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Everything posted by IrateResearchers

  1. moving it up again.
  2. As I've been waiting for a remix of this tune, I must say, I really like it once the music starts. Unsure what the opening robotic voice says at the start...
  3. I bump my own thread, because I want this so badly I just may resort to making it in PxTone.
  4. This challenge is simple: A blend of two very memorable villain themes. One from Cave Story, combined with one of Final Fantasy. The themes are: Battle on the Big Bridge (Gilgamesh FFV): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6asXGSCkLs&feature=related and Balrog's Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eZD5GkS9hM I believe it can be done.
  5. Hard to remix, but I'd like to believe the end result would be well worth it.
  6. I love this. The steady beat, the harsh intro. I especially enjoy how this makes it feel like the whole room is shaking with my speakers. (Making it the perfect song to see if that subwoofer is actually working.) I especially like how it ends at a point so it's easy to loop this... This will definitely keep you awake.
  7. REVIVAL. I will not let this die.
  8. I like how this listing deletes old threads.
  9. I find it hard NOT to like a song with a nice beat, great guitarwork, and several rhythms I can follow.

  10. Fire Cross and Strike of the Devil's Axes. I must say I admire your music ability. Loving the latest one too.

  11. Why is it, ma'am, that I can't go a day without listening to a remix of yours?

  12. Weapon of Choice. Chris Walken can DANCE.
  13. I can't let this thread die... not yet.
  14. Yes, yes it is. Mysterious machine myself.
  15. http://www.animeforum.com/showthread.php?t=71408 Anime forum. one of the few googled translations that others linked to on other spots.
  16. well, an additional layer or two that has the same beat to it, possibly some soft background noise, like a trance synth. that'd get quite lively.

  17. Roar of the Departed Souls deserves to be here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbeGTgt0RWQ&feature=related I found the translation, and love it more.
  18. seconded. Add Awakening the Chaos too...
  19. That's some nice beats there! Is that one a WIP?

  20. Flyleaf vs Legion of Doom. I'm So Sick. because it's on a machinma.
  21. I'm currently browsing Blazblue tracks, guilty gear, and OCremix on three different tabs. no particular order. on MOTOR HEAD now.
  22. Indeed I have. And I enjoy both greatly.
  23. Playing through Lost Odyssey, I noticed a couple tracks that are quite untouched by remixers. while there are emotional tunes, I am a fan of fast beats. Or dark tunes. So here are my requests for remixing. An Enemy Appears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAFmefU6DKM&feature=related Battle Conditions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZX5yRvBblA&feature=related A Mighty Enemy Appears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3tr3NmURLQ&feature=related Mysterious Machine of the Demon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtbfTOWLXh0&feature=related
  24. damn you... now I'm going to have nightmares from concepts... AGAIN.
  25. And then I revived the thread.
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