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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. As far as I know, we're still waiting for artwork and Nuts.
  2. I love Duckbreaka. Believe me, I'd love for you to lend your vocals for this project. And Kyle, I suppose I do have to be a little aggressive if I want more people to be in my project. I'll ask around. And regarding Nintendo World Cup, I think that I'll let that idea go. There aren't alot of tracks, but I think that will improve the quality of each track used.
  3. There are 19 tracks, but that includes short tunes like Match Start, Win Match, Lose Match, etc. It only leaves about 13-15 remixable songs. If there are more people who want to get onto the project, I just may expand it to include another Technos sports game, Nintendo World Cup.
  4. I appreciate the help. I feel it would be rude to contact artists directly and ask them, but I suppose I will if it will get them onto the project.
  5. I am going to punch you in the face. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday.
  6. The artists can pick whatever track they want to. Later on, we'll have all the artists do a peer vote on what tracks will be included. Also, nobody needs to "qualify" for the project. Just pick a track and make a WIP. One more thing to announce: I will start stage two of the project on June 5th. Then, I will announce the tracks, who's already doing what (EazyP doing All-Stars, etc.), and hopefully this will get off the ground. Edit: I lied. One other thing to announce: I've got zyko as a maybe right now.
  7. I just told you this in my reply, but I'm telling everybody else. I want an OCR-quality project here. I mean no offense to Ricter or any of the remixers on his project, and I apologize if I do, but I don't want my project to become another Hedgehog Heaven. And the last thing I want is another failed project like StarFox or any of the others in the past. If you're serious about this project, then you better give 110% on whatever track or tracks the artists choose. EazyP: you can have the Team All-Stars (USA) track, but you better be ready to compete with whoever else might pick it. Go ahead and work on a WIP now, if you want.
  8. Thanks for the bump...I guess...yutz. Well, since this got bumped, I guess I'll continue with my idea. I've thought about this, and I think that I won't go with that "song theme" idea. I wouldn't want to limit the creativity of the remixers, especially with this somewhat difficult source material. I'm also thinking about starting the project a little earlier than I planned, seeing as how the Kirby and DOOM projects are nearly done anyway. Edit - front page edited with info. 'Nother Edit - I've decided to formally launch stage two of the Super Dodge Ball ReMix Project in June. If not on the first (I may still be on vacation then), then shortly after I return. Between then and now, I still encourage artists to send me a private message or bump the thread if they want to express interest. I've also advertised this project at the Minibosses and OneUp Studios forums, so I hope to get people from all over the remixing community to take part in this.
  9. Yep, looks like he's back from his hiatus.
  10. A wise decision. Right. If all of the other remixers are working on other projects, then who would work on this one? Like I said earlier, I'll either make a thread (or bump this one if it's still alive) about this project probably after both the DOOM and Kirby projects are released.
  11. That remix inspired me to think about this project, actually.
  12. Who did the vocal track at the end of the old preview? It's amazing.
  13. For my project, I want each song to have a distinctive style. For USSR, I really want it done in the style of a traditional Russian dance. Use guitars if you want, but make it sound Russian. That's my idea for the project right now. I want the country themes to sound like the style of music in that country. Pop or rap for the All-Stars, british rock & roll for England, a Hindu music style for India, and so on. I just want to know if there's any interest in this project if I put it together.
  14. Ok, I went through Google and found a great NEFe of the soundtrack. This is exactly what I need. I'll start thinking more about this project after the Kirby and DOOM projects finish up. In the meantime, I'm gonna listen to the Team England track and think of the awesome remix that could come from it. If anyone wants to use this thread to throw around ideas or express interest in this project, go right ahead. By the way, here's the nsfe link. http://disch.zophar.net/nsfe/SuperDodgeBall.rar
  15. Ok. I'm not sure how to do that, but a trip to Google should help. Thanks.
  16. Welcome to Around the World, the Super Dodge Ball remix project. This site project idea was created my myself and maintained by KyleJCrb and myself. Super Dodge Ball, developed by Technos Japan and released in the US by Sony Imagesoft, is one of my personal favorite NES games. Choosing the right teams, players, and power throws to win in the two-players mode was always fun, and I have many memories involving my brother and myself hitting each other with virtual dodge balls. The music in this game, composed by the talented Kazuo Sawa (also the composer of Double Dragon, River City Ransom, and others), is a personal favorite video game soundtrack of mine, especially in the single-player mode. Each theme, from the catchy rifts of Team England to the epic, climatic tune of Team Shadow, brings something new to the game and adds to the excitement. I want to recapture that excitement with this remix project. In addition, I'm looking for a general overall theme for Around the World. The game featured a very ethnic feeling which was mirrored in Sawa's soundtrack. I want the artists to recreate the tracks using ethnical flavor as the artist sees fit. OFFICIAL FORUMS ARE AT http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3. GO THERE FOR WIP TRACK DISCUSSION AND OTHER INFO ABOUT AROUND THE WORLD! Download the original NES soundtrack at http://kngi.org/atw/OST/. ReMix Name (Track Name) - ReMixer Name 01 - Around the World (Title Screen) - pu_freak 02 - Dodge This Sakura (Team Japan) - bLiNd 03 - Birmingham Beatdown (Team England) - hoha 04 - Dodge Mahal (Team India) - Protricity, Level 99, bustatunez, Jeff Ball 05 - Almost Frozen (Team Iceland) - Rexy, Monobrow 06 - Big Blue Ballin' (Team Shadow) - ergosonic 07 - Six Dodgeballs And A Lotus Flower (Team China) - DjMokram 08 - Nairobi Hop (Team Kenya) - DCT, LuIzA, Mega Ran, Mr. Jones, Khakolak Boy 09 - I Lost My Ball In Moscow (Team USSR) - AkumajoBelmont, Dimmignatt 10 - Lightspeed (Team All-Stars) - Andy Jayne 11 - Doppelganger (Team Shadow) - Chrono 12 - Friendly Fire (Versus Play) - Willrock, Level 99 13 - Kill Bill (Bean Ball) - Ryan8Bit 14 - A Ultima Carimbada (Ending/Credits) - 8 Bit Instrumental 15 - Go Balls Deep! (Versus Play) - Sixto Sounds
  17. That's good and bad news. Good because of a remix by you, bad because I'm just worried about Dain. I just hope it isn't serious.
  18. What would Sir Nuts think? You're right. It would be unfair to have two versions of the same track, but not of other tracks. The number of remixers involved in this project is getting so large, maybe there should be a "Plutonium Edition" like with RoFL.
  19. I'm sorry to be impatient, but does anyone know about Beatdrop yet.
  20. Yeah. I, for example, have a strong belief that they should be split into seperate mixes... Actually, I believe the same thing. How about this? Snapple does the Lava Reef/Hidden Palace mix, and Joker does the exclusive Hidden Palace mix. Would it really be that bad to hear the same track done twice?
  21. Ok, that's enough. We explained to him what we thought, but he doesn't deserve to be talked down to. Sorry if I offended you. I just don't want this to get out of hand.
  22. Exactly. When you hear a Final Fantasy arrangment album or piano collection or something, do you hear every single song from the soundtrack? Nope. Rise of The Star for example. Is it using every song in the soundtrack? Nope. Right. I also believe that the DOOM project isn't using every track, as well. In short, don't let a little thing like continuity keep you from enjoying this project or the music. If you really end up not liking the project, let it be because of the music, not because Doomsday Zone is coming before Final Boss.
  23. My only expectation is to hear some great music from a game I love playing.
  24. Wow, this thread has been here the entire time, and I didn't realize it was a remix project until just now. Sweet. So, can we expect this to become an OCR site project?
  25. Oh, all right. In that case, I'd transition Doomsday into Final Boss, mainly for the reason that it follows the order in the game.
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