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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. Nice! Collabs for OCR or more original material? Regardless, I'll definitely have to check them out. I haven't been up to much since Temporal Duality released. Just gearing up for this compo and I did a very small part for another upcoming OverClocked Assembled song :)

  2. Hey Jesse, you want to jump in on the SZRC this year? It starts in a few weeks!


  3. No worries, I understand! I'm just trying to hype it up! :-D But yeah, definitely check out the entries and vote if you get the chance! What are you working on these days?

  4. Awesome, glad to see you down for the SZRC 2014! I was going to send you a message here to give you the heads-up in case you didn't see the thread!

  5. Well at least you got your HDD. I hope you're building a beast computer with this opportunity then :wink: And thanks, I'm sure the compo will be great!

  6. Hehe, no worries, I figured as much :)

  7. Ohh darn :( no worries tho, I just wanted to let you know. What happened to your computer? Just upgrading or did your old one quit working?

  8. Hey Will, do you want to join the Sonic Zone Remix Compo next month? I know you were sad you missed out on the first one :wink:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  9. Hey Greg, might you be interested in the SZRC 2014, starting next month? :wink:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  10. Hey Ivan, might you be down for another Sonic compo next month? The track you made last time was groooooovy :wink:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  11. Hey Asa, I'm hosting a Sonic remix competition next month here on the forums. It's something I did a few years ago and it was a lot of fun! You should join up, if you got the time :wink: Here are the details: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  12. Hey Austin, I haven't seen you around much lately, but I wanted to let you know I'm hosting another Sonic remix compo next month if you're interested. Your tracks last time were awesome :wink:

  13. Hey, so what ever happened to KingTiger & Flexstyle Sonic Boom? I know it missed the album, but will it see the light of day at some point?

  14. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes indeed

  15. Lol, no just today. I saw in the "viewing forums" menu that you were logged in. I didn't know you had an account :P

  16. This is the best

    . That is all you need to know :)
  17. Oh yeah man, I just saw you got a "Temporal Duality Assistant Director" badge. Lookin' sexy ;)

  18. Thanks! I had a great time creating that one!

  19. I'm sorry I'm busy :( There are usually a handful of people willing to make art though, just post some ideas in the thread of what you're looking for! If you got any questions on how to run the thing though, feel free to ask!

  20. Hey B! Temporal Duality is in evaluation right now, so I should know the status very soon. We did request that specific release date to align with the 20th anniversary of Sonic CD (like I mentioned in the thread), so we'll see :). I don't know any hard/secret info at the moment though.

    Yeah, I saw your FFCC compo! It looks like it will be a ton of fun! Unfortunately I don't think I have the time to create graphics or participate at the moment. I'm still trying to finalize SCD stuff and have another time-sensitive collab I need to wrap up, not to mention my work/home life schedule is pretty busy this next month or so. When is it going to start exactly? Regardless, I'll definitely listen and vote!

  21. Hey Corey, did you get my PM from a few days ago regarding Sonic CD? Thanks!

  22. Yea, yeah, I got upgraded!! :)

  23. Hey Blake, I sent you a few messages in regards to Sonic CD on FB. Please get back to me when you can. Thanks much! :)

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