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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Good lord this was amazing! I love the progression into double time in this one, sounded like a heroic takeoff. And the “real” beat as you called it added another notch to the overall quality of the mix. Add in some clean water and bubble sounds and this jumps up to one of my top 3 arrangements of this tune. Wonderful ReMix, Neon X!
  2. This smooth middle-eastern trap mix is an absolute head-nodder. The beat had plenty of energy and the whole arrangement built upon itself nicely. Very nice.
  3. Feels very much like an energy fueled victory lap after winning a race, but different from overly dramatic and triumphant. More like a satisfied win and a good race run. Very cool, this was a neat mix.
  4. If it got any funkier than this, Afro’s and lighted floors might start appearing. The pinball sound effects where great for the intro and the entire arrangement just sounds full and complete. One of my favorite DS stages sounds pretty good with a bit of groove, love it!
  5. The fact that this ReMix stays interesting and varies itself up as much as it does over the course of eight minutes is a testament to how good this is, and ranging from borderline relaxing to blitzing into metal with enough time to make it sound like a proper build without being jarring is incredibly cool. I truly enjoyed this.
  6. I could certainly get used to more music that combines funky electronica with eastern flair and arranging. Giving it a little bit of rocking guitar later on was a great addition as well. Nice work combing history and music for an overall interesting and fun ReMix.
  7. God, the emotion in this ReMix is super rich and feels a bit sad, but somehow peaceful and hopeful as well, like acceptance after an event. Absolutely gorgeous, especially after the build up when the bit of drum and cello kicks in. This is lovely.
  8. What a fantastic and epic take on the final battle theme, and using victory road as a lead in was cool. Pretty sweet mix.
  9. Lots of fun with the synths and percussion here, and the addition of the Pokémon cries does give it that additional bit of creepy atmosphere with the beat, so it’s perfect for Lavender Town. Very nice.
  10. Not much to say beyond that this was an old childhood game I had and I randomly remembered it existed. Pure nostalgia and that’s all. There were only two actual level themes when you played and they alternated every level. If anyone is looking for something basic to rearrange and make better, here’s two shorter tracks that might be worth a shot. Thanks! Jumping Mouse: On The Prowl:
  11. This is excellent! While I have to admit I prefer the kind of jazz that is more melodic like this mix was in the beginning, there is an undeniable smoothness to this one. Certainly would recommend this to Zelda fans who enjoy a little jazz from time to time.
  12. I will also echo what others have said in wishing there was just a tiny bit more at the end to push this over the edge, but it’s still a decent sounding almost cinematic mix, so that’s cool. Definitely not bad.
  13. Feels like an emotional tribute to the character and his many battles. The piano is lovely and it sounds reflective, which is a total Ryu thing. I also would have dialed back on the voice clips a little, but they add to the idea of the fighter’s memory nicely, so they still fit anyway. I like it.
  14. One hundred percent agree with 42 saying that this reminds me of some old-school DDR tracks, but I guess happy hardcore can have that effect. The build up with the bells was nice and getting to the beat was worth the wait. I feel like something was a tad off, but I can’t put my finger on it. Still, sounds ok to me.
  15. Yeah definitely enjoying the 80’s rock vibes from the percussion and guitar, and the sfx breaking things up and adding a little variation was cool. I was afraid it was going to completely loop in the middle but luckily it didn’t seem to last beyond that initial bit. I could see this in a collection trailer. Nice.
  16. I’m liking what I’ve seen so far and I can’t wait to try it next year. Between them going back to the hip-hop vibe they were at on Street Fighter 3, the story finally moving past 3rd Strike, being colorful and looking impactful during hits, it looks good. The drive-gauge mechanic will take a little figuring out, but once I do it seems like fun. It seems good, but you just never know with fighting games until it’s in your hands and you can feel it for yourself. The only thing that bums me out is the roster list, both revealed and potentially leaked. Great for other fans I’m sure, but the only character I play that’s confirmed is Chun-li, with only one other character I like just being rumored and potentially late DLC. Placing hope that the new characters are fun. But if not, that’s fine. Only the game itself and Chun-li has to be fun and I’ll be sold.
  17. Good lord that was beastly! The absolute chug of those guitars and the soloing, especially near the end, was awesome! Gotta love lively solid drumming behind great guitar-work that makes metal as epic as it can be. Nothing is perfect, but this is as fitting for MMX as you can get.
  18. Interesting, I can hear this and almost think of it as Dark World but in the style of later nes, so maybe a Zelda 1 map modded with this mix would be cool, but aside from the quick end, not much else popped out at me that would make me dislike it. Decent enough for me to enjoy.
  19. Short, amusing and straight to the point. Not much to say with less than a minute to it, but if there is something worth saying, it’s that it would fit great for a “moment of disbelief” video compilation edit and it may be humorous to some folks. I’ll take a small dose of humor over nothing nowadays.
  20. The smile on my face and the urge to laugh, this mix just gives me giddy joy. The idea and story that this ReMix tells of the village chickens deciding to take revenge and unveil their procession of poultry power is fantastic. The orchestra sounds great, going from almost tragic, to dark and powerful and finally to grand and epic, I simply love everything this ReMix has to offer! Awesome work!
  21. That ambient break and the overall energetic beat really won me over on this ReMix. I actually dig the “hey!” clips and how it really does feel like a pumped up take on the original, enhancing the best parts of the source and adding just a little extra to it. Pretty sweet mix!
  22. Mmmmm! That baseline is so good! Now this is the kind of dark, hard-hitting synth I can get behind. It’s almost the same ominous feeling the ghosts get when you get a power pellet. Or drop a fire hydrant on someone in Smash. The anti-drug lines and the title fit super well with the idea of Pac-Man being a game you can’t beat until it breaks completely like an addiction, which short games like this kinda were as a kid. Love it. Definitely adding to my playlists immediately.
  23. Man, I remember Pac-Man being one of the first games I truly played as a five year old kid, both the janky Atari version and the arcade cabinet they had at one of the local restaurants which was taller than me at the time, so my dad had to hold me up to reach the joystick. This is a fantastic ReMix that just reminds me of the vibes this game gives off and just delivers six minutes of catchiness. A wonderful mix to celebrate 42 years of Pac-Man!
  24. I’m super glad the guitars in this kept the melody faithful to the source, especially were the female vocals used to be in the original. This took everything I loved about Heat Haze and turned it up. Awesome mix!
  25. Intro aside, there is plenty that could have been done here to expand on the warm-up, loose jam idea and it’s a shame that it just doesn’t go there at all or even get more than half a minute. It does sound like a sound check, but man, it could have been built to much more.
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