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A Random Tiger

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Everything posted by A Random Tiger

  1. My mistake, whatever XD People seemed to know I meant Badwater anyway.
  2. Fireslash, if it isn't too late, can you change its so the 5 point Payload and 5 CP maps aren't all next to eachother?
  3. Oh yeah, I forgot about Hoodoo. Though frankly I can't remember what it's like past the first area, so I don't remember if I like it or not.
  4. Because if we're going to have another payload, I'd rather it be that one than any of the others I've played.
  5. I think pretty much all payload maps that aren't Badwater are terrible. :/
  6. I suggest if we add a payload, make it the Dustbowl one.
  7. Yeah I'm pretty sure something was broken with the medic. The Blutsager's drain I think.
  8. Sandvich heals full health with the normal M1 too.
  9. Late reply to Powerlord. I'd like to see the CP Waste. And Furnace again.
  10. Is Cashworks the payload map that has an unncessary amount of crap at the final point?
  11. Nope. 8D I'm constantly around 15 - 20 fps
  12. Oh god I forgot about Pipeline and Hydro. I can't remember the last time I've played Yukon with a full server, so I don't know how I feel about that map truly. I don't think I've even played Cashworks
  13. Actually yeah, I could go with Viaduct and lose Nucleus. I always goof around on Nucleus anyway. Viaduct can atleast provide interesting games.
  14. I don't mind Nucleus as much, but I agree with the other three.
  15. If I said we should stitch together a new map rotation, would anyone agree? <__<
  16. Where are these glowing face avatars coming from? The ones with the TF2 classes that have blue coming out of their eyes or mouth.
  17. Alright so,. . we had someone using a speed hack on a while ago. Unfortunately we didn't realize he was changing his name to match other players, thus a voteban passed and Fuzzy Peaches got a 30 minute ban that he didn't deserve. Pretty sure the hacker left after the map changed soon after, but yeah. That happened XD If Fuzzy Peaches in on here, I apologize. Edit: Oh I see Aero posted while I was typing haha
  18. Wrench that builds faster but can't upgrade. Heavy gloves that make you run faster but drain health. Spy suit that doesn't catch fire but you lose your revolver And I didn't see what was with the medigun, but the overcharge doesn't decay
  19. I vote to change server laws. Whining constantly about your team and insulting them because they aren't playing well should lead to instaban. It's alright if they're not doing good and you want them to do better, but "MY TEAM SUCKS WOW. THIS TEAM SUCKS, YOU GUYS ARE ALL TERRIBLE" is quite unnecessary in a game people are playing to have fun.
  20. >;3 I love getting reactions from people who haven't heard it yet
  21. I realized my problem with class limits would ironically be solved with class limits, so I don't care if you put it on anymore haha
  22. Yeah I really hate that the two corner areas with water are pretty much useless other than to hide a teleporter
  23. I think tonight was the first time I stopped playing because of the trash in the server. 4 or so users just. . ugh Sucks when there's no one online to keep it clean.
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