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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. I'm not liking your Sheldong all that much right now. Gonna have to start on my mix tomorrow and see what I can do :wink:

  2. I'm on my phone, so I'll check your PM and mix out tonight and let you know!

  3. I'm sorry I'm busy :( There are usually a handful of people willing to make art though, just post some ideas in the thread of what you're looking for! If you got any questions on how to run the thing though, feel free to ask!

  4. If you really want me to take the lyrics out of the file I will. I thought since you posted them in the thread it was ok! Sorry :( It's a really great song though, you should be proud of it!

  5. It's ok, "partols" are important too! I doubt many people would've noticed :razz:

  6. JUGNLE JORYIDE is a new Sonic zone Mirby. duh.

  7. just gonna leave this here:


  8. Just left you a message good sir.

  9. Just PM me a link to the mix here please! Host it somewhere private like box.com or dropbox, they take big files no problem. Please make sure you're sending a WAV and all the file name stuff is right. Thanks!

  10. Just sent you a PM about hosting a compo! I forgot to mention, I think technically you're also supposed to run your idea by Doulifée, the Competitions forum mod, to make sure it is legit. I know I did beforehand and he didn't have any problems with it.

  11. Keep forgetting to tell you... I just got around to downloading the APEX album, and the finished version of your song was pretty awesome! Really nice job!

  12. Laser beam eye Nic Cage is your best sig yet :)

  13. lmao that is the best sig ever. Less BS - More BS!

  14. LOL - I just got your same PM three times now :) I did just send you a reply though, so let me know if you don't get it!

  15. lol why'd you change your forum name? I was checking my PMs and was like "who the eff is Damashi!!?" :lol:

  16. Lol, no just today. I saw in the "viewing forums" menu that you were logged in. I didn't know you had an account :P

  17. lol... Sonic Colors is allowed, but isn't "Reach for the Stars" the main title music? You have to choose a Zone theme. Thread is up btw: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39652

  18. Might you be down for the next Sonic Zone Remix Competition?


  19. Nah voting is too close to call right now. It'd could go either way! And no way, I thought that was a guitar in your track! Lol

  20. nah, BlackPanther is rendering right now. We're good. thanks!

  21. Nah, you shouldn't put yourself down like that. It's just, apparently, Guile's theme doesn't go with everything :)!!

  22. Nice! Collabs for OCR or more original material? Regardless, I'll definitely have to check them out. I haven't been up to much since Temporal Duality released. Just gearing up for this compo and I did a very small part for another upcoming OverClocked Assembled song :)

  23. No problem about the sigs, I enjoyed making them! And hey, in case I don't get to post reviews, I really enjoyed your WCRG mix this week, you did a great job blending the themes! I wish we could've vote for more than 3, cause yours was like right there in the Top 5 I liked the most :(

  24. No problem! I noticed you changed your forum name too... do you prefer to credited as Syllix or as Ryan Jobson now going forward for the compo? Thanks!

  25. No problem! Thanks! I hope you've been busy making crazy awesome stuff :wink:

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