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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. I'm still in this! Well...more or less...haven't been able to do DDR in a couple weeks as a couple life changes have been taking up a lot of time, but I'm down to 175 - still watching what I eat - so from the beginning of this thing to now I've lost 26 lbs.

  2. Happy birthday, and thanks for all the fish! Er...remixes!

    Seriously, about 70% of my music library is comprised of OCRemixes. I really appreciate what you've done with this concept and website!

    Happiest of birthdays and congratulations on the engagement. :)

  3. Starting at 5:26 there's this crazy effect with an echo/reverb on the chimes (glockenspiel?) where it sounds like the echo is in surround sound; I can visualize the notes playing somewhere from distant parts in my head, not just in my ears where music is usually heard...

    How on earth is that achieved? It's wonderful!

    And overall I really dig the mix, that's just what sticks out as I listen to it now.

  4. CT - Dream of Zeal and Zelda 2 Temple Trance are two of the oldest remixes I still listen to regularly from when I first joined OCR in '02. Zeal in particular is one of my favorites that I played over and over and over again from '02-'03. I was going through a lot of crap and mixes such as this helped me chill out, relax, and keep things in perspective.

    I'm so sorry to hear he's down with this illness, but I will join in praying that this doesn't put him out.

  5. 8 or 9 minutes of intensive action is pretty much what was found in Terminator 1 or V for Vendetta and other movies.

    For a 60 minute film, you're gonna have 10 minutes of establishing the characters and world. There,s no way around it. So you are left with 50 minutes. You also need a conclusion, usually 5 minutes is enough, so you are left with 45 minutes of plot between the starting event and the denouement. he 8 minute action scene can be split in two 4 minutes action scene (especially since he uses flashbacks). You can split it up well: 14 minutes "not racing" 4 minutes racing 14 minutes not racing 4 minutes racing, and 9 minutes leading up to the conclusion.

    This seems like reasonable pacing, especially for an independent film that does not want the CGI to look like crap.

    Hmmm...good point.

    Pocketman, you have my words of support. Good luck! I'm looking forward to clips and such and when the time comes, the final product.

  6. There is gonna be about 8-9 minutes of actual car combat. Depends on the editing. However, we are gonna continue the fighting after the cars. Into more of a run around on your feet style of fighting.

    So 60-pg script = ~60 minute film? 8-9 minutes of car combat leaves 51ish for background on Sweet Tooth and then run around on your feet style-fighting. Maybe call it "Twisted Laces" instead?

  7. Czech Inn

    This week was rather hit-or-miss. I exercised with no degree of regularity - hit the DDR pad only a couple of times and I don't think even touched the weights. It was the last week of classes and there's some...other stuff going on, but I've been careful about eating I seem to have gotten my metabolism going well since I started this whole thing and I've still lost weight. At the end of this week I'm down to 184 - a 17 lb. loss from the beginning. Overall I'm feeling pretty good. This week and next are free of class and I aim to get back on the bandwagon with vigor - shooting for a drop to 180 by Saturday.

    I'm really glad you started this, Steben. I'm not sure I would have had the same motivation to get in and stick with it.

  8. Late Checkin:

    Last week was good until the weekend when I slacked a bit. Still maintaining the every other day weight training and 500-1000 calories a day on DDR (depending on time constraints).

    On Sunday and yesterday I did nothing, but was still careful about what I'd eat. Weighing in at 185 - 16 lb. loss from the beginning 'til now!

  9. Holy crap... I remember posting in this thread shortly after I first joined the site...about six years ago! My how time flies...

    I can't remember what I posted (though I suppose I could look...) but given that it's probably within the first 30 pages, if I'm repeating myself I doubt anyone will notice...


    The Jaquio from Ninja Gaiden.


    The Sand Serpent Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. I can't remember which # it is, but it was so freakin' hard, I eventually had to look up how to initially damage it on GameFAQ's.

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