be a short one at that or I see it being dragged on. This is really something I will like to see get polished to something finished.
  11. Hope you can upload this new WIP update. Sounds something that's people are on board for.
  12. Hmmm bear with me for a bit. The main melody, although good change with the soundings and whatnot, is pretty much a rework of the source. Got to improv one or two sections while keeping to the same... "spirit" of that melody. One of the other published remixes of this song on OC should give you a sort of comparison of what I'm getting at. The backing of it is nice, a shame it didn't take over part of the song. It sounds like it fit with your main melody and could be shown more potential if it was brought to the front at one point instead of repeating the main melody over and over. In short, my main picks would be it needs improv sections and a stronger backing presence.
  13. Possible acapella bit maybe then back into the main beat and rhythm is also another variation.
  14. Hmmmm I don't know how you'll fill up the second verse with all those words. Seems a little over syllable-lising, if ya know what I mean. But if you can, good for ya. If you want, try a little varriation in the song during the second verse, like a minor pause or an improvised section.
  15. It has a unique sound and such but could do with a little tone down on the song during the chorus as it's going too strong. Volume-wise that is. If it had more lyrical composition to it, it would be something I'd be listening to over and over again. It does feel a little short to it.
  16. It definately needs more variation. Apart from a couple of changes with transition of one part to another, it's just similar to the source. If you could add in 1 or 2 solo setions that still fit the nature of this song it would be a nicer mix that fitted OC's checklist.
  17. It's an interesting beat. Lyrical Weapon GET!
  18. Reckon you can post up your final version if it doesn't get the okay? We could add our thoughts along with J's.
  19. I do like it but in the same token it just sounds like a trance cover for the song with too much conservation involved. Needs a fair bit more of variation to give it a more unique feel than just a remixed cover of the song. It does put a spin to an otherwise mellow song, however. So all's not lost.
  20. The vocals have an interesting mix with the song but it overpowers it at times where a softer approach would've sufficed. Interesting though, no question.
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