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Remix Challenge

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Everything posted by Remix Challenge

  1. I don't like most of the Final Fantasy games, to be honest, but the music is fantastic! Of course I'm in it to win it, however unlikely that is! 8D
  2. See, I liked Yoshi's Story's music quite a bit, but Yoshi's Island DS was definitely the first game I played where the music actually bothered me. Usually it's either epic and enriches the experience, or it's boring/lame and I tune it out...but THIS GAME...the same freaking repetitive, boring, crap remixed in every level! In xylophone! *rips ears off* I honestly think they could have done something amazing if they hadn't been so damn lazy, though.
  3. Kaito sings a mean German: Die Schatten Werden Länger. As someone who lives in a household where German is spoken fluently, I can vouch for him. Meiko can sing pretty good English, which Kaito fails at though! Unfortunately I can't find the video I'm looking for though...so you don't get to hear her. ):
  4. You're right. This shall be remedied. Oh, I'm not saying that they would be 'solid remix material alone.' I was thinking that they would be used--like you said--for humorous effects...but also for serious ones, though not the entire song, no... I am also not suggesting that the talented OCR singers should be replaced--but Vocaloid is a virtual instrument that can be used just like any other music program, so I thought I should ask about it.
  5. Ahh, Hatsune Miku, your squeaky, high-pitched voice never ceases to annoy me. Just kidding. I do prefer Kaito, though. This is really a question about OCR, believe it or not. Has anyone here ever used the Vocaloid programs? If you don't know what they are: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocaloid And would Vocaloids even be considered for use in a video game remix on this site? I mean, I'm not saying no one's thought of it, but I haven't seen any. Is there an unwritten (or even written) rule against it? I am not by any means dissing or..uh...lessening the roles of the talented vocalists already on this site; I consider Vocaloid an instrument, albeit a digital one. It can be played like any other digital instrument. Well, to get the creative juices flowing, here's some examples from each of the Japanese Vocaloids. Keeping in mind that their Video Game songs are generally not as good as their other material, I've included Being an avid Kaito fan, I found him singing to the Deku Palace theme, which, while not a Remix, is what got me thinking in the first place. Kaito has a smooth, deep voice. Also: Deku Palace ftw! Here's a very brief song: Hatsune Miku sings . They toned down her squeakyness, and she sounds pretty. Here is a non-Video Game song by Miku, in a more 'traditional' rendition of her voice: Megurine Luka sings the theme. She is one of the nicer-sounding female Vocaloids, in my opinion, with a softer, more sultry voice. Here's another song by her: Meiko sings Zelda's Lullaby. This song doesn't do her justice, but is still pretty nice. She has a more mature voice than Rin or Miku, so here's another short song that does her justice: Wedding Wars. Here are Kagamine Rin and Len singing the Outset Island theme from the Wind Waker. They are the twins with young voices! They are also famous for the Daughter of Evil series, so here's Rin in , and Len in . It sounds a bit silly, since those songs pretty much have them singing 'la la la,' but I think the software has great potential to be used on this site. As one more example, just to demonstrate the versatility of the program in the hands of a skilled user: Kaito sings Take Five. Not a Video Game Remix, but darn cool! So: thoughts? Comments?
  6. Despite it being my favorite game of all time, I never cried in this game. I was grinning the whole time because I was having so much fun! I'd never played a Star Fox game before, so lacking Arwing parts didn't bother me at all. But yeah, I second that!
  7. Far too many, though it likely has something to do with being a girl. Just maybe. But let's do this, shall we? I'll just name the major ones. TLoZ: Majora's Mask: Darmani and Mikau's deaths. The Anju/Kafei sidequest resolution. The Wind Waker: Komali looking for Medli, and, of course, the ending. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean: Anything with Lyude and {Spoiler} The fight against Kalas and ensuing chaos. {/spoiler} Klonoa: Door to Phantomile: The ending. Bucketloads. Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil: The mirror scene in the Maze of Memories (for personal reasons that I didn't realize at the time but understand in hindsight) and the ending. Shadow of the Colossus: I cried when Agro 'died,' stopped for a while during the last Colossus battle, then picked it right up again all through the ending, though they did change to happy tears when Agro came back. Super Paper Mario: The ending. Still gets me. Super Mario Galaxy: Rosalina's backstory. Of all things Yoshi's Story. The ending music got to me. Those little off-key Yoshi voices...yeah. Bit of an odd line-up, I suppose. I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting, since I've played a lot of games in my life. There are also a lot that I'm seeing submitted like the Final Fantasies, but sad to say the only FF I have played is FFIII DS. There are a few other things where I've teared up a bit, like Cave Story or Chrono Cross, but I was literally crying my eyes out with those on the list. Also the Link's Awakening Manga. Does Homestuck of MSPA count? I tend to tear up a bit in all endings, but I don't think that counts.
  8. The first game I played: Pokemon Blue. The first 3D game? ....yeah. It was A Bug's Life. My dad bought me an N64 and that game. Fortunately my mom got me Banjo-Tooie shortly thereafter, and thus began my rise to nerd-dom. Hmm...I should do a Challenge for B-K/B-T music.
  9. 1) Rayman 2) Red from Pokemon 3) Guybrush Threepwood
  10. Wii should have N64 compatibility. It should. Seriously though, I would have to agree with you for the most part, but the Pokemon franchise needs to stop making games with the import-from-GBA-slot feature for that to be entirely true. Come on, you know there's a few million Pokemon fanboys (and girls) wondering if they'll be able to trade up their Swamperts and Blazikens, even if--no especially if they're only into the metagame. That's a big chunk of the fanbase. Either get rid of the feature (and Black and White may very well do that, but those games are trade-compatible with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver, which are GBA-slot-import-compatible games...so indirectly), or make some sort of GBA-DS/3DS link cable. Is that really so difficult? (it may very well be, or just not worth the effort, and I can see morons putting Pokemon Crystal in their OLD GBA and trying to trade.) Why am I talking about this?! NEW PAPER MARIO! Woo-hoo! But why does that Chain Chomp look like any other Chain Chomp? They always make their partners unique in some way, even if it is just Goomba-with-a-hat Goombario. Maybe--called it--you can recruit enemies from the field? Or maybe they just haven't finalized its design. HAHA Oh well, whatever, NEW PAPER MARIO WOO! And from my friend who grew up with Donkey Kong Country: "GNAAAAAAAAAAAAH" (That is the sound of happiness, if you were wondering. Or the text of happiness, anyway.) Those DKC games are even today her very favorite games, so she's understandably stoked for this new installment that hopefully captures the charm and fun of the originals. Hell, I'm looking forward to it, and I never got past Hot Head Bop in DKC2 (I downloaded it on my Wii and was trying to play it with a GC controller, which when she came over for an awesome party I asked her to help me out with, and even she admitted that the game is damn near impossible with that controller. "I don't think even I could beat it with this controller. Get the Classic!"). I want to experience this Country myself! (But where are the Kremlings?!) And the Zelda--I couldn't be happier! I freaking LOVE Wind Waker (my first Zelda game!) and everything about it, but I was also missing the style of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (which I played later, of course) though not the outdated graphics. My DKC-loving friend put it most eloquently, "I hope we will end up with something like Majora's Mask- dark even while it was vibrant, macabre even as it was cartoony, like a nightmare, an intense nightmare, but one I'd rather have had than another pleasant dream." Twilight Princess, I suppose, was trying to be all hardcore and do this, but...I was really disappointed with that game for reasons numerous, but the biggest one (and hardest to support) is that it just didn't feel right. It wasn't a fun game, for me personally. Well, I've had an idea (that will never go anywhere, but if you hang around the series long enough things like this happen) for a Zelda game, and I've always envisioned that if I were to make this game (which, like I said, will never happen...there are just way too many obstacles in the way...) I would merge the styles of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. (and have 1:1 motion control) And they did just that! It's like they made it specifically for me! Why...th-thank you! Thank you Nintendo! You're too kind! Seriously though, I wonder how many plot points will be the same with the story I invented for this never-going-to-exist game. It would be crazy if I tapped into the collective consciousness of Nintendo's Zelda department. (Though granted, merging the styles was only a matter of time, and so was 1:1 motion control, so it's not like this came as a huge surprise, just a really, really fantastic one.) Hmm, what else. Epic Yarn looks cute (duh, it's Kirby), but I think I'll rent before buying because while I love Kirby games, this...somehow seems to be a bit too much of a diversion from the series roots for me. We'll see. I'm looking forward to Epic Mickey, and the new Kid Icarus. I never played the original, it was a bit before my time. Man, even the new Sonic game looks good. And yeah, Kingdom Hearts, too... I'd say Metroid (oh wait I just did), but I'm not a Metroid player (blasphemy!), so I'm happy for Metroid fans but it does nothing for me personally. That's enough of that. One little comment on GBA slots became this fangirlish novella of a post. In short, this is a good year for nerds...and for me to get a job so I can finance this habit (read: addiction).
  11. Well, I tend to be pretty coherent, but... Not tonight! I am speechless with wonder! This year is looking to be impossibly exciting! Skyward Sword looks exactly as I hoped they would make their next Zelda game look! I love the merged styles! Once the motion control is not so laggy it'll be amazing! Gentlemanly Red Raptor!
  12. There is nothing 'special' about my requests...nothing at all. They are only different. I was completely floored to find that there were no Remixes of Princess Peach's Castle or ! Well, the Princess is not in another castle--she's in her own, and she's invited anyone who's anyone to her masquerade ball! Of course, who knows who else would come to this fancy shindig? Why yes, you're invited too! I personally really love Hang in There, Peach! and think it would make a great waltz at the ball. Just thought I'd throw it in there. Have fun! If you don't feel like remixing this song, that's just peachy. If you want to remix this song but don't feel like following the Challenge, that's also peachy-keen! Like I said, I'd appreciate any remix, because I like this song. If you decide to remix this song, please PM me when it's finished and if/when accepted to the site.
  13. Haha, yes, I noticed after I checked your profile. ^^' Rather a fail on my part, there. (though it could have been on the actual topic as a link elsewhere...even if it isn't.)
  14. The Damned: Thank you! I've been remarkably unobservant not to know about your project! Halc: Ah, excellent...you remixed which one, now? Well, I'll go listen to it, whatever it is!
  15. There is nothing 'special' about my requests...nothing at all. They are only different. *** Funny story...I was going to challenge this community to make a Star Fox Adventures Remix (since there were not any), and--lo and behold--just the other day one showed up on the front page! It was nearly in the style I was going to request--how convenient! If you're interested, you could remix any track from SFA and proceed to spread the love--but here's The Challenge: it needs vocals! *** All right, that's not the official Challenge, so enough of that. We're celebrating the re-release of Pokemon classics here! I know I was excited... Now, I've heard it said that the Pokemon games don't have much to work from when it comes to their music... ...yeah. While I agree that most Pokemon tuneage is decidedly non-stellar, I have always found it to be enjoyable to listen to--even the comparatively shoddy GameBoy sounds. Now that I've been inspired--certain favorite tunes of mine (why would I make this glorified request if I didn't like the song?) have been remastered on the DS--I decided it was high time for another Challenge! *** So, here are the songs, in their old and new versions for you to pick and choose from: Goldenrod City: , HeartGold/SoulSilver The Bike Theme: , HG/SS Team Rocket/Creepy Trainer Fanfare: Red and Blue Version, Team Rocket Fanfare: (starts at 4:41) Team Rocket Battle: , HG/SS*** So, my opinions on the songs? (Feel free to scroll past this if you like...but some of it's important if you're following the Challenge.) I like both versions of Goldenrod City equally, and they are my favorite songs from this game, and they're in my top three for the series. Many people dislike or outright hate the new version, but I like it because it's more upbeat, and because it's tropical--Goldenrod is a city by the sea, after all, and being the largest city in Johto, it's probably a resort town. The Bicycle theme is just a faster Goldenrod City. I like the old school version better because it's more childish. The new one sounds like you're biking in a triathlon or something. The Team Rocket Fanfare from R/B/Y is extremely simple, but the thing is...when you hear it, you know the guy you're fighting is a shady character. It's distinctive, and it's on the list because it could possibly be used, not necessarily because it will be used. All right! Team Rocket returns! This theme celebrates the takeover of Goldenrod City and the triumph of Team Rocket. I like the HG/SS version better--it's louder, more bombastic, and more fun in my opinion. I put the battle themes in there just in case you wanted more material. *** So, what's the Challenge? You've got all the materials you need to... ...take over Goldenrod City! Yes, you, Team Rocket, will seize power. On a clear day, when no one suspects anything, you will strike, like a vengeful Seviper! People will cower in their homes as you stalk the streets, your members guarding the gates from unwanted visitors (I'm looking at you, Lyra!). No one can stand up to your combined might, and the city falls all too soon. They barely put up a fight. Victory is yours! ...or is it? *** Well, that's for you, the Remixer, to decide. Is it a success? Do they take over only to be thwarted by a few spunky pre-teens? Or does Giovanni himself come out of hiding and lead Team Rocket into a golden age of power? Start out with some cheery Goldenrod tunes to fake people out before going into the sinister mafia tunes that make the Team Rocket of the games so sinister. Feel free to make them even more sinister, in fact! They need all the help they can get! If you don't feel like remixing this song, fine. If you want to remix this song but don't feel like following the Challenge, that's also fine. I'd appreciate any remix, because I like this song. If you decide to remix this song, please PM me when it's finished and if/when accepted to the site. I can't wait to hear it!
  16. There is nothing 'special' about my requests...nothing at all. They are only different. So let's try..General White Fires the Bob-Omb Cannon. Ah, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Compared to the first and third installments in the Paper Mario franchise, the music seems almost experimental. It's as if the musicians were thinking, "Hmm, just how crazy can we make this soundtrack?" I mean really, the ? It's all so very strange! It's part music, part sound-effect barrage, part orchestra falling down the stairs.But I am fond of it. General White Fires the Bob-Omb Cannon is such a cheerful song. It's so full of hope and expectation, and the animation after it fires, where all the Bob-Ombs float down with red and white parachutes is adorable. This song needs a remix! I'm sure you are sick of hearing my ramble, so let's get to the Challenge! As always, any remix would be wonderful, but here's what I would personally love to see: General White must have been in the military--and for a good while, considering he made General! So, let's have a rousing war song! It could be a terrible battle, or it could be a heroic victory! Or perhaps he is a triumphant soldier returning home...or all three! When he and Bobbery were in combat--what was it like? Tell the story of General White's days as a soldier--before he retired and built the Bob-Omb cannon in Soviet Fahr Outpost. If you don't feel like remixing this song, fine. If you want to remix this song but don't feel like following the Challenge, that's also fine. Like I said, I'd appreciate any remix, because I like this song. If you decide to remix this song, please PM me when it's finished and if/when accepted to the site. I'm sure it will be awesome!
  17. I'll second this and raise you three OSTs! Baten Kaitos was already mentioned, so I won't repeat it, except to post a few songs... However, Star Fox Adventures, Klonoa: Door to Phantomile/Klonoa and Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil have some of the best soundtracks to be found. StarFox... Krazoa Palace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u89Mi0-XVKs&feature=PlayList&p=E1FA479DBC60B084&index=11 DarkIce Mines: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cok8Le6lgP4&feature=PlayList&p=65B7AF372F928859&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=26 DarkIce Landing Strip: and finally Shackled Snowhorn (night): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKf1Z-9_JXo&feature=PlayList&p=E1FA479DBC60B084&index=10 and Klonoa: Door to Phantomile... Forlock Twist: Baladium's Drive: Mine of Lights: and of course the Windmill Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDu3bRLTICg&feature=related with Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil... Make Believe: The Sorrow Revives: The King of Sorrow: and his battle theme: I've already requested a Remix of my favorite song, so here's a different one...and one of the best, Going to Lunatea: Okay, that's enough of that. I might start gushing, and that's never attractive. Some Baten Kaitos songs, since the previous guy didn't list any with his post. Condemnation of Darkness: with Imperial Dynamics:
  18. I agree with Dunther. TTYD music was nice, but the original Paper Mario's music had....charm. It was like all the TTYD music was an experiment to see just how random they could get with their music. Dooplis and Shadow Sirens battles...? I mean...I like them, but they're pretty hilarious! Half music, half orchestra-falling-down-the-stairs.
  19. There is nothing 'special' about my requests...nothing at all. They are only different. There are quite a few songs on this site that are remixes of not just one, but two or five or more songs--not always from the same game, or even game company. This challenge is of that sort. The games are Chrono Trigger and Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil. The songs are , Magus' Theme, and Leorina's Theme 2.A little background information on these characters, for those willing to listen... Magus is a character from Square's classic time-traveling RPG Chrono Trigger who also features on this website's rotating top-right-corner image. He's a powerful blue-haired wizard who many consider to be downright badass (myself included). His theme has been remixed quite often... At one point in the game he travels back in time, and, knowing what happens in the near future, passes himself off as a prophet so he can do as he pleases. To the player, his identity is obvious--to the characters, not so much. As a child he was thrown forward in time by a terrible accident involving the Big Bad and the destruction of his homeland. He spent the rest of his life trying to summon the Big Bad to his new time period in order to kill it and have revenge, but his plan backfired and he was thrown into the past, prior to the accident. (so Magus exists at the same time as his younger self) His main theme is the same as his battle theme. He's just that cool. For those of you who haven't played Chrono Trigger...shame on you! So, there's Magus, our False Prophet, now for Leorina... Leorina is a Sky Pirate from Namco's Klonoa 2:Lunatea's Veil for the PS2. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile was recently re-released on the Wii under the name of simply 'Klonoa,' so awareness of these games might increase soon...which is good, because the music in these games is simply phenomenal! Now, Leorina herself is the main antagonist for most of Klonoa 2. She's a crafty villain who will do anything to achieve her goal--including, conveniently enough, disguising herself as Baguji the Wise, Lunatea's resident prognosticator. She tricks the heroes into handing over the game's main plot devices, and later goes mad from the power and turns into a giant dragon monster. Her theme is not the same as her boss theme. Now, what do these characters have in common? Certainly not their looks... Well, we've already seen that they've both disguised themselves as prophets, but that's the obvious comparison. Both start out as the series' main antagonist, but play the games and you'll see there is more to them than meets the eye. Both are power-hungry and ruthless--Magus starts an entire war in order to gather the energy he needs to summon Lavos, and Leo leaves her priestess training and becomes the fearsome sky pirate Leorina in order to fill the world with sorrow, which has previously been sealed away. ...and yet, both of them can become protagonists. Magus never becomes a 'hero,' per se, but he does join the heroes' side if you let him (highly recommended), and taking his revenge on the main antagonist, the true Big Bad, and the original cause of his fury. Leorina recovers from her cursed state a changed person--though it's really not as simple as I make it sound--also assisting the heroes in taking out the Big Bad...well, actually sort of a Small Bad, but don't let his size fool you: the King of Sorrow is a powerhouse. Thus end the long descriptions... I am very fond of these songs...strings get me every time. So, the Challenge is: The heroes have gone through hell to get to this point, but they're about to be thrown a curve ball. The False Prophets enter--two mysterious figures who have alternately helped and hindered them on their journey. Some dialogue happens--you know how it is--and then the disguises are cast aside. Who stands before the heroes now but their greatest enemies! Witty banter ensues--and then...! Are Leorina and Magus going to do battle aginst the heroes in an epic face-off, or will they join the protagonists in taking down the true evil in this story? Or both? You, as the Remixer, choose; once and for all, what side are they on? The beginning of the song is an intro as they enter--and then reveal their disguises (The intros to their boss themes seem to me to work nicely for that). It's a giant rising action, leading to the climax, where Leorina and Magus decide to fight or join the heroes. There could even be an epic battle ending with the villains turning good after all (as is the case with Leorina in the game). Go ahead...go crazy with this. Any style, any instruments...I have no preference. There are so many different outcomes to such a confrontation. The reactions of the heroes are unimportant--this song is about the Prophets! And if you don't want to do that, well, do what ever you like! Even a soft jazz remix would be awesome. I post what I want to hear, but that is really not the point of these Challenges. I aim to inspire. If you look at this and all you think of is 'Hmm, I could do another Magus' theme mix...' then I've done my job. Even if you look at this and are inspired to remix something completely different... If you don't feel like remixing these songs, fine. If you want to remix these songs but don't feel like following the Challenge, that's also fine. I'd appreciate any remix, because I like these songs. If you decide to remix these songs, please PM me when your mix is finished and/or accepted to the site. I'm sure it will be.
  20. Yes, yes it is. That is the only reason I made an account: to request Remixes. Original? No...I'm sure there are others...

    But if I inspire just one person to Remix, then I've done my job. Even if they look at a Challenge and say, "Hey, that reminds me of some other game...I should remix that one song..." I've made a difference, albeit in a roundabout way.

  21. There is nothing 'special' about my requests...nothing at all. They are only different. So let's try... .I am especially fond of the beginning of this song, up until :31; after that, the song becomes, in my opinion, too harsh. Following the digression into ear-charring noise, the song becomes music again at 1:00, and even nicer at 1:15 with the re-introduction of the violin. This is, of course, my personal bias. Even a heavy metal remix of this song would be appreciated, but for this Remix Challenge, considering the song is the Final Battle, the Big Big Boss, of Sonic Rush... ..the Challenge is: Remix this song to be a battle high above the earth--not in space, but in the clouds. The wind is blowing fiercely and the sun is bright. The two heroes Sonic and Blaze stand on air on either side of Robotnik's robot--which hovers over a dimensional rift. Inside this rift lurks Nega-Eggman. When one takes damage, the other takes over, leaving the two super-forms to try to smash one up quicker than the other can repair damage. Soon they decide that one of them should stay in the other dimension, and Blaze is the one to go, seeing as it's her home dimension. The battle continues. How it ends is up to you, the Remixer. Digressions into the alternate dimension could be accompanied by a change in the music, of course, but the point of this challenge is to make a softer, more melodic version of the original song. Please try to keep it epic. If you don't feel like remixing this song, fine. If you want to remix this song but don't feel like following the Challenge, that's also fine. Like I said, I'd appreciate any remix, because I like this song. If you decide to remix this song, please PM me when it's finished and if/when accepted to the site. Also, this is for you: Nothing. I am just different. So is everyone else. Well, here you go. Ironically, I'm listening to starbright (under the Moonlight) right now.
  22. For someone who made such a lofty introduction on the newbie board, this is a rather mundane post...however, I found it interesting, perhaps you will as well: I noticed a rather eerie similarity between the songs for Buoy Base Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/wii/supermariogalaxy-floaterlandXGv1.mid and the Crimean Army Sortie from SSBB/Fire Emblem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPsXPAc_k5k&feature=PlayList&p=11C96F1C0DD828C8&index=5 For Buoy Base, the similar bit starts at around 00:50, and in Crimean Army Sortie it starts after the intro, or at 00:14. The two melodies are nearly the same. Do they share the same composer? (the SMG one was composed by Mahito Yokota, according to my soundtrack; I have no idea who composed the Crimean Army Sortie or its original form) Thoughts? Ideas?
  23. Warning! Challenger approaching! Hello. I've been browsing this site for several years, enjoying the music and contemplating joining these forums. It was time to stop thinking about it and just do it. I am not a Remixer. I may become one someday, who knows. But neither am I just a random lurker. No, I have a different purpose here. I am the Remix Challenge. What does this mean? Several things: It means there are some games with excellent soundtracks that are either underrepresented or not represented on this site at all. It means I am here to change that. It does not mean I am here to tell you what to do; on the contrary, I am here to give ideas, to possibly dispel Composers' Block. And, of course, to see Remixes made of songs from some darn good soundtracks. To inject inspiration of my own unique brand into this community. I am aware that there are probably plenty of people here with a similar purpose. But... They are not me. That is all that matters. Now, serious mission statements aside, it's time for my personal introduction. My name is Remix Challenge; You can call me by my screen name, or you can call me Katie. Your choice. As I said, I am not a Remixer; I do, however play the piano and compose my own music. I'm not going to say I am a pro piano player; I am good at it, however. I have recently ordered Cakewalk Home Studio 2002--because it was cheap and because Dr. Fruitcake recommended it in his FAQ, which may or may not be outdated. I really don't care. I do love music, video game music especially. I'm not a big fan of heavy metal or rock-type music, though there are exceptions. I dislike rap. I will try not to let my musical opinions get in the way of my Remix Challenges. That is all. Good day!
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