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Everything posted by Psychol0gist

  1. *shoots Mirby* No, bad remixer. No joking about release dates. =x Wait is long enough as it is. DX
  2. Happy birthday from Australia, zyko.

  3. Oh damnnnnn... HOME STRETCH BABY!!! Bring that album home to daddy!!!
  4. Nice spin on the theme. Might need to give it a few listens before I can criticise but sounds good so far.
  5. I've got a direction to keep your intentions with the lyrics.
  6. At the rate it's going, do the mp3 for it zyko. I can hold out for another 6 months to a year. Means Xmas will be full of beats. =D
  7. I don't think you don't need to overpower it with much more bass as it might throw out the balance. Got anyone to do the main vocals yet? Or you still deciding? Might be overdoing the vocal effects at some points but otherwise it sounds good... Keep it up.
  8. For my tastes, I think the melody is excellent yet it could do with a smoother and softer opening than just inserting into the main melody at the start. How should I put it... it's like getting out of your warm bed into the cold and into a warm shower. Knowing what the song is, you'd expect something drastic or something that follows its key sound. As it is, it's in the midway. Don't get me wrong, it's a great start for a remix but a smooth opening would be something to work on. Good work otherwise. =D
  9. He seriously rules in the video game music department. I want to be in it to WIN IT!~!!
  10. Hope not. That would mean more backlogs on the mastering department. =o
  11. How's the mastering front going?
  12. Sounds good Dyne. Cannot wait for the release. Hope all this waiting pays off for your work and the remixers that put int time and effort to such a renowned series for game music.
  13. I want to know the lyrics to it. The synth distrots some of it but in a good way. XD
  14. Maybe true Raptor, but I find it somewhat a feel akin to the songs that "Pendulum" do. It is quite a nice mix.
  15. And the month of March is upon us... The wait grows ever shorter.
  16. Pretty decent pullout considering the direction it took. Not my usual thing in looking for music but it's great.
  17. Can't... wait... any... longer... than... needed... I wants. The public wants. The world wants!
  18. Teh songs sound like the bomb. I suggest getting the album while it's still hot and in supply. =3
  19. So many bluesssss. Want them ASAP. It's looking to be a great start for the OCR album line.
  20. And we wish the new year to come faster. Give us our Maverick goodness. It's literally like crack...
  21. Sorry Dafydd but the sheer awesome in the teasers alone is... yeh, not gonna finish that. =P
  22. This man speaks the truth. Bahamut, you have delivered and it'll keep me satisfied until the release. Now make the release happen faster. =P
  23. Oh god stop with the song-gasms. My mind can't take the wait. =x
  24. *jizz* Where's the burrito!?!?
  25. Drooling for another preview teaser. The wait is pretty much killing me.
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