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Everything posted by IrateResearchers

  1. Hello as well! Glad to see someone who also prefers music away from the mainstream.

  2. This made me snicker, although I should have expected it. DarkeSword, you said it better than I could... Well, if you are deviating from mainstream, Obtuse, I look forward to your works!
  3. Blinx didn't elicit one either...
  4. one is pronounced bASS while the other is pronounced bACE. also, I blame a typo.
  5. Can you do Drum and Base too, Obtuse? your style list shows many I like.
  6. a roll like a bread roll? Now I want to bake a bread roll with piano keys.
  7. Has anyone mentioned that on Internet Explorer (How I loathe thee), the menus that pop up appear OVER the section links, but on Mozilla Firefox, they don't? this makes it hard to click the section links, although I have found a way to click them even with the menu blocking the links.
  8. No, it isn't Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross. It's Blinx. What this is a challenge for is for an untouched game's music to be remixed. I'm not sure if you heard of Blinx. He was intended as the Xbox mascot, similar to Sonic or Mario. He was a cat who controlled time. Of course his difficult game with its time puzzles couldn't match the shootfest known as Halo, and Master Chief took the ring as the Xbox mascot. That said, Blinx (not the sequel) was a fun game with some very nice music. For instance: Forge of Hours http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNo5kH8iyQs&feature=related Mine of Precious Moments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoPIRqpkpg4&feature=related Everwinter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32GIi-VFfRc&feature=related Time Square http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a0eXREDEHQ&feature=related Tom Tom Attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQ-qH9c2bg&feature=related I have one from the second, which was, in my opinion, one of the coolest tracks in the game. Stealing from the Time Factory (I apologize. nobody has a decent sound quality of it.)alas, few have played this game. (although the sequel was insanely easy compared to the first one.) I don't expect many to know of it. There is so much that can be done for this music here. Electronic, techno, rock, metal. all of those styles would be awesome.
  9. I see landscapes, scenes, figures, fortresses, storms. all sorts of things formed by music.
  10. Der Meister - Rammstein. Stand My Ground - Within Temptation Wrapped in Black - Sonic Rush in that order. it's kinda cool.
  11. I also apparently kill threads... this doesn't please me at all.

  12. Steampunk pilot, not that anyone cares... I will be buying the goggles today.
  13. And I simply have no clue who comes here...

    Edit: Obtuse, SpecialAgentBoB Fratto, Level 99, Halc, jmr, Gollgagh, Willrock, OCRE, DesertDweller, Esker, and LuketheXjesse did!

    (Yes I update this)

  14. The Jurassic Park Sega genesis OST for the Visitor Center level.
  15. I'd try something, but all I know how to play is the Bass Drum...
  16. Thank you Prophet. I am pleased to be here. Gollgagh: my sister said the same thing. It would be the former.
  17. I would dearly love to hear this theme otherwise known as "Jungle Strike Theme" or "Intro" to be remixed.There are a total of zero Jungle Strike mixes here (I've searched) I have no real suggestion for genre. While I like Drum and Bass, as well as rock, it isn't everyone's favorite style, so choose whatever you suppose is a better style. I'd still love to hear this great theme given some new life, regardless.
  18. Well, for my introduction. I go by Irateresearchers. I've downloaded tons of content from this site, as well as led others to it long before joining. I would be a gamer, artist (so they say), and a writer. I also tend to use ellipses far to often. I've followed the site since "Voices of the Lifestream." My favorite music would be DnB, Rock, Acoustic, and Techno. My favorite games would be: Total Annihilation Command and Conquer (Gold Edition) and Red Alert Starcraft Final Fantasy IV,V, and VI Warcraft III Thunderforce II Jungle Strike Half-Life 1 and 2 Metroid Prime and lastly World of Warcraft... Not in any particular order. I dislike debating over religion or politics, because it tends to make people hate me. I do like talking about Warhammer 40k (tabletop). I have a love of fiction, preferrably fantasy and sci-fi, and would be happy to discuss recent novels. I enjoy vocaloids too, but I like OC Remix music more. My only experience (sp?) in musicmaking would be Garageband (which wasn't that lovely.) That about covers it. Geez... that was only four times bigger than I'd hoped...
  19. You know, there's been no remix for Jungle Strike either (I know someone here must have played it too...) And I've only seen a mix for 'mountain' of Jurassic park, even though 'Visitor Center' BEGS for a remix update.
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