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Dj Mokram

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Posts posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Deadline is officially over and the hammer of justice will be coming down hard on those who missed it ...or something.

    Thanks again to each and every one of you for all the efforts, time and talent you've contributed to this little tribute album. :smile:

    I just wanna make sure DusK and Dj Mokram know that my remix is done; still says 'WIP' in the OP. ;)
    As DusK mentioned, we're working with a mutual-approval system. Once we're both confident with your remix, we'll be giving you the green light for final in PM. Please don't just send a WAV and assume you're done.

    It's been said a few times already, but be aware that every finished track still need to go through OCR eval. Make sure to keep all relevant project files and plugins, etc. so that you're able to implement whatever changes are required by the staff a couple weeks/months from now. ;)

    Oh, and WAV files must be 44kHz, 1411kbps, stereo. Please make sure to export/encode your track properly before linking it to us.

    We'll be needing everyone to write a couple lines about their remix and their source tune. Feel free to add a few words about the game as well, if like us you've got fond memories of GH. Additionally, include links to portfolios you're comfortable linking people to. This will all go in the "about" section of the project website.

    The album isn't listed in the OCR consent list yet, but as everyone needs to sign it, we'll be inquiring about that soon. Stay tuned.

    Seeing as everyone is super close to finishing their remixes, we'll be setting a cutoff deadline soon. Like ...VERY SOON. :grin:

  2. enveloping, atmospheric journey
    Now I'm gonna have to trademark this one eventually. :nicework:

    Still can't believe this mix really made it to OCR. Reading djp's glowing praise makes me feel a tiny bit proud of my work, for the first time in a very long time.

    Huge props to Larry for giving me a chance back in 2011 despite my relative noobishness, and for never letting go of the project despite multiple setbacks.

    Thanks to DusK, without whom this mix would have only been ethnic-weaksauce with fake geetarz, instead of ethnic-weaksauce with proper shreddage. ;)

    If anyone's interested, there's a music video for this remix: http://youtu.be/HzeMKaYxz8w

  3. Thanks for the kind words guys! :)

    I'm back, though my unattended inbox filled up to the brink during the week. DusK forwarded me most of the new wips, but if you tried to send an update and couldn't get through, gimme a couple hours to make room and git busy PM'ing again.

    As usual, we're gonna wait till the end of the day (US time) before sorting out materials and getting down to reviews. Though since most of the tracks are already in a substantial/complete form, we're proly gonna sit on them for the remainder of the week, to make sure we got every angle covered, in true Gunstar fashion. ;)

    If you did not warn us prior to today that you'd not make the deadline, well ...you're a mean, mean person and we will never forgive you, EVER!

    Seriously though, please try to get your updates in asap so we can unleash this beast to the world. :grin:

  4. Project (and personal) announcements:

    All the recent wips (and WAVs) have been received and are being reviewed, admittedly at different paces.

    I've got little to no free time and sporadic access to internet. Please be sure to send your updates for next deadline to DusK.

    Now, those of you paying attention to the tracklist might have noticed that 'Empire the Final Assault' is no longer in my care and is being remixed by DusK. Following a string of bad luck and health issues ultimately leaving me without a roof over my head, I've had to sell my music computer a while back to make ends meet, and haven't been able to compose anything for months as a result. With my survival in play, I've been forced into Chilean-miner mode, working impossible hours 6 days a week to try and get my home and life back. As of this time, that's still a work in progress.

    Meanwhile, I'm keeping a close eye (as close as I can afford to) on the project, providing as much constructive feedback as I can, when I can, and am making every effort to help bring this album to completion, despite not being able to contribute a mix myself (which, quite frankly, is killing me). Anyways...

    The final deadline is next Sunday on May 12th 2013, so please mark your calendars if you haven't already.

    I'll do my utmost to assist DusK in the daunting task of reviewing your completed (or next to done) remixes.

    Please take care everyone, and we'll see y'all on the finish line. :)

  5. Dj Mokram might be away from the 'net for a few days to a week, so I'll be delivering any and all feedback until he returns.
    I'm back, but please keep sending your updates to DusK. I'll explain more about this soon...
    I'll probably make like Indiana Jones and slide in just barely under the deadline. I'll turn something good in, though, don't worry. :-P
    We discussed this a while back. No prob Mike, do your thing. :)
    Unfortunately, I'm probably going to be like that too. :S
    So long as you make it in time for the deadline, it's cool. This goes for everyone. :wink:
  6. I used to run mostly survival-horror games (Biohazard, Silent Hill, Cold Fear, DeadSpace, etc.). Can't do that anymore though.

    Speed-running requires a lot of planning, a ton of free time and the willpower to sit through countless failures and experiments.

    ...oh, and also a system to run the games on. :/

  7. Hey do we have/are we getting a sub forum? Could be useful for WIP feedback and stuff to polish tracks
    We're only one month away from our proposed final deadline, so unless everyone suddenly clamors for it, we're going to proceed without.

    Once the album has been evaluated, we'll let each remixer know whether their track needs tweaking to meet the OCR staff's expectations. ;)

    it'd take some of the burden of being omni-present for feedback off of our excellent album heads :D
    Giving everyone feedback is not a burden, it's our responsibility. And I always do my best on this front, even in dire times. :)
  8. Kojima confirms that Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain are indeed one game. [...] I think we should take Kojima's word for it
    Both are part of the MGSV arc, but as I posted before, Konami contacted Joystiq after Kojima's tweet to confirm that GZ and TPP are separate games.
    snake with a missing arm and yet nobody has mentioned liquid snake yet
    Did so in my last post. Talked about the phantom-limb/phantom-pain condition, and how this could help tie in with Liquid-Ocelot's arm. ;)

    Btw, did anybody notice that Ishmael was voiced by Kiefer Sutherland (or the best Kiefer Sutherland impersonator ever)?

    Rumors has it, he might be (or already have been) voicing Big Boss as well. If true, this would means that Big Boss is having a split-personality disorder.

    Judging by the fact Ishmael says: "I've been watching over you for 9 years" when Big Boss asks who he is, I've reasons to believe the validity of all this.

    Or at least that Ish and BB will be voiced by the same person, whoever he is. :P

  9. Just noticed that when Big Boss gets on the bike at the end of the trailer, he has the exact same red prosthetic hand Zadornov had during Peace Walker...

    Also for those interested, the Phantom Pain (or phantom limb pain) is an illusion created by the brain to cope with the removal of a limb, making the person feel as if their missing limb was still attached. The patient can also manifest aching and burning sensation, meaning the hospital in flames and the fiery unicorn chase could all be happening on a subconscious level during Big Boss' nine years coma. This also appears to tie in quite neatly with the whole "Liquid-Ocelot's magical arm" plot point from MGS4. ;)

    EDIT: Konami apparently confirmed to Joystiq that Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain are two separate games. !

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