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A Random Tiger

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Everything posted by A Random Tiger

  1. I'm tempted to try to play without the config again, but I'm not sure if it will be a catastrophic difference haha. I miss seeing eyeballs, sprays, and corpses
  2. Computers are expensive maaannnn I'm not getting L4D2 either. I also run TF2 at a barely acceptable level rofl Rambo for TF2 do you use a config to have better settings, or do you just have everything on low?
  3. Scrims just aren't for me, so I won't be playing again. I might spec some tonight though.
  4. Wow, I thought there were just a few from a big clan coming here. I didn't realize it was pretty much the entire clan haha
  5. Well I don't really think you're a jerk either so that doesn't say much rofl
  6. I can't speak for everyone, but my reluctance to do something about it would come from the fact that they aren't bad people really. They aren't asses to other people on the server, they just cluster themselves together when they play. I mean maybe one or two of them has done something in the past, but I haven't had that kind of problem with them from what I can remember.
  7. No, its on our server so if we want something done about it we need to do it.
  8. Yeah. You can tell by their avatar sometimes. Though that situation of name changing wasn't to hide identities or anything. The only non-tagged NQA guy I know of is Brock Samson And I'm willing to bet GUN! is one too based on the name changes.
  9. On a lighter note, has anyone seen the No Mercy map? It's a TF2 remake of the finale area of the L4D campaign
  10. The problem with teamstacking is that there are a lot more NQA guys playing recently. I've played when there were at least 5 of them on at one time, 4 with tags, 1 without, and possibly more without tags. With so many playing these days, it's not possible to have them separate from playing with a few clan members.
  11. I don't think we were being malicious. Though it wasn't really a friendly thing either. Just, "OH GOD MY SUICIDE COUNT" It's one of the most trivial complaints I've seen in here, so of course I'm going to goof around about it. Some of the things you suggest aren't bad. But some of them, such as these past stats one, I think just count as nitpicking rather than seeking improvement.
  12. You may be right, but it isn't brewing hatred. Just for lulz really. atmuh is always displeased with SOMETHING on the server so after a while its pretty much a joke. I don't care if its wrong to think like that, but really, it gets to a point where you just have to laugh at it.
  13. rofl. TF2 Christmas cards http://store.valvesoftware.com/productshowcase/productshowcase_TF2-HolidayCards.html
  14. Or I could just use one that won't require registering after a period of time. Why am I getting flak for this?
  15. Too impatient? How does that even apply here?
  16. Not because of that, because ChatZilla doesn't require some kind of registration to use it.
  17. I loaded up the mIRC and it asked about registration or something, so I'm using ChatZilla on Firefox instead, but I've got it all working now, thanks
  18. Seeing those chat logs being posted again, I'm finally curious enough to ask. What is that IRC thing? Is it like a big chatroom? Or more of an instant messanger? And how do I get to it myself? <__<
  19. I don't remember what episode it was from, but it was Nathan reading from a peace of paper saying he hated someone. I want to say it was from the episode with the therapist, but I can't be sure. It's too damn long to be practical, and I've stopped using HLDJ anyway
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