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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. A little over a fifth of my entire music collection is from OCR, and of that, I've burned well over 30 mix CD's. Whenever I'm in the car (which isn't as often recently) I'm usually listening to an OCR CD. Whenever I listen to my iPod it's usually from an OCR-dominated playlist.

    My main draw to the music is that it's (free) high-quality instrumental music - mostly. I've come to enjoy some of the mixes with vocals in the last year, but I really like the instrumental stuff because it's good mood music, thinking music, writing music, etc.

  2. I had never listened to this one before, but it came up on the shuffle of OCRemixes of my iPod and it's now in regular rotation. I was astounded at seeing the post date of the mix being about 3 years ago, but it really has only been in the last few months that I've been getting into the vocalized remixes. Had this come up in the shuffle sooner then it may have accelerated my acceptance of these kinds of mixes - but it's never too late 'til you're dead!

    Rock on, Mr. Bopp!

  3. I have nothing intelligent to say.

    The mix kicks ass. I never imagined such a thing could be inspired by a game that is such a work of art. The game itself is subdued compared to most, but when you take on the colossi, all hell breaks loose. I feel kind of like this mix represents the hell-loosing aspect of the game while keeping the grace of the artistry in the viola.

    All I can really say is, *WOW*.

  4. I'm generally wary of mixes with vocals, but this is perfect. The lyrics are great, the instrumentation, the singing - as someone else mentioned previously, this is an instant classic. The mix embodies the spirit of OCR. I really like how the different themes are woven together, especially at 3:01. :) Makes me smile every time.

    Trenthian and Wolfe, awesome mix, great job!!

  5. when i was in middle school i did a lot with mario paint. i made my own animated movies, did a couple reports for school with it, even did birthday greeting videos for some of my friends. this song takes me back...

    in the intro i see a kid sitting down to start playing around in mario paint...when the cellos come in the lights begin to dim and the kids eyes begin to glow - as the electronics take over, the room is transformed into a barren world and mountains begin to grow and an ocean is poured as the child begins to create and his imagination takes him to places no one else can comprehend. at the end his mother is calling him to dinner so we return to the bookended original theme and he saves his work and turns off his SNES.

    that's what mario paint was for me...my first real canvas, my first window into personal expression.

    terrific job on the mix.

  6. I first downloaded this mix ... between '00-'02. I can't remember when. I was in college and was doing random searches for VG remixes (whenever it was it was way before I discovered OCR) and came across this mix. I don't remember the name of the file, but I still have it on a couple mix CD's never knowing to whom to attribute this mix until now.

    I was going through all the Zelda mixes I've dl'ed and recognized the beat and flute solo and was like, "Holy crap, it's that funky middle-eastern Zelda mix!" The flute reminds me of the middle east. At first I was stoked that it was actually from OCR and I figured it'd be by an unknown. But right there on the playlist it says "djpretzel". The facilitator of this site has stunned me once again.

    So why do I like this mix? The first few times I listened I didn't cuz I couldn't get past the intro. I honestly felt it was kind of lame. But then I listened to it all the way through and discovered it to be quite unique. I think the flute solo is what sells it. It just comes out of nowhere, and as I stated before it gives it kind of an ethnic feel. Somehow the story (or Legend I guess) of the Zelda games became that much more real to me in terms of imagining what it'd look like played out in real life.

    So I have no technical praise or anything except to say I like it a lot and it has some good memories attached to it.

    DJP, please continue to rock on.

  7. i've had this remix since it first came out and am only now doing a "review"

    not even a real review, just offering more encouragement to bazooie- - smashing job good sir (assuming you're a sir).

    i was skeptical of this at first...but there was always this undeniable...uh...hook or something...something that i couldn't ignore.

    i've come to conclude this is an example of a perfect electronic/synth song. the ambience - the reverb - the fluidity - i wish i had a fraction of these skillz

    i will be to the site to sample more of this delectable sonic cuisine...

  8. This is one of the coolest remixes I've heard in a while. The game itself hearkens me back to obscure yet pleasant memories of a short-lived friendship when I was 4 or 5 with a guy who seemed to have it all. Awesome room, awesome house, and he had a video game system! I guess it was a commodore or something...I don't know. But he played this game all the time - - anyway - - the MIX:

    it's repetitive but it's handled with the greatest of ease - it's a catchy melody i don't mind repeating especially with the variations of it each time it passes. the sound quality is top-notch, the use of the bookended sound effects is clever and perfect for creating an atmosphere conducive to enjoying the mix in the head of any child of the '80's arcades.

    Great first submission.

  9. Wow...the initial vocals made me kinda skeptical, but then it got going.

    VERY nice use of the gee-tar - shucks, of all the instrumentation (esp the rhythmic sheep!).

    It reminds me very much of the racing levels in Earthworm Jim.

    LOL - - the country skat...holy moley...first time I just fell out of my chair near about....

    Yes, this mix is excellent.

  10. WOW. Easily one of the best remixes on this site. This sounds like music from a deleted scene of The Blues Brothers. At first I was a bit skeptical (as I was when I first saw The Blues Brothers). But after the first time I realized, wow, something amazing just happened here. The second time around I noticed my foot was tapping and my head was bobbing the entire time.


  11. djp should've gone the extra mile and added "in D" to the end.

    i like the mellowness of the piece - it's peaceful, yet melancholy solemnity embodies the somber aspect of the zelda legacy.

    or looking at it from another perspective, it captures the tragedy of ganon (assuming there is any) - - ganondorf, who we assume was once good, has been marred by the desire for power...or something like that...

    okay..maybe the piece doesn't lend itself to that at all - i was just trying to come up with something unique..

    anyway - the blend of the melodies, instruments, harmonies - very well done. i hope to be able to do half as well as this someday.

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