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A Random Tiger

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Everything posted by A Random Tiger

  1. Got a new mouse. I will continue to fight for my Demoman cause
  2. Dethklok is great and Prog Metal is overrated wut
  3. I used the scroll wheel for a while to switch weapons. But that statement was more to explain how old it is
  4. I'm playing for the Demo side. LANDEMOMAN CALRISSIAN Though I asked my mom for an early x-mas gift, being a new mouse, and I might be getting it tonight, which would be great
  5. Well I probably won't be playing for a while. My replacement mouse broke. So I have two non-working mice. I was lucky as hell to find an ancient relic of a mouse, but there's no way I can play TF2 with this piece of shit. Doesn't even have a scroll wheel rofl.
  6. That's Valve's fault for being so cryptic. .
  7. I want more A/D maps Premuda seemed really neat
  8. Way too much prog in here. Needs more and And maybe some
  9. Maybe I'm thinking of another time then. But people will say OMG NQA STACKING even when they aren't pretty often.
  10. He probably just saw more than one of you guys in the game and started saying you were stacking. I'm pretty sure trolling is his thing I was there the other night when he was doing it, and I know you weren't then.
  11. I wouldn't mind having Pipeline, but I really do not want more Well.
  12. Yeah it's all stock, so of course its going to be boring rofl. I wouldn't mind swapping Yukon for Junction or Egypt though.
  13. Found out the reason no one could hear me last night. My mic wasn't plugged in.
  14. I'm not sure I've cried, but I always feel a little emotional when I beat a game. There's just something about the finality of it haha
  15. The way I got rid of that stuff back when we tried that particle thing was deleted files based off of the date I got them. I knew the time it started happening, so I knew what to get rid of.
  16. The thread about December 11 being OCR's 10th year anniversary made me think, we should turn the birthday mod on for that week o:
  17. Yeah, you would think I'd know better rofl
  18. Yeah they instantly got better after I said something XD So I ate my words pretty fast.
  19. I can't believe these people managed to stack an entire team, but uh. . it happened: Powerless to stop so many people like that without an actual admin considering they take up half the game, so votes don't do shit. It was pretty obnoxious too, when I pointed out how ridiculous it was they stacked that much but weren't that coordinated, and then for about 30 minutes they would not stop saying TIGER and talking about Sagat. . . They eventually left, but. . lol That was definitely something else.
  20. Just saw this hat skin on FPSBanana Replaces the Gibus with a Chicken Butt http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/77265 I might start using this. .
  21. It's SpikeTV, so I wouldn't surprised if Halo 3 and MW2 won every award, even the categories they're not in.
  22. I'm all for playing new maps. I'd be up for a night of that.
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