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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. This is the best

    . That is all you need to know :)
  2. Tried to respond to your PM but for some reason I keep getting an error :P I haven't heard anything about the track since TD released. I think you should be good tho :)

  3. VVVV. hahaha, I want to hear this FF2 Victory Mix with you singing "WE JUST KILLED THAT MOTHERFUGGAH" hahahahaha

  4. WCRG voting ended yesterday apparently :( I guess in Darke's compos the voting ends the day before the mixes are due now.

  5. Well at least you got your HDD. I hope you're building a beast computer with this opportunity then :wink: And thanks, I'm sure the compo will be great!

  6. well I was sending Sir J a message and noticed these shenanigans below hahaha...

  7. well maybe that would've been a little much lol. good luck!

  8. Well you had a good run and you made 4 awesome songs, even though it seemed each week you weren't going to be able to pull through :grin:

  9. Well, everyone in that project forum is on the album so there were a few, plus I heard some grumbling privately too. I don't want to sacrifice quality at all either, but hey I understand it, a lot of people on the project are perfectly capable of mastering their own songs and know how best they want it to sound. I think I'll keep it as is for know with giving people the option of having it mastered. I think there'll still be a sizable amount, and I'm confident everything is still going to sound great. From discussions with other OCR projects, this route seems kinda standard. Thanks Brandon! :-)

  10. What did you have in mind? Did you want to mix another Sonic CD source with your source? Or another random source altogether? If it's another Sonic CD source (or really any Sonic source), then yeah that shouldn't be a problem, as long as your mix still has a healthy dose of the Final Boss music. If it is some random non-Sonic source, then I'll probably want to hear more of what you have in mind and how you plan to use it.

  11. What's that smell? Smells like trash! I've had that phrase stuck in my head all week thank you very much. For some reason I just find it the damn funniest thing ever.

  12. which reminds me Brandon, I was curious if you wanted to do a song for this Sonic CD project I'm starting up: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=888101 There's only a handful of tracks left to be claimed! I know you're pretty busy, but let me know if you're interested!

  13. Why thank you, good sir! :)

  14. Yea, yeah, I got upgraded!! :)

  15. Yeah I plan on still doing the SZRC, probably around May/June, as long as there isn't another high-profile compo going on at that time. It was a ton of fun last time and there was a lot of amazing music that came out of it. Hopefully TD will be winding down at that point too.

  16. Yeah I've had gmail forever as well. I have one for more work/professional stuff which I don't really give out, but my other one which I'm on all the time is (surprise, surprise) superiorx@gmail.com. Yours is bev.wooff@gmail.com right? I think I added you to my chat window but I don't see you on. And your PM box is full so I had to post this here...

  17. Yeah no problem! :)

  18. Yeah sure I'll take a listen here in a bit. In the meantime you should getting started on your track for this round! :) Taking a week off working on that other track will help it too... you're probably at the point now where you've heard it so many times that your judgement starts to get impaired. Letting it sit for a week or so will make it sound 'fresh' again when you go back to it!

  19. Yeah those compos are always a great learning experience. My favorite part was all the collaboration we had between remixers, which was really cool. Do you know Flex in real life? Or did you just find out he lives that close to you? lol. He makes some awesome stuff.

  20. Yeah what I was trying to say in my PM was that during the album review, that revised edit Jordan whipped up had no complaints, so I can't imagine it having an issue with the panel when it gets there. I think the queue might just be a bit backed up for now.

  21. Yeah, that's cool. Final deadline is August 3rd anyway, which might change a little bit depending on how far along everyone is too, so you've got some time. I was just checking in though, thanks!

  22. Yeah, I saw too, I honestly wasn't expecting it to pass though. It was something I just made for fun at the time. They actually seemed to like it more than I thought they would. I might clean it up and resub, but we'll see. I subbed Pyroclastic Tides from the SZRC a few weeks ago and I think that song will have a much better chance!

    As for the Sonic CD album project, I don't know. Rexy hasn't posted in there in awhile. Like I said in there, i was interested in undertaking my own Sonic CD album project, so if she is no longer interested, then I'll take it up for sure!

  23. yo you didn't vote on halc's matchup in SZRC! go do it quick so your votes count!

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