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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Because everything's better if it's Japanian!

    Only because that's part of what makes the game even better - the player having to rely on subtitles makes one feel even less connected, more alone, which plays into the isolation of the story, making it all that more effective. The only friend, only companion in the story is Agro.

    Finding and fighting each colossus makes for a segmented story - chapters in the whole rather than a single arc, and that would most likely break up the flow of a film... unless we get a cheesy 80s montage of taking down all but the first and last.

    I concur, but that can be gotten over...somehow... What makes the game so affecting is not just the fights, but the searching for the fights - the whole "the journey is better than the destination" thing. And also seeing Wander's slow transformation as the spirits of the colossi inhabit him.

    No matter what, compromises/changes are inevitable, strictly by virtue of the differences in media - but it would take a thoughtful and intuitive (i.e.: good) storyteller to retell it in a way that would preserve the spirit of the story in the context of a film.

    Personally, I think the Hollywood execs are looking at the success of the Transformers movies and are searching for new ways to spin the big beasts novelty without blatantly ripping off an established franchise. They're not complete idiots, but if this is indeed the case, they're grossly misguided.

  2. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/40692

    Ummm...hmmm... I personally have mixed feelings on this. I would hope to preserve the integrity of the game they keep the (albeit minimal) dialogue in Japanese with a Japanese cast. And it'd be something if they could keep the dialogue minimal, too.

    However, I see a problem here that would also affect the making of a good Metroid movie, and that's how the protagonists are chiefly alone throughout 99.9% of the story. Wander does not need a wise-cracking sidekick or anything of the sort - but then again, how would a movie-ized version of the game play out? Which, of course, raises the question should it be done in the first place, which also begs the question of who the target audience is and the only logical conclusion I can arrive at is NOT fans of the game.

    Hmm...this'll be interesting...

  3. Well, you might want to directly contact Nekofrog, Sixto, TensaiSan, or any one of the guitar playing remixers I see here all the time. Nekofrog recently contributed to Malevolent Mansion with Audix, so s/he might be a good one to ask.

    Holy schneikes - I like and will treasure the mix as-is for ever and ever. Seriously. But if you were able to get Sixto to do the guitars for you on this sucka and do a steroid remix while somehow preserving the cleverness of the original - - well...that'd be something worth changing pants over.

  4. I think this mix is terrific. I'm ignorant of the technical stuff - though the guitars do sound different they don't bother me. The use of the Gameboy sounds is brilliant and make me smile every time. I like making mix CDs for people and I've put this mix on a couple already.

    I really like at 1:36, how the tone of the song completely changes with the piano and you hear the rock'n'chiptune stuff go underground. Then at 2:02 when the beeps come back in and the Tetris sounds at 2:09 - great way of bringing us back to the original tone that then wraps everything up quite nicely. :)

    I really like this remix.

  5. How did I miss this before? I've had it, but I haven't really listened to it. I have iTunes on random right now and that opening drumhit woke me up. The guitars sounded familiar, I ctrl+tabbed over and it's WICKED SIX! Sixto Sounds! Here I thought I had heard all his stuff and "random" hits me over the head with this piece of sonic awesomeness.

    The organ surprises me, but it works. I love hardcore, loud organ stuff and I love hard guitars. It's like putting chocolate and mint together in an ice cream that blows your head off with a sawed-off shotgun as you hurtle to the canyon floor from the highest heavens. But it's a holy shotgun and the solo at 3:21 breathes life back into you, causing a new head with WINGS to sprout from your necky stump and you go flying off into the setting sun where your body is vaporized but your essence becomes part of the universe.

    Yeah, I like this mix.

  6. I spent what felt like hours running around the little room chucking the level one boomerang at it trying not to get hit. Eventually it finished him off though. Definately one of the most stressful and as a result rewarding early game experiences I had.

    THAT is awesome. :) I mean, how many of us have had experiences like that?

    Well shoot, now that I'm thinking about it I can't recall a specific instance - ah, except maybe in Resident Evil 2 - the arms that reach through the windows of the police station...

    But perhaps a stronger memory is working through FF3(6) on the SNES when I moved to Georgia for six months (not knowing it would be six months). My family had just moved back to the town I grew up in two years before and I was coming into my own and didn't want to leave. Well, we did, and it was tough getting to know people so every night if I wasn't calling people back home I was immersing myself in the battle against Kefka. To date, it's the only RPG I've ever beaten.

  7. Hi all!

    Every year since 2005 I've thrown together some kind of Christmas video or another and this year it almost didn't happen. I've been concentrating my energies on my writing and was somehow inspired to compose my [highlight]first bit of Christmas-themed prose[/highlight]. I thought that was going to be it for my Christmas expressions this year as it's been rather hectic.

    However, the creative bug just kept at me and so I've produced this and would like to share it with all of you!


    Merry Christmas, OCR!

  8. I'm no OCR judge, but I like medleys done right - like Goat's Super Metroid - The Ice Beam Cometh. It's just over nine minutes long and rocks my face off, though it's never been released on OCR.

    I'm really appreciative of this MM9 mix, especially with the video (well-done, by the way!), as I'll never have a chance to actually play the new game. Mega Man was the first game I ever played on an NES so it has a special 8-bit wing in my heart.

    Thanks for posting, Fredde! Good luck with everything! I really dig your work!

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