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A Random Tiger

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Everything posted by A Random Tiger

  1. When I started playing TF2 I only played arena and I wasn't very good, so I'd love to go back and play it again on a server that isn't shit
  2. I could do without sawmill entirely. I really do not like that map Viaduct I don't mind. I don't hate it, but I don't really like it either. I wish we could have SOME arena play though. I haven't done Lumberyard in a long time
  3. I would really prefer there be no class limits at all.
  4. It is absolutely ridiculous how much people care. XD Debating Valve's choices is fine, I don't care about that. But to see such a fuss over some hats that literally do nothing but make you want to wear them is preeetttyyyy funny
  5. It would be funny to do it just to troll the butthurt people, but I think just wearing a halo does that enough. I'm hoping nobody pulls any of that "I don't heal halos" kind of shit on this server.
  6. Yeah that'll be an interesting item to have. I can see it becoming a staple for good Heavy players
  7. I think its funny how everyone who doesn't like this is blaming Valve for causing the idling. That's pretty much what it comes down to. "broken drop system" The idea is they were supposed to be rare. That means they're not going to hand out hats to everyone who wants one The drop system makes them rare. I don't see anything broken there. Saying people who play more and have no lives are rewarded is kind of funny too. You would think the people who go out and use a program outside of their game in order to try and get a rare item in the game would have less of a life. Maybe that's just me though. The people who play the game a lot would have, and SHOULD have a better chance of getting the items. That's pretty much how it works in all games that have rare drops.
  8. I play a couple of hours every day and I don't have any hats
  9. If you're talking about people like Vic and Spank, I don't have a problem with them haha. You tend to get rid of people who need to be gotten rid of. Those particular users joke around a lot, but they don't harass people when they do it, so I don't mind it. In fact a lot of times I end up laughing my ass off.
  10. Yeah I think terran had way too much going on. Its like they packed in everything they could into one map
  11. Haven't tried to play yet, but I was instantly annoyed with two things. One, the pistol not firing with your mouse clicks anymore. Two, the blutsauger not being good for spy checking anymore
  12. That balloon map does look pretty awesome
  13. The Engineer cap isn't just for turbine. You can't have more than 1 engi on any map now. Something messed up <__<;
  14. Well last time I was here with his commentary he did it with someone else and people seemed to enjoy it, so I dunno why you'd look at it that way. And I suggested the steam forums because it seemed to make sense to me, lulz. I don't take part in anything TF2 past playing on this server so I don't know about that stuff.
  15. Looking forward to your commentary again : D
  16. I think you should take that idea somewhere it will get more attention. Maybe the Steam boards. Then hopefully a good mapmaker will take it up as a challenge or something
  17. I think it would be neat if soldiers got Landmines. I dunno how they would do it, but I feel like it would suit the character
  18. I can't believe the assumptions you're making here, atmuh. We barely discussed detail and you're instantly assuming that by being annoyed by pyros who don't spycheck we want them to be spychecking 100% of the time, everyone and everywhere, and not attacking people.
  19. Ah, started playing after that update so I wasn't aware of that.
  20. I can't decide which I hate more. Pyro's that don't spycheck, or Pyro's that don't put out teammates.
  21. Well the thing with messing around is, what if its only one person who isn't cooperating? As in, everyone is messing around but one person. Wouldn't that be a justifiable cause for a kick?
  22. Is there a new mapcycle or something? Yesterday it felt like the only maps were 5 CPs and payloads.
  23. Yeah they are all defensive stuff but those are the best uses I have for it.
  24. I can't give you twenty, but I can give you a few Airblasting people off of a control point rather than trying to burn them can win you the game. Its one of, if not THE best defense against an uber attack. You can save your teammates when they're on fire so they don't have to retreat for health. You can defend sentries from spies AND demo's/soldiers rather than just spies. Where the backburner is just good for ambushing from behind.
  25. Yeah that Furnace map was pretty good. I could get used to playing it.
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