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A Random Tiger

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Everything posted by A Random Tiger

  1. I think it has something to do with new players smashing the scores of people with higher. You lose a LOT of points when you die to someone with very little. So if we're all low again it won't be a big deal. But that would mean we'd eventually have to do it again anyway. I just don't really care about the points that much.
  2. He has been a great admin. I've always enjoyed jumping on the server when he's on because I know I won't have to put up with bullshit. However in this instance I do think he's wrong. I think he KNOWS he's wrong, and I don't think it even needed to come to the forums. I wouldn't mind if the stats were reset
  3. Well I do think Fireslash should have at least asked about it. However, those demo's weren't breaking any rules, so you were pretty much just harassing them :/
  4. Yeah I guess no one caught that Brock Samson is NQA
  5. Only 65? That's reasonable. Huh. Maybe people just like getting rolled lately
  6. So there's no way to fix the percentage needed for a scramble huh? It's been pretty useless as of late.
  7. <_____< That is some ccrrazzzyyy shit right there
  8. If anything, Fastlane should replace Yukon
  9. I've noticed a lack of you lately. It's made me think we're losing a lot of players D:
  10. It really isn't. That's the fucked up part.
  11. "ego flaunt, whine whine, ego flaunt, snarky comment, snarky comment, ego flaunt, whine, ego flaunt, snarky comment, herpderpagreement, snarky ego comment flaunt whine" - OCR TF2 Thread.
  12. you mean enforcing the server rules wut
  13. On a hopefully less absurd note. Has anyone else been seeing really weird votes lately? The other day I saw a vote in chat pass at 10%, with 1 vote I think. There was no vote though. Just a random "the vote passed" And then yesterday someone got kicked by a random vote. I asked why the guy was kicked, and nobody knew because there was no actual vote. Reading back, maybe its the same tomfoolery that's got Vivi banned Yar I believe that mockery you're referring to was me an not them. As I was making some kind of voice and joking about teamstacking and hacks for a good 10 minutes O:
  14. Really? He must switch around because I've seen him as Scythe not that long ago
  15. XD Those are pretty funny achievements.
  16. Going to my dad's for a month. I get to bring my computer but I'm not sure if it'll work, or if his connections would even be good enough to play a stable gaming. So if I'm gone for a long time, that's why haha.
  17. Well under that logic we should remove Goldrush, Turbine, and Steel.
  18. Yeah, pretty sure that's who Brushfire asked about. The other guy was zeypher with some numbers at the end of it.
  19. Well I joined the game and went Sniper,so I sat back with the engi's stuff. Dr. Gerbil, the one who Bahamut bagged later, was a Demo, and was shooting at the engi's stuff. Destroying it. It was OBVIOUS something was up because he kept joining spectator and then rejoining the team. The Dr.Fire guy was rejoining too, but he was on the other team. So I asked what the fuck they were doing. RED said they were teamkilling the buildings using an exploit, and he's pretty experienced so I knew my suspicions were well placed After we votebanned those two, the other WORLDWIDE CAPS NAME guy was like "STOP QQING ABOUT TEAMKILLING" and then proceeded to start doing it on the team I wasn't on. It was painfully obvious they were doing it even if I didn't see anyone but Gerbil doing it considering people were saying in the chat "he's destroying our buildings" lawl Later in the night the Ubel guy was saying he knew how they did it, apparently Vahn knew and told him. So if you want to know HOW, go to them I guess.
  20. By the way, for whoever wants to deal with it, We had 3 (that I know of) people exploiting a bug that let them destroy friendly buildings. Bahamut got one of them, and the other two are: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011610093 and http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998694012
  21. Whoever was taking the screenshots of the Civilian soldier today in Lumbermill, you should totally post them.
  22. Latenight games are filled with pubscum, so I don't care ahaha
  23. One thing I don't like about Well is that you can get to the other side with an explosive jump or a scout. Otherwise its a pretty fun map
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