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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. If it were up to me, I'd do both themes separately instead of one track. But there are alot of tracks already, and doing both in one track would save some room. If you go that way, do Doomsday leading into Final Boss, or maybe mix Final Boss midway through Doomsday.
  2. It's not the final title, just a placeholder.
  3. How many other deadlines are there gonna be before the final one? As many as are needed until the project's done.
  4. analoq...pending?! I will be very sad if he doesn't contribute to the project.
  5. I can't wait either. I'm hoping (expecting) analoq's track to be very good. Official Release Date: when it's done. Have patience. Never in a million years.
  6. Wow, already there's remixer drama. And suprise, it involves Sadorf. This is gonna turn into another Hedgehog Heaven quick, at this rate.
  7. Sorry UltimateSonicFan, but we already agreed on Fisting Asian Hedgehog Fun...OF THE CHOZO. I think it complements the project perfectly.
  8. Fisting Asian Hedgehog Fun...OF THE CHOZO.
  9. Actually, I think that could work very well as a piano medley. I remember someone once doing a piano remix of the Sonic 2 Credits that was very well done. A nice piano track would be a good way to end the project, in my opinion.
  10. Dang, need a gamespy ID huh.. Do they send you lots of spam if you sign up? I haven't gotten one bit of spam from them as far as I know. Yeah, don't worry about spam at all with gamespy.
  11. That's what I was going to suggest. SoaH hasn't let me down yet.
  12. lol, he is a busy man lol. Yeah, I know. But I can always dream. Speaking of the Desert Palace theme, I noticed that the Desert Palace and Chrome Gadget themes are switched in the GYM files. These files are pretty poorly organized.
  13. Sorry to hear you drop out, Sporky. I know how you feel. Hey, now there's another track for analo...I mean, anyone to claim!
  14. I love the fact that analoq's covering IceCap. It's gonna be sweet to hear it in his style. I just hope this project gets released at least sometime this year.
  15. Someone please get analoq on board for this.
  16. I can't remix worth crap, but I volunteer to manage part of the S3+K Project (if it actually gets past the talking stage.)
  17. well, to be fair.. THE SONG KICKS ASS!! Yeah. Just be quiet and play COHNON TRIGGAR again, Zeal.
  18. Congratulations to every involved with the project. I'm currently seeding the torrent, and... Woah, Psawnik's track just came in and took me by surprise.
  19. *shoots you with Zapper*
  21. So, what kind of knife do you use to carve "MUSTIN MUST DIE" into your body? It seems like a Swiss Army Knife or a steak knife just wouldn't be effective.
  22. There's a difference? Sorry to all Mustin and OUS fans but I can't open a UK gaming magazine at the moment without seeing a letter from Mustin plugging OUS. Kinda put me off him for a bit, hopefully he'll change my opinion later. So he likes to hype his stuff. A lot. A whole lot. In fact, it gets a little annoying. He's pretty nice when you get to know him, though.
  23. No, I heard from the OUS forums. Real Mustin, not Gay Mustin.
  24. Beatdrop, Flik, and Mustin? I'll download RealPlayer for that.
  25. Nero's demo won't let me open Cover Designer. Could someone please release the CD cover art in another format?
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