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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. Stickyfied. Compyfox suggested this one before I had time to get to this and it's a good one. Perhaps one of a new remixer's worst issues is this one. May your mixes be clipping free.
  2. The official Reason thread is now stickyfied. More power to reason users. I hope you don't mind the title change as it's more prominent now. Also be sure to check out SGX's super reason tricks guide. I also use Reason, but I can't promise I know the ins and outs of it yet.
  3. Deja vu. Nice to see yet another unique and ethnic take on mixes. I particularly dig the middle eastern/indian vibe of this. They are quite rare. Unfortunately, the execution and length of this mix holds it back. My favorite sections are around 30 seconds and again at 2:00. Definitely the highlight of the mix for me. The main problem with this mix for me is the shortness and lack of polish. Expand on the ideas, lengthen it and polish it up more. Ending is also slightly weird, it just ends with no warning or meaning. It just ends. This could have been a really great mix. As is, it feels incomplete, like a WIP. I already mentioned to nancho previously that I think he should work on this more, as this has potential... NO
  4. Great to see something unique like this. The middle eastern vibe present throughout is really super. Instrument selection is perfect. The middle eastern stringed instrument along with the piano work well together. I do like the flute sections, although the bends are very synthetic. Drum and percussions fit the mix really well. I would have loved to have heard those arabic kind of claps along with this mix, no not cheesy trance claps. Arrangement is kind of conservative, but I think it's enough of an evolution and the style change is so unique. I would have loved to have heard a more liberal interpretation. The pop at the end is really annoying on my Sony headphones. I don't have monitors/speakers available, so I'm not sure how bad it is on other monitoring situations? NO for now, but please fix that click/pop noise and other suggestions are considered. I would love to give it a yes with some more polish.
  5. Any word on fixing the ending? Indeed, this mix is just infused with energy. Wonderfully played guitar and drumwork to match. The intro is slightly sloppy in the mixing department, there's not as much definition as one would have hoped. This is a very, very conservative arrangement until near the ending sections with the solo parts as noted by cotmm. Very nice expansion there, but then why is it limited to such a short time span? As good as the mix is, the ending is severly lacking. Motel mix clearly has talent, so I don't know how it came to end like that. It just ends so abruptly and strangely. I also think the mix is on the short side. EDIT: After even more listening, I'm changing my initial borderline vote to a no. There are some good parts to this mix, however it feels to me like most of it is a cover, aside from additions here and there and the really great solo section. I would like to see more expansion as cotmm cited. It's enjoyable, yet there's some issues, and it doesn't feel too different from versions of this mix that have circulated in the past. NO
  6. I'm in agreement. This is short in the sense that very little ideas of this mix have been conveyed. By the time I got into this one, it was over. Extremely cool concept throughout. The instrumentation, drums and percussion department work on all sorts of levels. Where this mix fails is execution. Expand, expand, expand! There's a lot of great ideas here, but it's just too bare bones right now. Work on it, polish it and resubmit. I'd love to see the potential of this mix realized. Right now this feels like a work in progress waiting for more ideas and polish. Good luck if you decide to work on it, but for now NO
  7. Yeah, I'm the newest mod and judge. Wish me luck. I look forward to trying to help the community as best I can.
  8. Hmm, very appropriate that the voting is split on this one so far. I'm torn on this one myself. For the same reasons mentioned so far. This is actually a medley, it has the Battle theme and also the dungeon theme from Phantasy Star, it's also in Phantasy Star 4 but I don't remember which track. Smooth transitions in and out of that section. Bonus points there. Arrangement is fine, and the combination of the two themes works for me. I do like the instrument selection here, however that high pitched bellish type synth got on my nerves after a bit. It's a bit sharp. Also like other zircon mixes, too much reverb for this kind of genre. Drumwork is pretty serviceable, although I like the orchestra hit usage. Decent ending. It's a fun mix that doesn't take itself too seriously and I think one that people would enjoy so.. YES
  9. It's a shame quinn has been on a hiatus for a while now and most likely will continue to be. This is almost a year old, yet I think has stood the test of time quite well. I never felt this was Qiunn's best compared to his recent 2 OC postings, but then again those were amazing. However, this has always been an immensely enjoyable mix and still is. Nice instrument selection that conveys the fun mood perfectly. Like some of his past mixes, a little too much reverb...but that's a personal issue. But really, there's no denying how fun this mix is. YES
  10. Please bear with me on my first vote. I concur with the statements made with this mix. I heard this while it was in the WIP and I'm glad to see some of the issues have been resolved. I know HappyBivouac likes his mixes loud and drenched in reverb. Unfortunately, the reverb here is much too much. If you want to use this much reverb, I think it might work better if you used some kind of depth with wet and dry ratios to simulate a more realistic approach. Strings and woodwinds more upfront and percussions in the back. Here everything sounds far away and slightly too distant. There are nice ideas here that feel unfulfilled. It needs more instrumentation. Very nice use of articulations throughout though, especially with the strings. I'm a sucker for tremelos. More instrumentation would have helped the mix. As protricity mentioned, it seems like there are only certain parts of an orchestra playing at a time. Frankly, I'm not sure what's with the ending parts with the painfully loud section being that loud. This is a minimalist orchestra that could have been so much more. HP's recent efforts are much better, and this one definitely shows it's age a bit. With HP's new found skills, this could definitely be submitted with more polished work and stand a much better chance. For now...NO
  11. This thread has been stickyfied.
  12. Here's the deal. We're going to be making sticky threads out of consolidated threads, threads that have reached this kind of level of prominence or those that are most helpful to a large section of this forum's readers/posers. Edit: Oh I see DJP is faster than I am.
  13. This perennial, fan favorite Remixing 101 thread has been made into a sticky. Please refer further Fruity Floops questions, tips, etc. in this thread.
  14. CotMM was this the mix you mentioned finishing on my SoM oc mix a few months ago? Definitely a lot of new ageish textures going on here. Starting off with lovely bell and string pads..It does remind me of the kinds of things I like to do and prefer. Like djp said, the spartan atmosphere going on here is pulled off beautifully, and does feel very appropriate given the tune you've mixed. Drumwork is excellent throughout. Nice chill feel. However I have to say as a personal bias, i'm not too crazy about the distortion/dirty feel to some of the hits. Minor little issue. I do like the drums much more later on though. The whole piece just glides in part thanks to the perfect instrument selection with the pads and bells. Good job on the arrangement throughout as well. I was going to actually do a mix of this myself at some point, but now given this superb rendition I don't think I will. Beautiful, chill and ethereal. This is definitely my favorite mix of yours cotmm.
  15. As I told you before, groovy.
  16. For soundfont pianos the best really are the ones rated highly at Hammersound. Also it does depend what kind of tone you're looking for. I personally like the pianissium (sp?), maganda and clavinova. I used pianissium on my Chrono Trigger and Xenogears mixes posted on OC. I really like the tone of pianissium, but I think it only has one velocity layer and it has a weird faint ringing tone. Another good one are the clavinovas at http://www22.brinkster.com/guraydere/ Remember the real trick with using piano is good sequencing not the samples. As for brass soundfonts, squidfont has some of the best ones.
  17. I'm going to cheap out on you shariq and just paste what I said at vgm. Very emotional from the beginning. Thanks to the harp playing. Enter the beautiful choir and string passages. Nice brass, sounds like it's muted. It works perfectly with this mix by delivering a powerful yet serene sense of grandness. At around the early 2 minute mark I would have liked the harp louder. The latter half of the mix is mostly, the theme which everyone recognizes. I love the drumwork and choice of drum and percussion. Excellent usage and choice. Great ending also. I think the reverb here is just a little too much. I know you like reverb, as do I. But I think slightly less would have worked better since I don't view this orchestral set up as a huge one. All in all, amazing work shariq. It has a very grand, yet intimate and serene style that's highlighted by emotionally charged harp sequencing. Excellent orchestral display in terms of understanding and instruments used. Great work!
  18. Yes, I noticed. No one answered the question per se, so I decided to step in since it was bumped already. ^^ From what I remember my favorite soundfonts were the ones by Ethan, Fluid, cadenza strings, squidfont, natural studio. I just deleted most of my soundfonts. I have only about 10 left now. These mostly consist of specialty soundfonts, I don't have the GM/collections anymore as I've upgraded to other stuff. The ones I still have are jv inertia, I used this in my Dezoris Winter mix here on OC. Also I like the roland orchestra percussion set, it's at Hammersound. It has some nice orchestral hits. The bennet asia 8850 soundfont is also nice if you're looking for asian percussion. Drums by slavo is nice if you can make do with one with alot of reverb processing. It works for that 80s sound.
  19. When I was using soundfonts before, I believe I saw both tubular bell and church bells at hammersound.
  20. This initially started out as an experimental mix for many various reasons. I am especially happy to see this mix up, if only because it sounds really different from my other mixes. I agree with DJP's comments about my Asian Twilight mix being better. Be sure to check that one out, as it didn't get enough reviews. ^_~ That one is technically my newest mix posted, although with new additions as is Dezoris. This mix is actually one of my older ones since some of my recent mixes are direct posts. One note to mention is that I am very mindful of the fact that I have been getting posted on OC a lot lately. These are the results of hard work and submissions over the summer. I feel very fortunate about getting my mixes up on OC like this. Thanks to djp and the judges. My submission rate has stopped since the summer and the ones I'm currently working on will take time - I simply want to make it clear that I'm not trying to hog the OC spotlight. Thanks for taking the time to comment everyone.
  21. I've heard the previous versions of this mix in the wip. I pretty much agree with everything mc has said about this mix. Great use of color, love the chords. Excellent performance and arrangement. I really liked the original version of this and you've done it justice. I have no complaints. Great work!
  22. Thanks for the postage djp. I am glad the hard work paid off with this resubmission. For my part, there certainly was some distance and perspective gained after the fuss, I'm sure it was the same for everyone else. But I'd also like to thank the judges/djp and the support I got with the first version as it was instrumental in helping me decide to work on this mix again. This is my least ambient mix, and for that, probably the most accessible. It's also my personal favorite mix of anything I've done or have posted on OC. So it's especially nice to see this up. Thanks for taking the time to comment everyone and for those who enjoy it, a second helping of thanks. ^_~
  23. Looks like another jam packed evening, Larry. Looking forward to the show.
  24. Great work as always! Two thumbs up.
  25. haha. sorry man, but there is a vast difference in quality between Miroslav and Squidfont i barely even use squidfont because it's nothing special. however, if i had miroslav, i'd be overwhelmed with happiness. unless that's not the point you were trying to make. uhh yeah This has been discussed somewhere before. If I remember from past threads squidfont is miroslav mini, or an edited version of it. Several people and even judges in the judging panel have also confused the two. A lot of the patches do sound alike. Of course the full miroslav version has more articulations and stereo patches, etc over squidfont.
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