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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Anyway.. I did a DDR workout today for ~45 mins, worked in some songs above my level to stress myself a bit. I think I'm gonna wait a couple weeks before hitting the gym just to get my body back into the swing of things.

    Back in '04 I became a DDR demon and lost ~70 lbs - from 230ish-160ish. I also drastically changed my diet as well, but I was doing...hmm...I was doing it on workout mode and with Maxx2 did the 20 song-in-a-row thing.

    My own progress report for this friendly fit competition though:

    So far this week I've done weight routines twice - once on Monday, once yesterday. I think I overdid it on Monday as I was still a bit sore yesterday so I toned it down a bit and I think I've found a groove, so to speak.

    On Tuesday I started the walk/jog part and did it again yesterday. However, I fear I overdid that as well on Tuesday as yesterday my legs were sore every time I'd go up and down stairs and I wasn't able to maintain a steady jog for any goodly amount of time. So I took today off. Tomorrow I'll go back to the lake and hit the irons. To tell you the truth, I don't know if it's psychological or what, but yesterday and today my pants felt a little looser...

  2. I used to watch The Screensavers every day, back when they were in a basement, and it was Patrick and Leo. I actually learned cool shit. Something... happened though, when they got a new set. It was the same show on the surface, but it just felt too different. Didn't feel right. Meh.

    It looks like Wayne's basement...but...that's not Wayne's basement...

  3. Currently reading:

    Pride & Prejudice ~ Austen

    1984 ~ Orwell

    Good Omens ~ Gaiman & Pratchett

    Have read this year:

    Ruthless Trust ~ Manning

    Anansi Boys ~ Gaiman

    Invisible Man ~ Ellison

    Cash by Johnny Cash

    Ender's Game ~ Card

  4. No prob. And really, I don't think anyone here will judge you if you put up a picture. But even if you don't want to post it publicly, you could take it, and then post it with your after picture at the end

    I would have to say I like that plan better.

  5. GOAL:

    Drop @ least 20 lbs - from 200 to 180. I'd really like to regain my singular chin and not have hybrid fowl/double. And I want to look sexy in my OCR shirt, not...like I do now.



    - Reduce fat intake (going for more skim milk in my coffee)

    - Reduce soda intake

    - Reduce junk food intake in general

    - Increase veggie consumption


    - Run at least 3 times a week around a nearby lake

    - Working out with weights every other day (routines found here: http://exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/a/weight101_2.htm?p=1)

    Thanks for the idea of getting this whole thing going. Aside from random posts and frequent lurking I actually feel like I'm getting somewhat involved in the community!

  6. After playing the PC "Special Edition" of Earthworm Jim (pretty much the same, just with that extra "Big Bruty" level and CD-quality music), I found it hard to go back to the consoles...

    Never gave EWJ2 much time (at the time it striked me as too different) and never played Boogerman at all, so I should get on those.

    Edit: If you're listening to the track above, wait around for the guitar solo. 8-)


    Is it possible to obtain the whole soundtrack?

  7. You wait until I've written code to generate the images from your profile data and djpretzel integrates that with the site. Then you go to said page, wherever it is (probably a link through your forum profile?) and see your shiny new images.

    Roger that.

  8. a couple years ago I spotted a guy wearing a shirt at Crabtree mall in Raleigh and said hey to him. I think he posted about it later.

    I used to work for Time Warner Cable and there's a guy who wears an OCR shirt every now and then. He said he didn't really know much about the site (or he didn't get on much - one of the two) but someone got it for him for his birthday.

  9. I never played this game so I didn't think of actually listening to the track until I saw it featured in that column posted about the top ten tracks from the Zelda games. After listening to the sample of the original theme from the game I was intrigued and immediately looked in my library and found this remix and I digs it muchly.

    Someone previously mentioned that the strings remind them of Bond, and I also am reminded of the stringed vixens.

    Two thumbs up on this one!

    EDIT: so much so that I made the first musical phrase of the melody my ringtone

  10. I've been sketching on a Red Canyon track for a while. It'll probably take a while before it's even on the WiP board, but at least it exists. There's a totally hilarious remix of Big Blue already on OCR, JJT did another. You should know these from the F-Zero page.

    Then there's Blind's F-Zero megamix, but I don't know where to find it atm.

    As for Metroid, there's a growing number of awesome Metroid remixes, this being a good example. The Metroid series is well represented, and there's more to come.

    By the way, which of the Maridia themes are you talking about?

    Oh yeah, I had nearly forgotten about the Blue Vacation...but I was kind of hoping for something...different. And good heavens...JJT's version is sublime. I guess what I really want is just the original soundtrack... But a remix that takes the theme and expands on it would be cool.

    I look forward to your Red Canyon mix.

    And I realize Metroid has a lot of good remixes, however I have this idea in my head of a smooth jazz rendition of Red Brinstar that could go well with both Maridia themes actually.

    First we hear the intro from Red Soil, but with low trumpets and sax with a syncopated ryhthm - this plays throughout almost the entire piece. Then...maybe a sax plays the flute part, jazzy though, and melancholy. Then it segues into the Rocky Underwater Area theme with the original flute part still being covered by a sax. Then it at some point the music seamlessly goes into the melody of the Drifting Sand theme.

    I'm thinking kind of a Dave Brubeck style, here, and since it's underwater it makes me think of the Arabian Dance from the Nutcracker as visualized in Fantasia...

    Hope that helps clarify a little..

  11. Has anyone considered doing an F-Zero album? It'd be interesting to hear what could be done with Big Blue and Red Canyon.

    And with Metroid, I know there's Relics of the Chozo, but the other day I got in my head a smooth jazz version of Red Brinstar and the Maridia themes from Super Metroid. So perhaps a smooth jazz Metroid/Super Metroid project could work?

  12. Video game music has always been important to me. Seriously, as a kid, I would put a tape recorder up to the TV speaker and record the background music, without playing, just so I could listen to it later on my "super-cool" walkman. :<

    I did the same thing! I was in 5th grade and really dug the SMB3 underground music so I got into level 1-whatever the first underground stage is and hit "record" on the ol' tape recorder. The next day I was the envy of my peers while waiting in the carpool line. Boo-yah!

  13. Put Paper Mario on the top of that list and you'll suddenly realize you wound up playing it through the whole break instead of going to the next game.

    yeah that's the thing...i really like it - i'm just now into chapter 2, but i'm somewhere between a 1/3 and halfway through DQ8 but i haven't played that since...crap, since May.

    i'm a little over halfway through colossus, and maybe 2/5 of the way through persia. crap, and i forgot metroid prime 2...i got #3 for the wii but haven't even started prime 2 yet...i'm so freakin' far behind on all this...

    hey blues - rock on w/the tattoo. i'm considering getting a second tattoo, just can't decide what it'll be. the triforce seems like a good idea......or some variant thereof.

  14. when i was 13 i blew $12 on the x-men arcade game and beat it.

    can't think of anything since then...oh, once i played through the GCN port of Metal Gear Solid and beat it in one sitting, taking my time.

    for spring break i aim to spend the majority, if not entirety, of each day devoted to one game i either haven't played in a while or haven't a chance to get a good start on so far

    the games are as follows:

    prince of persia and the sands of time

    twilight princess

    dragon quest VIII

    shadow of the colossus

    paper mario and the thousand year door

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