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A Random Tiger

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Everything posted by A Random Tiger

  1. Update is out, server is out. Hope ya'll get it up soon for Halloween fun. Also seems like I didn't actually get the Gibus, even though it said I did. .
  2. I'm going to be gone all weekend, so I hope this is something we can cover in one night <__>
  3. Ahhh I was not aware of that. -goes to search-
  4. I just hope someone records playing it so I can see what it looks like.
  5. I won't play on a no-crits server. I gladly accept crits as part of the game. I think TF2 is a chaotic game, and crits do a good job of adding to the chaos. Crit kills are fair because everybody has a chance of getting them. Just so happens you didn't get them in that situation.
  6. . . . ⌐_⌐ I assure you I will not forget your little maneuver
  7. I will never be tired of pregame mayhem
  8. I have no objection to a different server. As long as there's still an OCR server, I could careless where its being hosted or whatever.
  9. Yeah I definitely agree with this. Stage 3 usually has interesting matches.
  10. Dustbowl is one of my favorite maps. I really don't want to see it off the rotation.
  11. It had some extra stuff that needed to be done in the launch settings of TF2 it seems. I just threw it in the folder before and it didn't work properly
  12. Chives that video was awesome. And uh, I wanted to try that Config again. Downloaded it, and again only got the .cfg file. Any chance you can PM me the instructions that you got with it?
  13. What do you mean by "real" musical qualities?
  14. I believe I killed you that way before XD
  15. Does that replace the little icon above someone who's dominating you? If so, that is quite funny
  16. I don't do anything interesting enough to have an achievement related to me. But damn do I hope we put in a lot of these ones. Would be pretty fun to see them.
  17. All I get is the .cfg file when I extract it :/
  18. I just threw it in the CFG folder Though I'm not fan of the NQA guys, they didn't really have bad sportsmanship there. There are no strict rules with melee only. I threw up sentries in that match for lulz myself.
  19. 60 fps!?! Oh man, I'm definitely trying this out. Though I cannot seem to figure out what to do with the file XD; Can I get me sum directions? Edit again: Alright so I loaded it up, and it does seem to have an effect on my FPS. Though I'm a little confused because in your videos, things don't look as hellishly bad as they do for me. Player models are all glossy and such. I dunno if I like how that looks, so I'll wait until later when we're actually playing a game to decide if I'm going to keep using it.
  20. Does that mean two different voice keys? If so. . I would be aaalllllllllllllllll for trying that
  21. That's because some classes have an obligation to do their intended job. Engi's should be building sentries, and Medic's should be healing teammates. You want to deviate a bit? That's fine. But if I'm dying, and I run by a Medic that is choosing not to heal people, I'm going to be pretty pissed.
  22. Maybe rather than have a vote at the beginning of every match, we should just set aside a day or two for more serious games
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