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Dj Mokram

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Posts posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Moved to Projects forum - it's OFFICIAL!! :nicework:
    Wow! Thank you very much for the honor, sir. :)
    I've finally started something on my song. Going for a really chilled house vibe, we'll see if I stick with it.
    Glad to hear that Mike. Though keep the guidelines in mind, for it's called "Be Aggressive!" for a reason. ;)
    I've got about 10 or so songs to make before I could get to this if that's ok
    I'll let DusK be the judge of that.


    I'd like to take this occasion to thank everyone who's invested valuable time and effort into this project thus far.

    There's still a long way to go, but I hope you'll stick around with us to see that this tribute gets completed. :grin:

    It's also a good time to remind you that it's not just me and DusK evaluating you from now on, but OCR as well.

    So be prepared to make changes/tweaks to your tracks, regardless of their progress, if the staff requests it.

    Let's keep going forward and steady as usual, and we'll see y'all on Feb 10th 2013 for the next deadline.


  2. @Afilion: DjMokram originally claimed "The Prayer of a Traic Queen" but had to drop for various reasons. If you'd like to claim it, I'd like you to ask him about it. He was part of the original VV1 line-up and really wanted to remix this track. Tough decision for me.

    Sorry about that. I really wanted to partake in the album, especially since I'm the one who suggested we remix Bloodlines in the first place, plus I love 'Prayer of a Tragic Queen'. But if someone already got started on a remix for the source, it's only fair they get a shot at it. As you know I can't deliver a wip atm, so don't let me hold up the project Alex. Hopefully, I'll be able to contribute to VV2 later this year. :)

  3. Welcome aboard the project to evktalo, Rukunetsu and ectogemia. Looking forward to the awesome, guys. :)

    This leave us with only 3 tracks open, and a little under four months to complete the music and move on to logistics.

    Still waiting to hear back from OCR about the proposal we sent last November, but hopefully we'll know more soon.

    So sit tight, keep having fun with your mixes and remember the next check-in date of February 10th 2013. ;)

  4. Better yet, stream both the judging and the remixer being judged live in split-screen.

    That way you can capture all the tears, pain and sadness of rejection first hand.

    Then you'd be one step closer to making 'American VGM Idols' a reality.

    ...or I suppose you could also keep doing things as usual. That'd work too. ;)

  5. Mixers can have 'em (e.g. bLiNd, Abadoss, sephfire), they've just asked me.
    Well, I asked about it a while ago but it fell upon deaf ears. Is it about the mixpost count or years of service?

    Esperado is right, it would be pretty cool to unlock custom avatars when getting a mix posted onto OCR. ;)

  6. The biggest issue with the Vita (aside from the price-tag) would be its software lineup. Sony clearly put too much faith into consumers being cash cows and neglected their effort to involve (and give incentive to) third party devs. The Vita was deemed one of the biggest product failure of 2012, outsold 47:1 by the 3DS. There's no denying it's a fantastic device from a technical standpoint, but the people behind it turned the machine into a niche system with very narrow appeal. And this comes from someone who still had a PSP until a couple weeks ago.

    At this point, it takes two things to enter the handheld gaming market: insane amounts of cash to burn and insane amount of balls. We already knew Nvidia had the first, but since they're fusing a portable dvd player with a first gen Xbox gamepad, I'd say they got the second item covered as well. :P

  7. I'd pay an impossible sum of money for a new Gargoyle's Quest game. I love all three of them.
    That's exactly what I told them. This series is way too good to die in obscurity. ;)
    The only thing I asked for was the much sought after Resident Evil 2 Remake.
    Been dreaming of this since the RE Remake came out on the Gamecube.

    But getting Hideki Kamiya to direct it is gonna be an horror story in itself. :lol:

    August 16th, 2013 news headline; "Capcom cancels development on Mega Man X9, claims fans are to blame, fans outraged"
    Thing is, now that RE6 put them in the red financially, maybe they'll take fan feedback seriously.

    Why not give them an honest chance at redeeming themselves from past mistakes. :wink:

  8. I've stopped thinking in terms of inspiration and more in terms of ideas and discipline. [...]

    The sudden compulsion to sit down and make music comes and goes, usually when I'm nowhere near where I can actually do that. You can't rely on that.

    ^ This, pretty much. It probably has to do with music as a whole being an escape from life's constraints.

    Personally, it's about whether an idea is worth pursuing or possible to realize with the means at my disposal.

    Nowadays, frustration comes more often from a lack of instruments or a prod issue than from writing itself.

    Perhaps this is the positive side-effect of being exposed to a 'production-oriented' community like OCR. ;)

  9. Fairly important stuff, thought I'd share: http://www.capcom-unity.com/sven/blog/2012/12/20/we-need-your-input

    Capcom is having a survey to determine what fans expect in terms of digital distribution.

    The results could impact not only marketing decisions, but the future of classic franchises.

    If enough people do this right, they might listen and bring exciting things in the future.

    At some point, there's mention of Gargoyle's Quest/Ghost'n Goblins series HD Remix.

    Who knows, maybe OCR will be able to get involved with this, like for SSFIIHDR. ;)

    I asked Santa-Capcom for a 16-bit Megaman X9, and a RE2 Remake.

    Let them know what you expect from them! (i.e. no more lazy ports) :)

    Here's the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KFCBRBY

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